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Everything posted by harryfromphilly

  1. harryfromphilly

    Markelle Fultz Appreciation Thread

    I hope that we offered him vet minimum and he turned it down, rather than us offering nothing. Also, am surprised that there has not been a team statement.
  2. harryfromphilly

    2024 Off-season Thread

  3. harryfromphilly

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Agree about Chuma. As I said before, seems strange that we have not heard Fultz talked about by us or other teams. Wonder if we are keeping him in our back pocket as a, "well if we dont sign a 3rd PG"
  4. harryfromphilly

    2024 Off-season Thread

    ESPN still saying PG taking meetings with Clippers, '6'ers , and us
  5. harryfromphilly

    2024 Off-season Thread

    If they dont make a move, when Paolo has expressed his desires, they risk him walking.
  6. harryfromphilly

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I generally am optimistic and even willing to give management the benefit of the doubt But your last statement is something i feel strongly about. It is appalling that often, the opposing team has more fans in the arena than we do. Particularly Boston. What is the cause of this? Do our fans not care? Is it economic, meaning ticket prices are too high for our minimum wage society? If management really cared about more than butts in seats it would find a way to insure magic fans are always in the majority. I.E. Stop selling to brokers and have massive florida resident discounts I mean, not to use this as a buisness model, but.... thats what Disney does. Aggressively pursues brokers and offers are Florida Resident discounts. There must be something that can be done. It is just embarrassing when cheers are louder for the Celtics
  7. harryfromphilly

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I find it interesting that no one (us or management ) even mentions Markelle anymore. Its like he is a ghost, already gone, lol.
  8. harryfromphilly

    2024 NBA Draft Thread

    I wouldn't even mind if they trashed us but instead we get crickets not even worth hating on
  9. harryfromphilly

    2024 NBA Draft Thread

  10. harryfromphilly

    2024 NBA Draft Thread

    pick after the lakers, so no one is talking about our pick
  11. harryfromphilly

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I agree with everything you said happy that we can try to sort our own free agents and get ready for the next chapter one thing. I dont mind the celtics team they deserved the championship Its the fans i can't stand lol
  12. harryfromphilly

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Nobody has talked about this recently but watching tonight Luka is coming here next year, right? lol
  13. harryfromphilly

    2024 NBA Playoff Thread

    Its amazing how much coaches who know how to use time outs can affect the game.
  14. harryfromphilly

    2024 Off-season Thread

    OMG big baby Davis 40 months for health care fraud !
  15. harryfromphilly

    2024 NBA Playoff Thread

    Exactly even if You say "well, they call it the same for both teams." How can a team be allowed to play very physical one night and penalized the next? Conversely, how can a less physical team play well one night, then get beat to hell the next? Whatever way the league wants the choice to go, Needs to be consistent across games, not just within a game.
  16. Right on Jay I agree walking away from this not happy but content i think if we win strong at home, it is no where near a guarantee we lose game 7 this will be a good team once the little mistakes get sorted
  17. i agree with fan for too long ... series will be decided with this game
  18. harryfromphilly

    2024 NBA Playoff Thread

    Totally Agree I remember a time before Brian Hill got canned and Brian Shaw used to pull this ****. Sitting in the corner on the floor during huddles Hated it then Hate it now
  19. we really need to dump harris almost as much as fultz he needs to go
  20. our 3 and d guy missed the 3 missed the coverage
  21. thanks was surprised at all the negatvism on here thanks for the update on to the next
  22. AND now watching denver/LA I hate LA almost as much as the Heat They both need to go away lol
  23. ok so i was working all day today and only swathe box score and even that was on very dodgy internet Please give me a FAIR assessment of today (Including what the hell Markelle did to get a flagrant? I! )