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The Road to the White House

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It is sad bhnole, but I think you are right. The way money is the dominating factor in our presidential elections. And the way our choices are framed by the corporate media. I also think that Obama is the best viable choice at this point. I wish he was as great a man as MLK, but who in this day and age is.


I dont think that Edwards is done yet. The South Caroling primary will determine that. I still have hope for him, but its dwindling fast.

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Good thing America was founded unlike any other country as a country in which the people are trusted to make their own decesions and the gov't isn't supposted to interfere.


So then why do you support a party that wants to say who can and can't get married? A party who legislated sexual acts? The party that tells a woman what to do with her body?

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Originally posted by WPMagic:

Good thing America was founded unlike any other country as a country in which the people are trusted to make their own decesions and the gov't isn't supposted to interfere.


So then why do you support a party that wants to say who can and can't get married? A party who legislated sexual acts? The party that tells a woman what to do with her body?


Trusted to make their own decisions? So that's why they tell you what substances you can and cannot use without logic behind their reasoning. You can buy alcohol and cigarettes which kill hundreds of thousands of people in this country every year, but 800,000 people are arrested every year in the U.S. alone for using marijuana. A substance way safer than both alcohol and tobacco and one that hasn't killed a single person in the history of it's existence nor has there been a single case of lung cancer contributed from smoking it. This plant has been proven to have so many medical benefits yet the politicians ignore the facts because the pharmaceutical industry are on all their d*cks.


They don't want us have medicine that works and we can grow for free. Then how would they make their money from all the pills they are pushing.

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And if you don't believe me, why have none of these republicans tried to back up their statements on medical marijuana. They have been offered $10,000 each if they can prove what they have said is true. Don't you think they would want an extra $10,000 just for backing up what they said? They haven't responded because they LIED.


Please check out the challenge at this site.



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Education reform.

Healthcare reform.

Social Security.

Defense spending.


Let's stick to the issues that actually matter in this election.


(disclaimer: there are others, but these are the ones I am most concerned about. I may fall on the conservative side when it comes to certain moral platforms, but no US President will ever be able to change the existing policy. So, it is a waste of time to be campaigning on it. We should stick to the what matters and what can be changed.)

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Problem is that things might get a little better here and there, maybe not, but all in all those are all problems presidents have been trying to "fix" for decades. It just won't happen, that's how sad it is. At least we are better than other countries and governments. I mean we are still world leaders.


I still have not heard any of the candidates really try to solve issues, they are just constantly trying to put each other down, just because of that, lack of class from all of them, I wouldn't vote for any of them.

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Originally posted by Drunk on Mystery:

Originally posted by Live or Die Magic:

Education reform.

Healthcare reform.

Social Security.

Defense spending.


When I'm president, I'll eliminate all those problems!


I look forward to strong-arming your opposition for you.

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Originally posted by davcivic:

I still have not heard any of the candidates really try to solve issues, they are just constantly trying to put each other down, just because of that, lack of class from all of them, I wouldn't vote for any of them.


My personal favorite so far is listening to Chuck Norris put down John McCain with his "he'll age 12 years in the White House" argument. I'm wondering if Huckabee needs to send Norris back to 'Nam to find more missing POWs. Clearly, something is missing.

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My personal favorite so far is listening to Chuck Norris put down John McCain with his "he'll age 12 years in the White House" argument. I'm wondering if Huckabee needs to send Norris back to 'Nam to find more missing POWs. Clearly, something is missing.


I just find it funny that the only reason Chuck Norris means anything anymore is because of a bunch of funny college kids with time on their hands.


As for the important issues, don't go thinking a $800 rebate check will help solve our economic problems. Now I'm in understanding that it is just a part of the currently talked about economic package, but it will just be a short term fix for those who really need the check, as well as the retail chains it is designed to help.

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