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The Official Democratic Bloodbath Thread

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A general political observation...Republicans who theorize women running in blue states are more electable are dead wrong. There is nothing more threatening to the left than non-NOW supporting women in positions of power and influence. The second Sarah Palin touched Meg Whitman & Fiorina, they had no chance.


Speaking of Palin & the Tea Party influence. Very interesting dynamic, but she/they lost credibility with me when they didn't fight to knock McCain out. He is the epitome of the candidates they targeted to unseat from within and he was incredibly vulnerable until he received their endorsement. Shows me they aren't exactly as disconnected from the political machine as they'd like to pretend.


I was glad to see John Kasich win. I've always had a lot of respect for him.

lets see if the newly elected baggers help make pro-tarp crybaby BONER the next speaker


and how dare you say palin doesnt support NOW, she's got all of the NOW cds and monster ballads too

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Pretty much. When no one compromises, everyone just looks like an *******.


not pretty much, exactly.


I hate politics. Too much "give me power" not enough "how can we fix stuff"

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Republicans over-performed in the House, Dems over-performed in the Senate. I frankly have no idea how Reid survived, and wish he hadn't, but oh well.


Maybe with the houses split, we'll get meaningful thoughtful legislation designed to best embody the beliefs of our mostly modera...


I'm just kidding. We're going to get partisan bickering and 2 years of finger pointing.



This. I have run out of faith in our system. Until we pass campaign finance reform there is just too much money to be made for both parties by screwing us, the American people. If anyone thinks things are going to change without changing the system itself, they are mistaken IMO.

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Palin is underrated. I honestly think people think she's dumb just because she's hot. Having said that, I don't think she should be running for President.


Thank Tebow we got that cu*t Pelosi out of there though.

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This. I have run out of faith in our system. Until we pass campaign finance reform there is just too much money to be made for both parties by screwing us, the American people. If anyone thinks things are going to change without changing the system itself, they are mistaken IMO.


Yeah, its not about the people, its about supporting special interest groups. The average American doesn't have a special interest.

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Palin is underrated. I honestly think people think she's dumb just because she's hot. Having said that, I don't think she should be running for President.


Thank Tebow we got that cu*t Pelosi out of there though.


Palin is dumb because she makes up words and doesn't have a grasp of the intricacies of real issues.

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Palin is underrated. I honestly think people think she's dumb just because she's hot. Having said that, I don't think she should be running for President.


Thank Tebow we got that cu*t Pelosi out of there though.



The other side to that is her "hot"ness is probably the only reason she's still kicking around.


Palin gets categorized like that because she opened her mouth. She was a pawn for McCain to garner more minority votes and she used that to boost her own career.


Politics is just a joke now. A lot of mud slinging and ** measuring and the ones who lose are the people who voted them in.

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What does that say about Joe Biden then? Because she made him look pretty dumb in their 08 debate.


I would love to know what reality you were living in during the '08 VP debates. Biden so thoroughly trounced Palin on every single issue in that debate, that the biggest complaint people had about his performance was that he was too mean to her.


I have no particular love of Joe Biden, except for his '94 crime bill I suppose, but the notion that Palin did anything in that debate to embarrass him is ridiculous. If that debate had been an MMA fight, it'd have been Lesnar vs. Heath Herring; a fight that was clearly over in the first 20 seconds, but was still forced to drag throughout it's entire allotted time.

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I saw what I saw. Some people take it differently, whether that be Dems or GOPs, or the panel on tv, or ect. I have noticed though that a lot of Libs get butt hurt when their guy loses or even appears to lose.


Example, I was in a world history class during the time of the election. My teacher was a super Lib, one of those "I hate America and I wish I lived in Europe" Libs. After the first I believe (might have been the second) debate between Obama/McCain, my reaction while watching was, "Man, Obama looks rattled during this.". Then after the debate and they go back to the panel (I believe it was CNN), what does one of the guys say? Obama looked rattled out there. I bring this up the next day in class (because she liked to talk about the election) and she proceeded to rant at me for what seemed like 20 minutes (prolly only 5 though) about how wrong I was and how great Obama is.


Not saying you were butt hurt about what I said, just telling an anecdote.

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are you kidding me? were you in a coma from 2001-2009? bushy and the gop ran rough shot over liberals and this country, doing whatever they wanted, shredding the constitution where was the copromise? w couldnt spell compromise let alone make it happen

who are the republibaggers going to run against obama? palin? christie? jeb?

the only way you republibaggers get obama out of the whitehouse is if you trump up some charges and impeach him but you dont have the votes to convict


Well its a good thing that all of the Bushies are out or are being forced to change now isn't it? I was happy as hell O'Donnell beat Castle because I want all the dip****s pre-2008 gone too. If this new wave of conservatives turns into the Neo-cons of the Bush Era then they can go to hell too. But I fundamentally agree with the Tea Party in their belief to reduce government as much as possible and cut spending immensely. Defense, Entitlements, everything.


Also, Palin RAN a whole state, and won an election (for governor) so I think she knows a little about political nuances. More than 99% of the people who call her dumb. Obama had no executive experience and is arguably the worst Commander in Chief since FDR, and his agenda just got dealt a serious hammerblow from the American populace who are sick of him.


And if Palin is a moron, then Joe Biden is mentally handicapped, because the things that come out of that man's mouth are about as idiotic as you can imagine a politician would say. His gaffes were worse than Palin's but the media was so hell bent on demonizing her that they let it slide.

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