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Lets Talk Iran

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by Osprey23

I refuse to believe that we are at fault for 9-11.[/QUOT


If you refuse to read books or investigate the reality of a situation doesn't make your judgement right or valid. This is the reason that most americans don't know or don't care what their government does in their names. In America Ignorance is bliss.

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Originally posted by fan for too long:

by Osprey23

I refuse to believe that we are at fault for 9-11.[/QUOT


If you refuse to read books or investigate the reality of a situation doesn't make your judgement right or valid. This is the reason that most americans don't know or don't care what their government does in their names. In America Ignorance is bliss.


The same way your books and so-called "facts" don't validate or make right your opinion, right?


The fact is, YOU can read as many books as you want to solidify YOUR opinion, just as you accuse me of doing, oh wait, you accused me of not reading anything, my fault.


If this administration in as corrupt as you and your infallible sources claim, then Bush would have been impeached or removed from office a long time ago, because you know the Democrats have been looking for any imaginable reason, and if they aren't pursuing impeachment or other legal means because they worry about public-opinion polls, they are cowards.

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I finally agree with something you wrote. Democrats are cowards!!!! That is why I am independent. I can not stand either, both are owned by corporate america.


Where do you get your info. just curious? It seems you believe in the Bush administration lock stock and barrel. I was wondering what they did that deserved your unquestioning loyalty.

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I don't blindly follow the Bush administration, I like certain aspects of their foreign policy and anti-terrorism tactics, I wholeheartedly disagree with others. I just love our country and the way it is set up, where corruption cannot run to the depths as it has in many other countries, our Constitution guarantees that much. Checks and balances. Its a beautiful thing. I am just extremely skeptical when people claim theories like (not saying you believe this) we blew up the twin towers ourselves. If there is such a wealth of information that we did it, why aren't we dealing out some justice, and its not like people who are claiming these facts are mysteriously disappearing in the night.


And I get my news and analysis from The Weekly Standard, The Nation, NPR, and the National Review. As well as The Heritage Foundation and the Brookings Institute. They are all polarizing groups, but I don't surround myself with one viewpoint. I just don't believe the government is out to get me.

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I see where you are coming from. I disagree with your opinion on our government. I believe they are out to control you and every body else. You just don't believe it and that is how they want it. Our Constitution is one of the most important documents ever put forth by freedom loving people. But remember the people who wrote it were white land owning, slave owners who wanted to protect their perceived values and properties. It is the amendments that have been added in the past 200 some years that have made the Constitution such an great document today. It is also this administration and every administration since Carter's that have tried to undermine the Constitution and its authority. No administration has tried to violate the Constitution more than Bush's. From the patriot act to Presidential signing statements. Our rights are being chipped away at. You may think this makes you and our country safer. I personally do not want my rights trampled on by any gov't.


I don't know who wrote the following but it is so true.

First they came for the black man, I wasn't black so I didn't say anything, Then they came for the Jews, I wasn't a Jew so I didn't say anything. Then they came for the Irish, I wasn't Irish so I didn't say anything. etc.etc.

By the time they came for me there wasn't anyone left to say anything.


Stand up for the Constitution and its amendments, repeal the patriot act and fight to stop the presidential signing statements. Make sure that everyone that we arrest has a right to habeus corpus. Then Our Country can call itself the BEACON OF JUSTICE AND FREEDOM that it claims.

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