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Everything posted by serviviente

  1. echo4papa y matias gracias por ser maduros para no tomar la fustracion mia ofensivamente. La realidad es que el juego de anoche me mato. El equipo desperdicio trememda oportunidad. Para mi no fue tanto que perdieron sino en la forma como se desboronaron los jugadores "elite" del equipo. Se veian asustados, intimidados y hasta perdidos en la cancha. Parecian un equipo de la YMCA y les falto cria y por supuesto ejecucion. Ya yo estoy astiado de leer como los pistones son "superiores" a nosotros. La verdad es que si lo son pero es en su mentalidad solamente. Ahi es donde nos aventajan. Una cosa mas. No estoy de acuerdo con la opinion de que Arroyo tuvo un mal desenpeno. La realidad es que la primera vez que lo pusieron a jugar fueron con las reservas del equipo que todos sabemos son unos cagaos. La segunda vez con el cuadro regular el intento distribuir la bola pero nadie metio un dichoso canasto. Estaban cagao eso no es su culpa. SVG quiere que el le de la bola a Hedo tan pronto cruza la media cancha y HEdo ha estado cagao toda esta serie asi que al ellos deslucir, desluce arroyo y desluce todo el equipo. Bueno ya me voy a huyir!
  2. malditura sea este forum es en espanol!!! los gringos ya tienes 10,000 threads dejen esta en paz!!! Primero que nada HEDO esta hecho tremenda mierda desde que empezaron los playoffs. Hoy jugo con los ojos en el "behind". EL que es feo como paja se veia asustado e intimidado. Lo que estaba era escopeteando estilo Carlos Balderras (se acuerdan de los vagueros). Lo mismo Lewis. Es mas En cuarto periodo nuestro equipo no hizo ni UNA jugada del playbook. Lo que hicieron fue inventar ahi estilo YMCA mientras Billups y Hamilton corrian sus jugadas o busacan faltas. Diablo tanto Hedo como Lewis como que no saben medir el tiempo y estaban tirando sendos escopetazos CON TODO EL TIEMPO DEL MUNDO y a 35 pies de distancia!!! Por el amor de Dios alquien que les diga que mientras mas te acercas al canasto mas posibilidades tienes de hechar el balon. Y por ultimo SVG esta de la vaca. Suplenta a Dooling...quien no habia jugado apenas 2 minutos y lo pone a correr el equipo faltando 3:00 por JN que salio con 6 fouls. Que hizo el sangano ests? Como siempre se vio involucrado en una jugada crucial que pudo costar el juego. No es la primera vez. Este ano ha estado en 4 ocaciones diferentes. Primero en un juego ante los Cavaleers, segundo en un juego contra los HEAT que faltando 4 seg dio una falta, lo mismo hizo contra los Raptors y ahora esto. Mejor me callo pero porque diablos no metieron a Arroyo para quitarle la bola a Hedo y Lewis que estaban literalmente cagaos de susto y poner jugadas verdaderas a la cancha en vez de estar inventando? Olvidalo!!!!
  3. This is crazy. Our inexperience cost us this game. Freaking Hedo and Lewis were shotting hailmarys the whole 4th qth. They played without respecting the value of each possesion. They did careless mistakes. Freaking Dooling always...and i mean always is in the middle of a controversial and game costing call. This is like his 4th time with this ****! Did it with Cleveland, in the Heats game, last series and today also. We did not ran one playbook play. It was all freaking "ymca" crap....on the go stuff. We freaking deserved to lose. This was our game and we blew it. Forget the refs its always like that in the playoffs and everyone knows that. We did not execute not even once during the 4th quarter...not onced!!!! And then SVG puts Dooling to run our offense in the last 3:00....what a genious!!!
  4. serviviente

    WHy SVG is not trusting Arroyo?

    If there is something Carlos do not lack is confidence but what do you expect from playing like 12 minutes for the series? Anyways the reason he is not playing is because he is not a good matchup for their guards, plain and simple. Will we see Carlos later as the playoffs advance? Most def. and he will contribute too just as he has all year.
  5. serviviente

    Playoffs Game 4 Saturday, April 26th

    hostile enviroment my a#$!! That was to be expected. It is time to take "pipis" out of our ears and make a stand. Start giving hard fouls. Punish T.J and Calderon. It is time to play harder, jump higher, rebound more, be wiser. It is time NOW to take over the game. Dang it!!!
  6. serviviente

    Playoffs Game 4 Saturday, April 26th

    how many freaking TO will Nelson have in this game????Take him out!!!
  7. serviviente


    I do not buy that collapse thing. Sound like freaking excuses for a poor game. I hope he is not really injured. Watch he will be ready to play...hell if it was me i will also be complaining of back spasm!!!
  8. I hope Nelson has a great series but i will like to see the post that will follow is Nelson start to struggle again. It is just one game people!
  9. serviviente

    The Truth Appreciation Thread

    the truth needs to go back his hole!! Your time has passed man, you just became extinct. Bla, Bla, Bla.
  10. Yes it is true. Carlos is one of the most discussed players in this board and with good reason. He has a lot of fans in the Hispanic community and is very involved in it. Most likely he will be gone after this season and there will be a celebration and lots of the people that dislike Carlos will be so happy to see him leave. You see for them Carlos has very little value. In their opinion Carlos is
  11. quote: Originally posted by RU4 The Magic: quote: Originally posted by serviviente:Of course you like Los. You like Los just as much as you like me writing this thread. Yeah i remember this thread "used" to be a blast. Please do not get offended but i you call me a "cry-baby" and ask me to get lost what i am to do? Sucess! serviviente, the point is this. You have freedom to post whatever your little heart desires... On this we can agree. Not one of our guards can compare with Chris Paul... On that, we too should be able to agree. Our team record is 52-30 for the season. That record was established by one team with many players. Why can't we (as magic fans) just enjoy the moment without the pissing and moaning about poor Carlos this and that? He has given our team good games, great games and terrible games. In the end though, neither Carlos or any of the PG's on this team are difference makers. Can't you just be happy for our team? Just for one night? I can most definitely agree with you with this post 100%.
  12. Of course you like Los. You like Los just as much as you like me writing this thread. Yeah i remember this thread "used" to be a blast. Please do not get offended but i you call me a "cry-baby" and ask me to get lost what i am to do? Sucess!
  13. Yes it is true. Carlos is one of the most discussed players in this board and with good reason. He has a lot of fans in the Hispanic community and is very involved in it. Most likely he will be gone after this season and there will be a celebration and lots of the people that dislike Carlos will be so happy to see him leave. You see for them Carlos has very little value. In their opinion Carlos is
  14. serviviente

    Should the magic let Carlos go to another team?

    Arroyo is out of Orlando. Not only because he will get more money elsewhere but because he will not get enough minutes as long as Dooling is here. The ONLY way Carlos stays in Orlando is if Dooling is traded or he gets assurance that he will be the backup pg. Dooling will have to be third and really i do not even see that happening. He is out. He has done everything this organization has asked of him and all he has gotten is more time in the pine. The funny thing is that everyone here agrees that Nelson in not much better than him. Otis already made up his mind and Carlos made up his also.
  15. serviviente

    Can Magic beat Pistons

    It is with much disguss that i have to admit that the Pistons are better than us. How much better? 4-2 series winners better.
  16. quote: Originally posted by ibonedteribell: quote: Originally posted by SmackDaddy:This arguement is nothing new here, and it only gets magnified while considering Jameer's performance the last two games, combined with Arroyo's solid play in Jameer's absence. Jameer plays a very solid game in a convincing victory against Cleveland one night, and the next night looks very pedestrian. 9 ast and 0 TO against Cleveland with some very respectable defense, then 1 ast and 4TO with no defense at all in back to back nights. This is the main, very valid criticism of Jameer. One game he looks like the PG we need, the next night he looks like he needs time in the NBADL. Now, I've been fingered as not being much of an Arroyo fan, but that was last year. This year I believe Carlos' shot selection has been much more conservative, and his defensive intensity has been much more consistent than Jameer's. Unfortunately, this team as a whole and the rotation are suffering from Otis' poor decision to extend his hand selected PG of the future before that player had proven that he was worthy of being anything more than the backup PG of the present. Smack,like you I am confused with Stans starter selection at least with the PG.s and the big guys at the bench playing time. Arroyo has done what Stan has asked over and over by limiting his offensive game and passing the ball to Turk against his own nature, he has at least showed some defensive efforts that have gone unrecognized. I am worried that Stan is mainly looking to improve the win column and not really thinking of going beyond the second round.(Coach of the year?)He has been able to win consistently inspite of defensive rebounding liabilities by using his 3 pt game very well, but thats all we got and can be easily defended in a short series where strategic adjustments can decide outcomes. We have only one go to man to rely upon. This 2 comments over here are the best comments imho that best describes the whole arroyo/jammer debate for the entire year.
  17. serviviente

    No Chance Of Magic Waiving Billy Donovan NBA Ban - Schmitz

    good for him. he gets what he deserves!! jajaja!! Lets see if somebody gets stupid and give us a high pick for "his services"!
  18. Billy who??? Who cares about that guy? I have ONE name for you. Stan VanGundy. Nuff said.
  19. serviviente

    Magic seek some respect tonight, maybe without Jameer

    Man is it me or Dooling and Nelson get hurt too much? Man we need everyone healthy down the stretch! Go Magic!
  20. serviviente

    Fireotissmith.com is up

    Man you got me really good!!! Dang it!!! That was funny....and it would not stop!!! LOL.
  21. serviviente

    PG situation discussed on ESPN (Link)

    quote: Originally posted by la verdad:great point guards that would have torn up the NBA right now..Nefthali Rivera .. from quebradillas.. I know only a few of you will know and understand what I say Brother i feel you!! Great guard!!! What about Torres from Fajardo??? Now that guy was deadly!!
  22. serviviente

    Fans Game Thread *Magic vs. Raptors* Mar.4

    regardless with is a bad match for us with Bosh healty in the playoffs. They are tough.
  23. serviviente

    Fans Game Thread *Magic vs. Raptors* Mar.4

    its over!
  24. serviviente

    Fans Game Thread *Magic vs. Raptors* Mar.4

    i told you tj will cost the raptors the game..watch
  25. serviviente

    Fans Game Thread *Magic vs. Raptors* Mar.4

    TJ for is going to cost the raptors the game. Watch.