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Everything posted by Osprey

  1. Osprey

    Drug Testing for Welfare Benefits...

    First off, this isn't a Constitutional Rights case, because you aren't guaranteed welfare money in the Constitution. It falls under the 10th Amendment in which states have the right to determine how to handle issues not explicitly stated in the Constitution. Illegal search and seizure doesn't apply here because you are voluntarily offering a urine/hair sample for a welfare payment. You can opt out. You have no obligation to collect welfare checks. Evidence obtained from these tests are inadmissible in a court of law. Secondly, the issue is one of cost-effectiveness. If you could show me that we'd save substantial amounts of money by testing and eliminating recipients from the welfare pool, I'd be all for it, as I am against all tax-based expenditures. Personally, I don't feel the cost will prove to be effective, thus eliminating (in my mind) the only logical solution for the program to exist. Thirdly, this isn't an issue of our screwed up drug laws in this country. The government has way overstepped it's Constitutional authority in criminalizing drugs in the first place.
  2. Osprey

    The Casey Anthony Trial

    Dude... there were 34 eyewitness accounts. Even the SCOTUS ruled he was guilty and the trial was legit. The world is less one murderer and a better place for it.
  3. Osprey

    Official NFL 2011 Season Thread

    God Miami......... that was atrocious. Anyway, I would say Luke McCown is average. He's not going to win or lose you a game. Sanchez IMO is not "Near elite", but he's not terrible either. The only reason the Jets won Sunday night is because Romo out-choked him.
  4. Osprey

    Official NFL 2011 Season Thread

    I hate the Jets so *****ing much.
  5. Osprey

    Do we got any real Christains here?

    Great point. This is why Darwin's Theory of Evolution is inappropriately called a theory. It is completely untestable and non-falsifiable, and not due to lack of technology. It's a hypothesis. Which is why many intelligent design advocates condemn its teaching in grade school to children. Not because they are religious fanatics.
  6. I just wanted to comment on the 5/8ths thing. The Founders didn't implement that as a means of denigrating black slaves. They put that in because if they were to count them each as full people, the South would have had MASSIVELY disproportionate representation in Congress, considering that they were getting to count slaves as full in their census and not allowing them rights of citizens. MANY of the Founders were entirely against Slavery at the founding, but they knew they would never be able to create a document uniting the nation if they drew their line in the sand on the issue. The more important thing was creating the Constitution and having it be ratified by the States on what they thought were the most important issues at the time. Abolishing slavery at that time (or at least attempting to) would have made the Constitution's ratification an impossibility.
  7. Nah, he's 6'8" Scoring Forward with white boy hops and average handles. I don't cheese. I made a legit, realistic player.
  8. Ty Crane 23 My Player is a 99.
  9. Osprey

    Good Health news on Gilbert Arenas

    People again confusing muscle size and muscle density.
  10. Considering the fact that 52% of marriages these days end in divorce, I'd say thats statistically overwhelming already, regardless of age.
  11. Osprey

    The Official "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU PLAYING!!!?" Thread

    Yeah its the Kinect game. And watching chicks at my place dance to Push It is worth the price.
  12. Osprey

    The Official "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU PLAYING!!!?" Thread

    I don't care what anyone says Dance Central is hella fun.
  13. BTW getting Josh Smith would be the worst possible thing to happen to this franchise. The guy has undeniable talent, but were we not all pissed last year at the mental approach by our players?
  14. Osprey


    I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved those two movies. Seriously, they were incredible.
  15. Osprey

    The Official "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU PLAYING!!!?" Thread

    Dance Central on Kinect.
  16. Osprey

    What this team lacks

    We need to figure out a way where Hedo Turkoglu and Brandon Bass never see the light of day.
  17. Osprey


    I'm just not a fan of the "Try to hard to be cute while displaying snarky teenage angst" character. Not to mention nearly every high school cliche was thrown around in the that movie. The movie was just not funny. I was expecting laughs, and I was disappointed. Emma Stone doesn't carry anything for me. I'd much rather look at Megan Fox pout her lips for two hours and try to act than listen to Stone's ridiculous attempts at cleverness. And that's saying something. Also, WHICH ACTOR ZOMG?
  18. Osprey


    Jareth, Easy A was terrible. And X-Men First Class and Captain America both look to be great. I guess seeing as Chase said XMen looked horrible I should take that as an indication that it will in fact, rock my face off. Also, $5 Sunday Movies at the theater near my place, so I went and saw Pirates 4: Give us more Money and I have to admit, it was horrifyingly horrifying. Probably the worst of all of them.
  19. Osprey

    Dwight Ticked Off At The Orlando Sentinal

    Burn the rag to the ground.
  20. I love watching liberals argue with even more extreme liberals.
  21. Here's a question, do you understand the concept of Federalism? Because it's the exact same thing.
  22. Nothing I said in there was a contradiction.
  23. In order to defeat an enemy, you must crush their will and spirit. Killing the biggest celebrity in the field of terror is about as damaging a blow to morale as you can inflict. In addition, while Al-Qeada is a bunch of different cells operating independently, they still would all take orders from UBL. This is a severe administratorial blow to the power structure in the world of terror.
  24. Obama and the CIA deserve immense credit for this. Can we please hold back on the demonization of this agency for a year or so? They get so little respect and credit for the job that they do, that no one else wants to.