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Everything posted by AMG16

  1. AMG16

    Shoe Collection Anyone....

    Not sure if this has been posted before, but thought it would be cool for all of us to post up our shoe collections....
  2. AMG16

    FearTheBeard Fun/Charity

    Anyone going to the game? If so Chant #FearTheBeard tonite rite before tipoff & wen the #Hawks are shootn free throws! Spread the word lets get loud Orlando
  3. Just wanted to give everyone the heads we have launched a fun charitable FearTheBeard campaign on twitter @Orl_MagicBeards. We are currently working on printing Ts with our FearTheBeard which we will be selling off our site. 100% of the profit we will be donating to a Orlando Magic foundation. So please be sure to follow us on twitter and show some love. We are also going to be giving away playoff tiks as well. Thanks for everyone's support in advanced!
  4. AMG16

    FearTheBeard Fun/Charity

    appreciate the feedback! We were on AceAndDoc on ESPN 1080AM yesterday trying to promote the cause! Twitter-Orl_MagicBeards
  5. AMG16

    FearTheBeard Fun/Charity

    Got the FearTheBeard Ts in Lets go Magic!!!!!! http://yfrog.com/h825thbj
  6. AMG16


    Be sure to follow us on twitter with your beard prgression lol @Orl_MagicBeards
  7. AMG16


    I think im in on this one..even though its not the best look for clients lol
  8. what is Dwight just wants a spot out in LA to live off season ?
  9. AMG16

    Dwight Howard Summer 2012

    that doesn't even look rite lmao!
  10. AMG16

    Otis is trying one more time

    Id rather see Arenas start and Billups back him up..
  11. Entire team needs to do that above... they just dont look like they having fun at all out there...
  12. Magic by +5 see y'all at the game!
  13. AMG16

    Shoe Collection Anyone....

    NICE...Luvn the Penny's and the Shaq's!
  14. but with those facts it means we lose to Shard and the Wizards!
  15. AMG16

    OT: Anyone want to join an NBA 2K11 Crew?

    Oh so y'all are actually using the players you created for this crew? sorry i love 2k11 play it all the time but never messed with the crew part or anything
  16. AMG16

    Playoff Tickets

    I think they go on sale to season ticket holders first and they from what i know have to buy all the rounds and tickets up front.
  17. AMG16

    OT: Anyone want to join an NBA 2K11 Crew?

    I'm down to join...is the C position D12 lol?
  18. AMG16

    Shoe Collection Anyone....

    hahahahah wow everyone sponsored by Adidas or something lol.....all these bball fans we gotta have some chow collectors
  19. AMG16

    Lebron Taking Thurs Game Very Seriously

    Durant may had shut Bosh up for a few lol... http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/truehoop/miamiheat/news/story?id=6074794
  20. AMG16

    Official Game Thread: Magic @ Grizzlies

    Looking good...This should be a good game tonight!
  21. AMG16

    Shirt Company

    That is correct but the player himself i would say can sue you if they choose or may want a percentage if it became something (which they deserve and i wouldn't min paying if i was gonna make that much) that we were making mone y on since you are making money off Dwight or any other magic players likeliness. I will be having them printed somewhere
  22. AMG16

    Shirt Company

    My wife is a amazing graphic designer and we came up with a few t shirt designs for the Magic and a few of the players. Now if we are making them to wear ourselves do i still need to get permission to use the players likeliness or do i only need to worry about that if we begin selling them for a profit? And if we do go about selling them who and how do i contact so we dont get sued in any way to get the permission? thanks for the help in advanced!
  23. AMG16

    Weakest Position on Team?

    The Defense potions!
  24. AMG16

    Shirt Company

    thanks for the response but i was talking more like using the players on the shirts , kinda like the ones they had selling in Orlando that said Matt banes will kill you with his face, don't you have to have permission to use there likeliness or something?