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A Better DJ & Photographer

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A Better DJ & Photographer last won the day on May 30

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About A Better DJ & Photographer

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    Pro wedding DJ-videographer and concert and wedding photographer

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    Central Florida
  • Interests
    Music, Michelle, photography, basketball, bowling in that order

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  1. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 NBA Summer League Thread

    Last season the PG mentor he had was Fultz, who doesn't take the shot. This year it's gonna be Cole, who is ALWAYS willing to take the shot.
  2. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    A lot of guys come into the league with skills, but don't have an NBA body. He's gonna be great this year.
  3. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Cole has had some really good games. He needs to learn how to be a benefit when his shooting isn't on. Less shots, more team ball!
  4. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    In hindsight there are a couple of guys we could have had in the 2nd round that would have been great for us. Kessler and Herb Jones.
  5. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    We are slowly locking in out team of the future! JI & FW locked in for 5 years, Suggs next, then Paolo. There's a solid starting 4 for years to come providing JI continues to be playable.
  6. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Even though we didn't make a lot of moves, the moves that we did make were smart. This is how I see it; Our starting 5 with KCP will be even better on D than last year. Nothing against Harris, but KCP plays like Suggs. I think KCP will get a lot of 3 point opportunities too. With Harris on the 2nd squad he will get his shots a lot more often. Also our 2nd squad defense is going to improve by subtraction of Jingles. We have a solid team that can continue to grow together. Hopefully we'll see improvement across the board, a breakout from AB, Jett, Caleb, or TDS, and Franz getting his shot back. I would still consider trading WCJ and Cole for a 2 way starting PG, but we may also be surprised by Jalen stepping up and becoming a much better playmaker.
  7. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    There are lots of guys we could trade for, but unfortunately everybody wants somebody from our core. I think if we could have traded for someone good without wrecking our core we would have.
  8. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I agree on offering Joe a coaching position. When you can no longer run full speed up and down the court it's time to coach or be an announcer.
  9. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I'd take them 3 out 3 every time, but I think I'm higher on Goga than a lot of Magic fans are. Glad we got Mo back, he's one of my favorite players.
  10. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I'm guessing that the FO attempted to trade for Murray but Atlanta probably insisted on getting Suggs. Suggs would be the best possible scenario next to Trae.
  11. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    WCJ, Cole, and Harris for CJ. I'd throw in some 2nds too!
  12. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Whatdya'll think about WCJ, Cole, and Harris to NO for CJ? Suggs, KCP, Franz, Paolo, Goga AB, CJ, TDS, JI, Mo Still would need a 3rd string PG and C
  13. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    He'll be coming off the bench this time and maybe we'll use him correctly? He's a shooter, and we need to get him his shots. Either that or we are shipping Cole out as part of a trade.
  14. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Every teams' fans on REALGM were hoping to get Goga. Is IHart 3 1/2 times better?
  15. A Better DJ & Photographer

    2024 Off-season Thread

    WCJ and Cole for CJ?