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do you know the truth about heaven and hell?

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The good news is that about 2000 years ago Jesus Christ(God the Son) paid for everyone's sins or wrong doing by dying on the cross and rising from the dead after three days.


Jesus Christ had to be both God and man because He is sinless and therefore He is the only person who can get us into Heaven when we die because He is the only One who could pay for our sins.


The Holy Bible says, "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God(The Father) raised Jesus Christ from the dead, you will be saved." {Romans 10:9}


You should not wait until later to get saved because you may die before you get another chance and you will miss Heaven.


The Holy Bible describes Heaven as a beautiful place where people live forever with no death, sorrow, sickness and pain. {Revelation 21:4}


Hell is described as a place of suffering forever for all those who are not saved. {Matthew 13:50}


If you want to be sure you will go to Heaven after this life is over just pray a meaningful prayer like the one below with your mouth and from your heart right now to God and you will be saved.


Dear God I want to be saved. Dear Jesus Christ Son of God I want to make you my personal Lord and Savior. Please forgive me of my sins or things I have done wrong in my life. Thanks Jesus Christ for taking my punishment for my sins by shedding your sinless blood on the cross and dying for my sins. Jesus Christ I now confess you as my Lord and believe in my heart that God(The Father) raised you from the dead. Amen.


If you just allowed God to save you then welcome to the family of God because you are now a Christian on your way to Heaven.


Please copy and send or email this message to your friends and family so they can have a chance to be saved.

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The good news is that about 2000 years ago Jesus Christ(God the Son) paid for everyone's sins or wrong doing by dying on the cross and rising from the dead after three days.


Jesus Christ had to be both God and man because He is sinless and therefore He is the only person who can get us into Heaven when we die because He is the only One who could pay for our sins.


The Holy Bible says, "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God(The Father) raised Jesus Christ from the dead, you will be saved." {Romans 10:9}


You should not wait until later to get saved because you may die before you get another chance and you will miss Heaven.


The Holy Bible describes Heaven as a beautiful place where people live forever with no death, sorrow, sickness and pain. {Revelation 21:4}


Hell is described as a place of suffering forever for all those who are not saved. {Matthew 13:50}


If you want to be sure you will go to Heaven after this life is over just pray a meaningful prayer like the one below with your mouth and from your heart right now to God and you will be saved.


Dear God I want to be saved. Dear Jesus Christ Son of God I want to make you my personal Lord and Savior. Please forgive me of my sins or things I have done wrong in my life. Thanks Jesus Christ for taking my punishment for my sins by shedding your sinless blood on the cross and dying for my sins. Jesus Christ I now confess you as my Lord and believe in my heart that God(The Father) raised you from the dead. Amen.


If you just allowed God to save you then welcome to the family of God because you are now a Christian on your way to Heaven.


Please copy and send or email this message to your friends and family so they can have a chance to be saved.

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Im apart of Christian surfers, and all threw out spring break at Daytona Beach they had a bunch of college kids my age trying to save me if I wasn't Christian. Every 2 feet I stepped, one came up to me. Anyways I was happy to see them out their. Their is just one problem. Once I told them I was Christian they walked away from me and didn't want to talk to me any more. Just because I am Christian dosent mean I am fine in my life, and I don't need help. Some Christians out their need help, and need to be talked to. So for every one of them just to walk away from me , really got to me. They where out on their own agenda. Its a good thing they where doing, but don't forget your own.

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You know, I used to be a Devil Worshiper, but your post on orlandomagiczone.com successfully converted me to Christianity. Good job!!!


Seriously, there's a time and a place for everything...

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Originally posted by TheDarkSide:

Im apart of Christian surfers, and all threw out spring break at Daytona Beach they had a bunch of college kids my age trying to save me if I wasn't Christian. Every 2 feet I stepped, one came up to me. Anyways I was happy to see them out their. Their is just one problem. Once I told them I was Christian they walked away from me and didn't want to talk to me any more. Just because I am Christian dosent mean I am fine in my life, and I don't need help. Some Christians out their need help, and need to be talked to. So for every one of them just to walk away from me , really got to me. They where out on their own agenda. Its a good thing they where doing, but don't forget your own.


Yeah, I agree TheDark! I was hammered walking down A1A when this hot chick(well maybe I had beer goggles on) came up to me and asked if I was saved. I told her no and she followed me to my hotel room to pray. we'll to make a long story short, we started drinking and before you know it she was all over me! I pulled out my Kobe Bryant guide to sexual relations book and in no time we were having "consensual" relations! Sorry you had a hard time getting laid but they were there for me! I AM SAVED!

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Originally posted by WPMagic:

I pulled out my Kobe Bryant guide to sexual relations book and in no time we were having "consensual" relations!




LMAO, That is so wrong!!

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Originally posted by WPMagic:

I'm afraid this thread has gone askew of the original posters intentions.


If we cant talk about getting hammered then plowing a girl Kobe style, is this thread really worth having?

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