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Students Punished for Wearing American Flag Shirts on Cinco de Mayo

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regardless of what this holiday means to the mexicans it shouldnt matter. last time i checked this is america and we have a flag that is red white and blue. it is our right to wear it on whatever day we want. if wearing a american flag on the 5th of may is offensive or can cause fights for any reason than the school has a much larger problem on their hands.


remember this is america not mexico, we dont celebrate cinco de mayo. our post offices are open as well as our banks so its obviously not a federal holiday. does mexico celebrate july 4th, do they celebrate memorial day, do they celebrate any of our holidays that our just for us. nope they dont. so why is it a mexican holiday is more important in america and offensive on a MEXICAN holiday. if you dont want to see american flags on the 5th of may go back to mexico on the 5th of may and celebrate your holiday. if you dont want to go back to mexico than go to your home and celebrate, but this is an american school where that holiday is not reckognized.


i find it absurd that some people are argueing about this being ok. it is clearly disrespectfull to this country. i have not spent the past ten years of my life fighting for this country in the marine corps for crap like this to happen. simple as that. if you dont like me wearing an american flag t shirt than get the hell out of this country. also if it is so offensive in nature to do this so called crime, did all the army people take the flag off their shoulder cuz i know that i kept my nametapes on that say US MARINE


also has anyone here been to pearl harbor on the anniversary every year. if you havent there is more japanese there than hawaiians. do they whine about them being offended, nope they dont they welcome it because they want unity not fighting, why cant we do that here in the continental united states, why does everything have to be offending somebody, just like that tazer incident. people get offended but what it all boils down to is the kid knew it was illegal and when you break the law you get punished, he ran he got tazered. thats the law. but yet some people get all up in arms saying it was wrong. give me a break.

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Originally posted by Lewis4thewin:

Originally posted by HighAngleEd:

Originally posted by Lewis4thewin:

"There was a lot of drama going on today," Ponce said. Some were saying "Mexico sucks" while Mexican-American students responded in their second language.


yeah, they were wearing the shirts only for patriotism icon_rolleyes.gif


So basically the message here is that if there's going to be drama and violence on just an average Wednesday because some kids wore American flag shirts to school, then American flag shirts should be prohibited from school every other day too right?



This way no one will be offended by the symbol of our nation.....


If anything you should be pissed that the students were using the symbol of our country to promote their own racist agenda.

Game. Set. Match.

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Originally posted by jecMagicMan:

It's not racist to not want illegal immigrants in our country.


Great point, jec. I'm not a xenophobe because I don't want lawbreakers here either.

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Originally posted by Osprey23:

Originally posted by jecMagicMan:

It's not racist to not want illegal immigrants in our country.


Great point, jec. I'm not a xenophobe because I don't want lawbreakers here either.



You see, but most people don't think that way. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule, but I bet if you were to get the HONEST answer of most, they'd talk about how much they hate "dem Mexicants" or other hispanics. If suddenly there was an outcry of Europeans coming here illegally, I bet most of these same Americans who give you the bull**** "they're criminals!!!! that's why I don't like them!! DEY TUUK R JUUBBS" talk wouldn't be doing the same.




A lot of these people are the same people who say they aren't racist but get scared ****less if there's a black man coming towards them or sitting next to them... the same people who get irritated at that **** illegal immigrant speaking yelling things in Spanish while at the store, but for all her knows this kid could be a legal American citizen that spoke fluent English but was talking to his Spanish grandparents.




I'm not saying you guys are like this at all, but you have to also understand a lot of people are.

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