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ball junkie

Hill hurt as Magic woes mount-(poor defense, turnovers)etc.

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Originally posted by emory889:

Opponents sag off of Grant to help on Dwight or whomever. Grant also hurts our defense, in his youth he was athletic enough to cover 2 guards but he is a liability now.


It still mystifies me that we can realize these things. We see our opponents every night leaving G HIll open on the perimeter to sag on defense and our coaches still haven't made na adjustment that would combat this strategy. G Hill is not good at making entry passes to the post. He has no shot outside of 15 feet. When he does drive to the basket 80% of the time it's to his left. Basically, it is way too easy for our opponent to strategize defensively against the Magic with Grant in the lineup. he doesn't pose many problems and becomes very easy to anticpate.

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Injuries are beyond Grant's control.


Once again.. all comes back to the coach who shouldn't be starting him.


IMO Grant Hill would be used more efficiently as back up for when either unit is having trouble scoring or late in close games so the team can take advantage of his experience and heads-up play.

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It's pretty obvious that Grant should be used as a backup, ala Stackhouse, but the management refuses to even give it any thought. Hedo should also be a backup, since he's been mind numbingly inconsistent.

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Originally posted by ball junkie:

I'll tell you another key stat, when our opponent scores over 100 points we have only won "3" games all season. Give up over 100 points then look for a Magic loss.

Junkie, I gotta tell ya, these kinds of stats just strike me so hilarious at times. In your example, it's reasonable because you are using a relatively reasonable number (100).


But so often I've heard announcers say things like 'This team really struggles when it's offense isn't clicking. It's record is 1-37 over the last 10 years when the team has scored less than 80.' Makes me want to kick the TV. Of course they have a bad record in that scenario. This is the NBA !!! If you can't score 80, you're probably gonna lose !!! I don't need a statistician to tell me that !!!


Of course they do this in every sport.


Magic woes? I heard Will Perdue this morning on the radio (by the way, why does he have his hair cut so short; with ears like that, he can't roll down the windows in his car cause his ears will beat him to death), and was asked about Otis and Brian. He was immediately willing to give Otis a free pass, but he wasn't quite as much that way with Brian.


While he acknowledged the turnovers belong to the players, he stated that he and Dennis Neumann were just like the rest of the fans and sit back in wonder at the reasoning of some of the lineups out on the floor.


Considering he is a Magic employee, I'm guessing that is about as far out on the limb as he was willing to publicly go.

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Originally posted by asia#1:

more sorrow to our once hopeful season. i don't know wehter or not to tank the season or just to try and make the playoffs.


SO when your not blasting people for wanting to Fire Hill buy telling them they don't know what their talking about, you sit and Ponder TANKING the Season, VERY INTERESTING.


Nice to see you have doubts about our team and Don't always look thru "Rose colored Glasses", as you like to appear!!!



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