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Soul Bro

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Everything posted by Soul Bro

  1. Soul Bro

    Stand for Van Gundy

    quote: Originally posted by Knappy: quote: Originally posted by Big L:Lets start our new slogan; SVG! Better than nothing! Oh, fu*k - we need to go after someone else, but the slogan kind of works - just needs one added touch. SVG! Better than nothing! And, certainly an upgrade from BH! I think it is time for us to throw even bigger money at Coach K in silence - he would be the only fix for this mess - but it may take about $8 million a season - do it Magic. Knappy, I like your thinking.
  2. Soul Bro

    What Is Going On!

    Left once again at the basketball altar, here we all stand [smile].
  3. Soul Bro

    What Is Going On!

    Using relational language, who wants a fianc
  4. OMG--Billy should be professionally hung for this waffling. The man DOES NOT stand by his commitments. Supposedly he had agreed to terms with UF a while back ... but screwed them. Now he has agreed to terms with us ... but is screwing us. I am sure he does not see it this way, but this is how everyone around him is experiencing it. Frankly, I wish his butt was out of a job all together. He has tainted this franchise ... unfairly. He has muddied the waters for the arena deal ... unfairly. And he has given false hope to our players and fans ... unfairly. He needs to be held accountable ... ESPECIALLY BY THE MEDIA!!! (We will see what kind of integrity our FL media has in dealings with this situation). Otis and Co., I still stand by you. --The Soul Bro.
  5. You all are so funny. I think it is cool that people from all over the world post here. Blessings.
  6. Soul Bro

    what about Chauncey Billups to orlando?

    Frankly, the fast and highly energetic pace of the Cavs DID just beat Billups and the Pistons. I agree that Billups looks a lot better in a slower system. Hmmm ... One guy I want in FA is the guy we simply gave away ... the Frizzy Fro from South America ... Varejao. Love his energy and hustle.
  7. Off and on the Internet all day ... with the wife. The PG that interests me is Jared Jordan ... check him out. Javaris is pegged for #11 by ATL. Dowdall doesn't do much for me.
  8. Thanks for the post, Scrappy. Good stuff.
  9. Soul Bro

    Official Free Agency thread

    Guys, Bob and Otis have already indicated that they intend on sticking with Meer for at least another year. BTW, I was kidding about Lue. Just wanted to stir the pot like Scrappy. Anyone else think that Lue is the Geico lizard?
  10. Soul Bro

    Official Free Agency thread

    I think we should go after Tyronne Lue via a trade or something. He is amazing and could return Orlando to its previous glory days.
  11. Junkie, I am gonna start calling you "Scrappy" b/c you are always stirrin' up trouble here. Both men obviously were part of Billy's hiring. Good for both of them.
  12. Soul Bro


  13. quote: Originally posted by ball junkie:Didn't Otis say when the coaching search started it would be somebody you wouldn't suspect? I think Otis played the media ... and played you ... and us. Give the man some credit for being wise, discrete, and savvy through his use of misinformation. He has turned this franchise around by getting rid of dead weight and bringing in bright young players and a bright young coach. As to the topic question, I am sure it was a decision supported by both men for various reasons: pr, up-tempo offense, player development, etc. The bottom line is I am very happy with the outcome of the coaching search and with the Magic organization.
  14. Soul Bro


  15. Soul Bro


    Billy the Kid is now our coach. Yeah Baby!!! Chosen12, don't give Junkie too much love. Trust me, he has been worried sick, and I mean sick, over the last few weeks. I'm sure he is finally bouncing around right now praising the good Lord for his Magic redemption. I cannot wait to see what we are going to do in free agency. Keep it rolling, O-dog!!!
  16. Soul Bro


  17. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good job, Otis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Look, PJ has a tarnished personal and professional r
  19. 7 mil/year sounds way too steep. Where did he get that? I would be happy with Donovan, but I think we would need to get a big man assistant coach.
  20. Soul Bro

    Who is PJ Carlisamo?

    I just cannot see Otis going for PJ. I just can't.
  21. Soul Bro

    Who is PJ Carlisamo?

    "Joined the Spurs in September of 2002
  22. What stinks is Darko is still a true question mark ... a lot of which I blame on Brian Hill. Let me pose a question for our cap genies: Why couldn't we trade Trev (3 mil), Hedo (6 mil), and Darko (resigned for 8-9 mil) for Kobe (18 mil)? Not that they (or we) would do it, but don't the numbers match? Isn't this the trade Thorn wanted for Vince? I know Charisma asked the same thing, but I DO believe we have some very attractive YOUNG pieces ... perhaps as good as Chicago could offer. It all depends on the league's view of Darko.
  23. Look ... I want Kobe, I'll admit it. I would give up anyone for him but Dwight. However, I don't think we have the pieces ... and boy does that stink. Kobe and Dwight would be unstoppable ... and I don't think anyone works harder on their game than Kobe. I can't even imagine him here.
  24. Soul Bro

    Hire Iavaroni petition thread!

    Count me in on this thread.