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Who Is Dan Fegan?

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*The following is the sole idea, research and thoughts of Barnettej. These are not the views of the Truebluenation website, the Orlando Magic or any of its affiliates. I was simply curious and started to research. Signed - Erik Barnett*




Welcome to professional sports, where fans envy their local teams, where the local teams envy star players, where star players envy being set for life, where agents are brought in to make it all work. Its a complex relationship between 3 main parties, the Team, the Player, and his Agent. Its a delicate balance between the 3, because they all have "their own" agenda's in the given situation. Let's all agree on the basic facts on that none of these groups are doing this for free, not a single one. They all want to earn money out of this one way or another.




And so the delicate dance begins, between all of them:


The Team earns its money through the fans, occasional and season. They earn it through selling merchandise promoting their star player, who fans want to see play. They earn it through TV broadcasting contracts, local and international sponsors for their arena's. Besides the money part, the teams ultimate goal is to be the Champion. Winning a championship is the ultimate measuring stick of your company being the best, a testament in the decisions that were made were the correct ones. And ofcourse being a Champion means you can earn even more money.


The Player earns his/her money through the lucritive contracts they sign with the team, which usually has "achievement" bonuses tied in. They earn their money through local endorsements. They earn their money through National and International endorsements. And if they play their cards right, they can continue to do so long after they leave the sport they play, which made them who they are. However, the player cant do this alone, he/she doesnt have those contacts out of the box. This is where the Agent come in.


The Agent earns his/her money through the players they represent. They earn their money off of the endorsements they can get for their players. And if they represent the right player, they can continue to make money as long as that person is marketable and valued as a "High Demand" asset.


While I might be short siding the level of effort this dance takes, the basic principle is that each person/group/etc has a stake in this. Each one is trying to get what they "think" they deserve in terms of how they value themselves, the team, and their player/client. This dance can go smoothly or it can go very, very badly... like dancing with Chewbacca while he steps on your feet. Sort of like the Magic, Dwight Howard and Dan HWNSNBU have been doing for some time. While we know who the Magic are and who Dwight Howard is, the unknown is really "Who is Dan HWNSNBU"?. Because in order to know the whole story, you need to know who is all involved, lets dig in shall we.


"Who is Dan HWNSNBU"? - Dan HWNSNBU is an Agent, who is also a "Yale Lawyer" . When he first started out as an Agent he own his own firm called "HWNSNBU & Associates" which was then bought by "Blue Entertainment Sports Television (BEST)", which was then bought by "Lagadère Unlimited". According to HoopsHype Dan HWNSNBU represents some of the top names in the NBA:



And im sure some of these names will sound familiar to the Magic organization. I suppose this would mean that Orlando Magic and Dan know each other pretty well. Some of other Dan Fegans clients can be view on his very Dedicated page. Now going back to the above picture, one would have to ask.... How much does an Agent get from a single contract? After Bing-ing the question (sounds wrong, I know) "Becoming a Sports Agent" provided the answer of "Agent takes a percentage of a contract, typically 3-5%.". For example, lets say a player signed for 80 million dollars, and Agent would make $4,000,000.00 with the signature of someone else.

Another interesting fact from the "Becoming a Sports Agent" is this:






ports League

According to these charts a "Single" Top NBA Athlete will net $1,250,000.00 at 5%, and the "Single" NBA Average will net $210,00.00 at 5%. And ofcourse this tells you which sport you would want to be in, if you were thinking of becoming an actual Agent. How many players do we have in the NBA? Jimmy Fallon making it rain has nothing on this, even Lil Wayne would be impressed.



Before I go further with the raining and how Dan HWNSNBU is absolutely making a hurricane in this business, I was interested in the company "Lagadère Unlimited". Reason being that doing research on Dan i have noticed this company was also doing very well. I mean while looking at the chart below, they are both ranked pretty high among their peers:



Obviously something didnt add up when Dan's and Lagadère Unlimited didnt match up equally, suggesting that there were more Agents, thus they had to represent more NBA players. I was curious in finding out who else could it be.... cliff hanger?......... could D. Williams be one of their guys as well. The thought alone enticed me to check out the Lagadère Unlimited web site, and ofcourse my excitement was quickly calmed because no, D.Will isnt one of them "YET". However their client list is "HUGE" and "WIDE" ranging across alot of entertainment industries including "Media and Marketing". They have alot of good Press Releases that were very, very interesting like:




A certain CEO was very "Ecstactic" about the News: “We are thrilled to align with Lagardère Unlimited to bring big-time professional tennis events to Brooklyn as we continue to demonstrate that first-class programming is in-store for the Barclays Center,” Brett Yormark, president and CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment and CEO of Nets Basketball. “The Barclays Center will offer our visitors the best in sports and entertainment and we look forward to making several additional major programming announcements in the coming months.”And this one:





Now it just so happens that my day job is all about correlating pieces of information together to display the big picture, in the cyber world. I found it a little humorous when I ran across these little tid bits of information. Im not saying that they are linked in any shape or form, except for the fact that these deals were done by the same company, that so happens to be the same company that Dan HWNSNBU works for. Brooklyn... that sounds familiar..... I can recall someone wanting and pushing to go there.... who was it, think, think, think.... oh well, to continue on with Dan HWNSNBU.



Back in June 2010, Henry Abbott wrote up a cover story (if you will) on Dan HWNSNBU, called Power Broker in Action which talks Dan HWNSNBU and how we works on draft day for his clients, in this case John Wall and Yi. There are some interesting sub stories to the cover story that I will quickly point out. like:


"When Wall came to Lagardère, his longtime confidant, AAU coach and friend Brian Clifton, came too -- with a job from HWNSNBU to manage Wall's marketing. The first major transaction in that regard is Wall's Reebok deal. " - Im perceiving this as everyone's friend is running their shoe deal, or that Dan knew Brian way before Wall came into the picture and when he did, Brian and Dan worked out a side deal.... You know, Wall joins Dan, everyone bank$. -----Just playing devils advocate. Would it be ironic, if this how it actually works?


As it the story unfolds around Dan, he starts to reveal a little about himself and his inner workings:


"Through the day, as HWNSNBU talks to one front-office executive after another. Many of them bleed HWNSNBU for information. Nearly every time he is entirely forthcoming in sharing what he knows.

HWNSNBU says a lot of agents do well keeping information to themselves. "But I'm a chess player, not a card player," he explains. "I'm OK with having all the pieces on the board, and thinking a few moves ahead. Other people have a different strategy, and don't want you to see all their cards."

Even in the midst of Wall's party at Buddakan, surrounded by the most festive of moods, HWNSNBU is thinking strategically, playing chess against Sandro Varejao -- the former international professional and brother of Cleveland forward Anderson, who is HWNSNBU's vice president of international basketball.--Did I mention that Anderson is his client, just in case you forgot.


Again it was an interesting article about Dan HWNSNBU. The only other facts I can find that are published, was provided by Business Insider a small article and ranking system around The 12 Best Sports Agents In The World where our friend Dan who was ranked at #10 with a total value of deals at $255,000,000 for 2010. Imagine what that would look like if we applied the 5% rule to it.... $12,750,000. Wow.



Based off of my research of what is available, this is who Dan HWNSNBU is to the best of my knowledge. IF I applied my cyber security experience to this, with our latest situation I would think that Dwight, Dan , and Brooklyn are all interconnected. Dan HWNSNBU having a stake in his company Lagadère Unlimited, Signing Dwight as a client,Then Lagadère Unlimited partnering up with Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment to support the Nets, then Dwight trys to force a trade to the Nets.... ofcourse that is IF I did such a thing.


Thanks for hanging in there for this long read. It was fun doing the research on this.

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I'm on board with this. Who do we contact to file charges of some kind?


Im not sure, but it would be funny if someone like the NBA would look into this. But then again, this is how business really works, its not about what you know, its about who you know.

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Good work, i had been wondering why he was talking/acting funny the last few months....its something i touched on with him last night

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Great read Barnette, a lot of slimey people out there in the business sector, but I guess that's the personality you must develope to be able to hang around in that field.

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Well Mike, you finally wrote an article I could agree with the whole way through. What I found really interesting was the following paragraph from Mikes article:


"On ESPN on Thursday, two of the network's NBA insiders lambasted Dwight and said he was throwing his agent Dan HWNSNBU under the bus. Just goes to show the unholy alliance between network insiders and the sports agents who feed them their agenda-driven information. Seriously, who publicly takes the side of sports agents? What next: defending used-car salesmen and personal-injury attorneys?" - Mike Bianchi

Dwight Howard keeping his talents in Orlando

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This needs to be stickied. I'm sure much of this will be lost on most folks because it has facts, data and correlations, but I really like the way you've connected the dots here.

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