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Everything posted by OrlandoFeds

  1. OrlandoFeds

    The Official Trade Thread

    I wouldn't say they'd do it, Redick's spots already taken by Kevin Martin but I'd be happy to get one of those players let alone all three.
  2. OrlandoFeds

    2012-13 NBA Season Thread

    Watching OKC v Cavs, geez I wish we had a closer like Uncle Drew. That boy is as clutch as they come for a second year player.
  3. OrlandoFeds

    The Official Trade Thread

    Great ball handle and getting to the rim? You've been playing too much 2k haven't you?
  4. OrlandoFeds

    The Official Trade Thread

    Injuries or else I would have no doubt that he'd be killing it in the league.
  5. OrlandoFeds

    Go Lakers

    Carmello Anthony Chris Paul Ray Allen? I'm sure there's more, can't be bothered looking though.
  6. OrlandoFeds

    The Official Trade Thread

    Can't they just feed Gasol and Zbo more? I think they'll be a better team for it. No coincidence that their best year recently was when Gay was injured.
  7. OrlandoFeds

    ESPN: Magic are big winners in Howard Trade

    Agreed, plus in order to attract him it'll be long term and lots of money. Big risk.
  8. OrlandoFeds

    ESPN: Magic are big winners in Howard Trade

    Not a fan. It's not that his bad, it's just there's plenty of better point guards out there.
  9. It'll be interesting to see what number he is picked.
  10. OrlandoFeds

    [Song] "Oh You Tanking Huh" - By Shock Phantom

    I'm raise your Thanksgiving with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XMy9WeI_fw
  11. OrlandoFeds

    If you were Rob Hennigan, how would you rebuild?

    I don't want to speak for Emory but even with their growth a bunch of second/third year players aren't going to get us that far, look at Cleveland.
  12. OrlandoFeds

    The Official Trade Thread

    I hate you. Your AA is the devil/JJ for MVP attitude really annoys me.
  13. OrlandoFeds

    The Official Trade Thread

    Josh Robbins
  14. OrlandoFeds

    2012 Orlando Magic Regular Season Thread

    His defense was pretty good in that rape case.
  15. OrlandoFeds

    The Official Trade Thread

    JJ attended Justin Bieber's concert, if that isn't worthy of a trade I don't know what is.
  16. OrlandoFeds

    The Official Trade Thread

    Doesn't seem to help anyone but us in my opinion. Although I really don't rate Ellis so I could see why the Bucks would do it.
  17. OrlandoFeds

    2012 Orlando Magic Regular Season Thread

    Even Brent's wife didn't like being loved by Brent ...Too soon?
  18. OrlandoFeds

    If you were Rob Hennigan, how would you rebuild?

    I could of told you Oden's body would have broken down, he was 52 years old.
  19. OrlandoFeds

    ESPN: Magic are big winners in Howard Trade

    I believe Dwight made $25,758,000 last year. I think I'm going to save my sympathy for someone else.
  20. I do agree with you but do you think JJ's going to sign for 6 mil after this season? Paying Arron 8 mil isn't such a bad thing when you compare him to other players being paid that.
  21. I'm sick of you Affalo haters. What annoys me most is half the haters say he shoots every possession and never passes and now he takes 4 shots and 5 assists you complain as well. How about you recognise there is no consistent scapegoat as just about all of our players are inconsistent.
  22. OrlandoFeds

    2012 Orlando Magic Regular Season Thread

    Must of only got it 13 times then during the whole Dallas game. :svgsad:
  23. OrlandoFeds

    The Official Trade Thread

    We are talking about Sully on a Boston team who desperately needs rebounders.
  24. OrlandoFeds

    The Official Trade Thread

    I think we are starting to expect a bit too much for JJ :svgsad:/>
  25. OrlandoFeds

    game thread : Bobcats @ Magic 1/18/2013 7pm

    Bobcats have to be the most boring team to watch. There's no flow, just consistent free throws.