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Everything posted by oldmagicfan

  1. oldmagicfan

    Major props to the "Fire Brian Hill Crew"!

    My sentiments exactly Ghost! Where is he coming from? The three he mentioned have done none better and maybe even worse for their prospective teams. JJ almost went to Utah. They wanted him. And your right, with te right coach and team he would shut up Tony Jones. He is a loser writer.
  2. It doesn't make a difference what nbamagic has to say. He is just blowing smoke up everyones arse. Be patient...hill will be gone. Anyone with any real intelligence knows this.
  3. oldmagicfan

    I am BOOING Brian Hill Tonight

    Present both huh. Well you stated the talent we have and the moves that were made to acquire this talent. Let me ask you this? Why does are team rank so low in TO's, free throw shooting etc.? Why does our youg talent that you mention sit the bench? Why do our starters consistently put us in the hole game after game after game? Oh I know!!!!! We have a compentent coach. Thanks you have already answered my question.
  4. Even though it was a great idea, and something has to be done, posting an Email is really not a good idea. He would get so many he will never take the time to answer legit ones. Believe me he knows what the the fans feel. If he doesn't then he isn't doing his job. I am a BHill hater but Oatis is showing class by letting him finish the season. If truth be known, Hill is making it easier to be replaced.
  5. oldmagicfan

    3-point shot as an option?

    Did he really say that? He put down one of his players to the media!!! JJ can't stay on this team he will be ruined. Who the F*** is Bhill anyway? A losing coach where ever he goes. Did he get asked to coach the world or olympic team, even as an assistant defensive specialist? I hope JJ doesn't take to heart that he is a lousy defender..he is considered a lousy for the obvious reasons,....period! I am giving up my season tickets..now.
  6. oldmagicfan

    Will Brian make adjustments?

    I think there both wrong an besides what does 4000 post have to do with a persons opinion? They both sound like they love the magic to me. So let it be. And back to the subject. Bhill will not make the adjustments, he never has. What was that quote from the past about we didn't have to worry about adjustments from Bhill!
  7. oldmagicfan

    Will Brian make adjustments?

    JJ's Rotaional mistakes...now that's funny!! All year I have been watching a team get beat and it is because JJ makes rotational mistakes??? Mind you, Military Mistake, it would be different if JJ played for NC or another of your favorite teams, but he was coached by one of the best defensive coaches in the nation...you know the guy whose coaching the FIBA and Olympic team. I can assure you JJ knows how to rotate on defense...no matter whose dumb system it is. His IQ is very high on and off the court. I am sure he can catch on pretty quickly. Let me explain this to you....everyone gets beat on defense...ah...thats how the other team scores...understand that so far? It is when it happens repeatedly that it becomes a liability...you know like Jameer does. Newbies your all alike. I don't mean as a poster just as a fan Military.
  8. oldmagicfan


    Well the Wizards announcers were very impressed with JJ's defense. I am at a loss for the way he is used. He is very impressive with the BB IQ., the sweetest jumper that can be seen, ( did his shot even touch the net on the way down), his defense has been above average, his TO's are almost nill. So what does keep him out of the games? Bogan's doubled his minutes last night and had almost the same stats. Alright, I undertstand he was inserted for defense at first but why did he keep playing when JJ should of been in? No second half minutes again and we almost collapsed and threw the game away again?? I agree, use him or lose him.
  9. oldmagicfan

    Interesting tidbit

    I think JJ is that good and could be an allstar in the right setiing and with the right team. I think he brings many intangibles to a team. Just because he is a skinny white guy doesn't mean he is all star material 37% is pretty dam good considering is never allowed to get into rythm or when he is our wonderful PG ( last game) won't pass him the ball. All JJ would need is a game where he would make 4 out 5 from the 3 point line and he would be shooting well over 40%. Again stats are misleading.
  10. oldmagicfan

    This is a TEAM game, so that means.....

    I just have to shake my head on 30 assists response. Sorry 30! But because of that learning curve ( 77 games) we may not make it into the playoffs. Indiana has it pretty easy here on out. Too many losses this year "because he is still learning on this level" how many times do you have to taught not to always take the last shot of the game? His job is to find the open man and not to dribble the dam ball for 18 seconds of the clock. I really believe he just does not have what it takes to be a starter in the NBA. His shot selection and his defense is just terrible.
  11. oldmagicfan

    If Jameer Nelson were your best friend.....

    Hessman22 was that a rhetorical question? Yes, he should be blamed because he does have the ball in hands most of the time. He is failing as a PG and a team player. I am not a big fan of any of the PG's but maybe they just have to be told to pass the ball and get "every team mate involved". Dooling is starting to mirror Nelson and Arroyo.
  12. oldmagicfan

    Redick and other Magic Franchise Issues

    His guy never scored on him! And he turned the ballover during a drive to the basket, he passed the ball to Battie who was not expecting it. Nope, he played bad. Missed his only shot and only made two free throws. I wonder who they scored those 111 points on?
  13. I have to agree that the players have to take over the games to a point. But still, they need to have a coach who subsitutes properly. If Ariza is our man then why wasn't he in there in overtime to guard Pierce. Hedo is not a good defender..period. They didn't score those 100 points on Trevor and JJ. And Grant is a veteran and so is hedo so how did they help us at the end of the game?
  14. oldmagicfan

    Jameer Not The Answer!

    Jameer is clearly tring to be "THE HERO" every game and thats not going to happen. He reads the paper and he knows the management, writers and fans are questioning his abilities. So now he has that I will show them attitude. The team can do it if they play like a team. Pass the more and quit driblling so dam much.
  15. Why not use your 90% free throw shooter earlier? Not with 40 seconds to go. The Celtics new what he was in there for and the were all over him. Why didn't they run a better play to free him up? Poorly executed but poorly planned.
  16. oldmagicfan

    JJ is here

    Its hilarious to read Charlie Rosens comments on "How the Magic almost lose". "Because J. J. Redick missed a couple of wide-open, potential game-clinching treys." Oh My...this kid gets a chance and misses two shots and he gets criticized. 33 games 500 minutes and he suppose to make everything he shoots. Never a mention on any of his other contributions. It is sad but it is the scrutiny he has always been under. JJ you played well and did what you needed to do. You do make the games more fun to watch and you will hit a game winner before it is all over.
  17. oldmagicfan

    Brian Hill is nothing but an arrogant troll

    I have to agree with you magicman. He does appear to be changing somewhat. Why? maybe that is important question and maybe not. But I was sure he was going to pull JJ because it missed two 3's and maybe he should have been pulled because he might have been tired, but he played him during the crunch time and those 2 fould shotd he made were huge. If he would have missed teh knicks could have still tied the game with a 3. I still think he needs to be replaced but has done something different in the two wins.
  18. oldmagicfan

    Is Jameer a team cancer?

    I understand what your saying Hutch. I am not sure why Otis puts up with it except maybe the obvious. He wants to sign Dwight to a long term contract and he looks as if he is keeping Jameer around to appease dwight. Thats Bhill for you and thats why he needs to be replaced. he refuses to change. Otis and Hill know what they are doing even though it is wrong.
  19. oldmagicfan

    Welcome to consistent minutes, JJ and Keyon!

    Actually it was pretty obvious that Ariza never passed the ball to JJ but did you notice JJ passing to Ariza on the fast break! JJ is a comsumate team player. He will do what it takes to win. But the team still has to make him part of the offense. Hie said after the game that he didn't have too many looks. I agree but his play made a difference in many ways.
  20. oldmagicfan


    Three of the names mentioned were Dukies and teher is a reason for that. Coach K demands that you become a leader especially when you are a captain and all three were. Coach K lead by example and expected his captains to do the same. They have no fear in directing players and I am sure they have no fear in asking and demanding that the players give there all. JJ is not a quitter and unless bhill stripped him of all his self pride he will always be a leader on what ever level thet allow him to have.
  21. oldmagicfan

    On Cold Pizza this morning.......

    Well I am glad those reporters are so open minded. I am sure one game from the all time 3 point shooter and etc. Would determine the next ten to 15 years of his life. Makes sense too me. JJ is not the next MJ but he his certainly more then what they label him as. Oh, is it his fault he doesn't play more?
  22. oldmagicfan

    Napoleon almost fight a fan(after Bobcats game)

    Thats funny Sky but your point is well taken. No doubt the veterans have made to be felt as they are invincible. Why not they never lose their minutes. But this does go back to the coach at some point and time. I am afraid bhill is not done being called a frickin idiot and worse.
  23. oldmagicfan

    Scouting JJ Redick

    Now and then would be an improvement. It is strange they would rather lose then pass him the ball. That is why the group with Diener..and bite my tongue...Garrity flow so well. They pass to the open man. Their garbage minutes are about letting everyone be involved and having fun. Have you noticed when the insert JJ they always make a run. Why? Its not because he scores everytime but because he is smart enough to take what is given.
  24. oldmagicfan

    Any 10-Day Contract suggestions at SG?

    Good answer undisputed!!!! I can't believe someone would actually think we need a D league ten dayer ?????????? Must be new and never reads teh board or watches a game. Bhill cousin maybe?
  25. oldmagicfan

    Napoleon almost fight a fan(after Bobcats game)

    I agree. No one should be called a "frickinidiot" and I am sure it was out of frustration of the fans as well, but like you said he gets paid millions to have shut ears. He is a a public figure. Trouble is we all know why the fans feel that way. But still wrong to call people names. But it isn't any different then Artest going into the stands. He should be reprimaned for his actions as he is a representive of the Magic organization aand the city of Orlando.