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Catman last won the day on December 1 2015

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About Catman

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    Sidney Green = GOAT

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  1. You are a master of the derail and petty attack. The funny part is that you are so focused on arguing something, anything, that you are basically reinforcing the fact that Victor's shooting is so bad this year that Regression is not even the best word to describe it in your mind. It's fun for you to attack people's intelligence when you are mad, that has been abundantly obvious for a long time. Ive said it before, if you want to talk down to someone over and over again on message board, would it not be easier to take this offline? Feel free to PM if you want to continue to the petty stuff.
  2. Again if that was true he wold probably not be responding to every post I make down to attacking semantics.
  3. Of course, I did that on purpose so the argument would end. Everyone googles the same. If I had posted my definition he would have argued that. It's amazing how he has to pick apart every post I make now after dedicating half a page to expiating how he did not care what I thought at all.
  4. Like I said - he is arguing semantics. Using the term regression gets the point across just fine unless you are just looking for a petty argument.
  5. I would love to see it. Contrary to some people's belief here I would like to see our guys play well.
  6. Regression is a return to a former or less developed state. You want to argue everything now that I post ,even the semantics of it? This has become extremely petty.
  7. Please man. Your entire agenda is trying to make me look foolish for my reasoning on why Oladipo was benched. I get it - you have so much faith in victor that you think you can increase his 3 point shooting by more than 15% this month. And maybe he can, but it's a reach right now. That's just the reality. I'm sure you can agree with that.
  8. Yes I saw that. But his shooting has regressed sharply this season. He is 26% over 2 months and we expect him to hop to 41%? Its a tall order.
  9. That's 43% which would be a career high for him. It's amazing that you will gleefully attack any mistake in stats I post, yet follow it up with something like this.
  10. And then you wrote about it for 5 paragraphs. No comprehension needed. If you don't care you don't respond. Especially for that long.
  11. I take plenty of responsibility and have posted a lot of things that are correct. You post GIFs and write 5 paragraphs about why you don't care what I think yet continue to respond to everything I post. Cray how you can criticize anything I post, but can't see how you blatantly contradict yourself at times. Whatever makes you feel better. It's very clear you do care what I think or you would ignore my posts and not spend so much time writing detailed responses. Victor is shooting his FTs better than I posted. That was an incorrect stat on my part. This numbers were wrong. It came from this thread I was reading -
  12. If this number are wrong then Ill go look again. This was posted elsewhere. If he is shooting well from FT line thats great. I think the fact that he is showing very poorly from 3 and has a low FG% is the main point and the reason he was benched.
  13. I didn't do anything. The numbers I post that you guys claim I manipulate are copied from other Magic forums. So you can take issue with them. It does appear that the formatting was screwed up and the FT numbers were off. That is good. Anyway, we are back at that point of arguing sample size, if the numbers are right, saying I made them up, then it will go to one guy saying he doesn't care what I think while contradicting himself and typing 5 paragraph rebuttals to anything I say. Main thing I have always focused on is the 3pt % and the FG%. Both are bad and both are why he is not starting right now. And let's be clear, you argued that Fournier starting at SG over Dipo was stupid and gave me grief about it before. And in another thread you made your matter of fact claim that Frye would never start over Oladipo. So I understand that you want to keep content going and argue all the time over anything since you were incorrect about those two things. Or maybe you just like petty arguments, I don't know.
  14. That's a nice GIF but irrelevant since the numbers are right above you.