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Everything posted by sharp/7/shooter

  1. sharp/7/shooter

    Matt friggin' Barnes

    Ahh, Ariza. I wish we still had him. EDIT: And I agree with the comparison there.
  2. No offense to Dwight, but it is kind of comical to watch his follow through at the line. He releases it around his shoulder and neck instead of above the head. It's like he's pushing the ball. If ego is what would keep him from trying this, I'd question that stance because he is already mocked for his FT problems anyway.
  3. sharp/7/shooter

    Game Thread - Orlando Magic @ Indiana Pacers

    How come? They're amazing when made the right way.
  4. sharp/7/shooter

    Game Thread - Orlando Magic @ Indiana Pacers

    You know what I got? We win.
  5. sharp/7/shooter

    The Hurt Locker - Vent Your Frustrations

    Respect for teaching AP Calculus! My sister teaches college math, I'm not sure which specific course though, I'm going to ask her next time I see her. Anyways, I hope your students pass, gotta have faith B)
  6. sharp/7/shooter

    Latest on Chris Paul & Hornets (Ben Golliver, CBS Sports)

    Shall we call that 'landlocked'
  7. sharp/7/shooter

    Matt friggin' Barnes

    I say good for both Darko and Matt. I have to give Matt props on this, shooting perfect from the field is an outstanding feat. He outplayed Bryant that game, and that just doesn't happen all that often. Darko, man, I kind of feel bad for the guy. He's the 2nd pick in the draft and hasn't shown a lick of superstar talent. He receives a huge payday on the regular because for some reason teams see potential.....but he is known as a bust. No one wants to be known as a bust, and I feel good that he played a career game against Kobe Bryant and the LAL. Hopefully he can keep this up, because I'll be laughing so hard watching him dominate on a nightly basis.
  8. sharp/7/shooter

    The Hurt Locker - Vent Your Frustrations

    Thanks! And I can't imagine how daunting it would be to write an essay on a typewriter. It's the same concept, but I get frustrated staring at a blank Word document when I first dive into an essay...staring at a blank sheet of paper inside that machine would be the death of me.
  9. sharp/7/shooter

    Game Thread - Orlando Magic @ Indiana Pacers

    There will be 5 Dukies and 2 Tarheels suited up tonight lol EDIT:...correction, tomorrow night
  10. sharp/7/shooter

    Otis, please read between the lines!

    You are right about the all-star selections. Regarding how Dwight is the only all-star on the team, I think it is extremely rare to have three all-stars on one team. Jameer, Rashard, and VC have potential to be an all-star, but with the way SVG runs things and with so much talent on one team, it is hard to be certain. For instance, if they were all split up on individual teams, in a situation where they were the go-to guy, they'd put up some big numbers. We thought we were getting that in VC last year. He was the highlight reel, high flying and scoring menace that management was eying. Turns out he wasn't what we thought he was lol. BUT he is getting off to a good start this season, I'm glad he's on the team. If he were to land us an upgrade well, ;)
  11. sharp/7/shooter

    Schmitz: Magic should trade for Anthony & Billups

    If Houston truly believes they can extend Melo's contract by just "getting him into town", they should re-evaluate their team. Yao's on his way out, and with the pieces they have now, could they really win a Championship? Carmelo wants to win, and the way I see it, it'll be like McGrady's situation years ago, just with a better star player.
  12. sharp/7/shooter

    The Hurt Locker - Vent Your Frustrations

    It could, but I'm hoping for some discretion lol. Thanks btw
  13. sharp/7/shooter

    The Hurt Locker - Vent Your Frustrations

    I have two term papers due next week and a final presentation for my college courses. Stressing out is an understatement.
  14. sharp/7/shooter

    Game Thread: Phoenix @ Orlando 11/18 TNT 8PM

    one more and he'll be on fire
  15. sharp/7/shooter

    Game Thread: Phoenix @ Orlando 11/18 TNT 8PM

    three. point. field. goals. LETS GO MAGIC!!!!!
  16. sharp/7/shooter

    Otis, please read between the lines!

    I like this a lot, man, I feel the same way. Reading and opening your mind to other people's opinions is, in reality, self-improvement. You can learn from what other people have to say, no matter what side of the spectrum they reside on...just as long as they are able to do the same. There are a few threads, the most notable ones are the trade threads, that have brought up the ideas you expressed in your original post. Dwight wants effective pieces around him, and members of this board have rummaged through possible scenarios in which we can make this happen.
  17. sharp/7/shooter

    Otis, please read between the lines!

    I wonder if one could ever grow down. Potatoes do and french fries taste delicious. But anyways, Raven, threads can be derailed quick on this board. People tend to use threads of little substance (no offense) as space to post their attempts at comic relief, and I admit, I am culprit of it this time. "Dear Otis" threads have come and gone, and taking into account that this is only an opinion with no source or credible material, the thoughts by the OP have been expressed on multiple occasions in various threads. Finding a thread related to your opinion should be a first step and if one exists, post there. I'm not trying to be a punk, I'm just giving it to you straight, man. Keep posting though, get your opinion heard :cheers:
  18. sharp/7/shooter

    Game Thread: Phoenix @ Orlando 11/18 TNT 8PM

    hahahaha your sig
  19. sharp/7/shooter

    Breaking News: Oden out for season

    schwag money
  20. sharp/7/shooter

    Breaking News: Oden out for season

    This is kind of ironic cus I use this saying all the time, "I'm on it like Oden's on the DL". He's out for another season :o I feel for the guy though, he hasn't even had time to prove himself. He is young, hopefully he can bounce back.
  21. sharp/7/shooter

    Otis, please read between the lines!

  22. sharp/7/shooter

    Otis, please read between the lines!

    BMP, just to let you know, I've considered changing my name to Aunt Jemima's Maple Syrup.
  23. sharp/7/shooter

    Game Thread: Phoenix @ Orlando 11/18 TNT 8PM

    Dragic is an x-factor for them, we should watch out for his play-making ability. Stop him before he makes it into the paint or before he can penetrate our defense.
  24. sharp/7/shooter

    Official NFL 2010 Season Thread

    Eagles, Falcons, and the Broncos look dope. LaughingMAO at the Pats jersey...seriously? :rolleyes:
  25. sharp/7/shooter

    Game Thread: Phoenix @ Orlando 11/18 TNT 8PM

    I say Dwight delivers Hedo some postgame pizza after he blocks out the Suns