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Jareth Cutestory

Anybody watch Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel last night?

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I was watching it and after the Pacman segment they did a segment on dog fighting. The wife was with me and couldn't bare to watch it since she is an animal lover and they were showing underground footage from dog fights. They had a guy, who refused to show his face, on there. He was saying how he gets an andrenaline rush and crap. What kind of sick world do we live in?


You don't have to love animals, you just have to be a human being and respect animals and life.


Anyway, I turned it off once they started showing the footage. Anybody else catch this?

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I was watching it and after the Pacman segment they did a segment on dog fighting. The wife was with me and couldn't bare to watch it since she is an animal lover and they were showing underground footage from dog fights. They had a guy, who refused to show his face, on there. He was saying how he gets an andrenaline rush and crap. What kind of sick world do we live in?


You don't have to love animals, you just have to be a human being and respect animals and life.


Anyway, I turned it off once they started showing the footage. Anybody else catch this?

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I reply so I don't make you feel ignored...



I do agree, dog fighting is stupid, just like anything else. **** fighting is too....


You can sort of even say that Boxing, Wrestling, Kickboxing, and any other type of human fighting is the same thing. But it is still considered okay by most people and as a sport....


So in the end it's about culture and customs. Some practices that we see as horrible, other cultures see as needed or as part of what they are.


It is a sick world, and it will only get worst....

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Originally posted by davcivic:



I reply so I don't make you feel ignored...



I do agree, dog fighting is stupid, just like anything else. **** fighting is too....


You can sort of even say that Boxing, Wrestling, Kickboxing, and any other type of human fighting is the same thing. But it is still considered okay by most people and as a sport....


So in the end it's about culture and customs. Some practices that we see as horrible, other cultures see as needed or as part of what they are.


It is a sick world, and it will only get worst....


Thank you davcivic. I was thinking about running away from the boards since my topic wasn't being replied to lol.


I should have known it was going to be brutal, since it's on HBO.

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The difference I see in Dog Fighting (Or any animal) vs. Boxing, UFC etc. is the fact that (at least in our country) we have the choice of whether or not we want to fight. If two people want to fight each other for sport it is their choice. Animals have no choice. They are trained to fight or be killed, starved, locked up and on and on.


While I'm not a huge boxing fan, I don't find it cruel or grotesque like I find animal fights. Plus in boxing you don't fight to the death.

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I agree Osprey. We as humans are smart enough to know our limits (most of the time). The sport of boxing does not say "Fight to Death". A pittbull or any other dog cannot sense they are about to kill another dog in the heat of the moment.

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I would argue that we should know better. If fighting animals is wrong, we as humans, being the higher and smarter creature on the planet, should know that any fighting is wrong. Any abuse of a life is wrong.


An sure guys chose to fight, most becuase of money, some because of the glory, some are just violent....So in a way, even though they chose to fight, there are other factors out of their control that usually makes them fight.


I am not against boxing or anything like that, but if you think about things and meditate a little, you can see how a lot of things that people might look as bad, can also apply to things that some people see as good..

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Good point. I grew up loving pro wrestling, but I knew it was fake. I appreciated it for the pure entertainment, and for the way the guys took bumps.


Boxing is putting 2 people in the ring, and just letting them have at it. I watched it a few times, and while it was entertaining, it was pretty barbaric. I'm not a hippy or anything, but putting 2 guys in a ring to fight just doesn't seem like a true sport to me.


UFC,MMA, Boxing, I respect them and appreciate their talents in what they do, but I can't say I condone it. These guys end up with injuries far worse than football players. Look at Ali for a prime example.


While our fighting is more controlled than animal fighting is, I see your point. And when you really sit back and think about it, what is the TRUE difference between the two?

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Like I said, I'm not against it, or defend it, i'm indiferent, but if you step back and look at things, there's no real difference.


Depending on how you view things, it's still two animals fighting each other. Or lets call it two creatures fighting each other.


If there was no money, entertainment, glory, etc, etc, no one in their right mind would fight like that, just because. It's like me telling any of you, come on, let's kick each other's butts, just because...


Still, animal fighting is sad, and despicable, shouldn't happen, ever...

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I guess my true point would be the fact that professional fighters choose the sport knowing full well the risk. If they succeed they reap the benefits not lavished upon regular people. They aren't being exploited like the animals are. The use of animals for bloodsport and exploitation is what sets the differences for me.


And I realize we SHOULD (as higher intelligent beings) understand that fighting for sport in all its forms is "wrong," but conflict is ingrained in our human nature. To deny the urge of combat in the arena of fighting for sport will undoubtedly release those impulses on other aspects of society where the actions cannot be controlled.


You could argue we are an intelligent species, but we are also a violent species, and part of our intelligent plans were creating an arena in which the need for conflict can be acquiesced as opposed to forcing it to release itself in the form of violent crime.

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I don't think it speaks highly of our justice system when Tim Donaghy faces up to 25 years in jail for 6 months of sports gambling while Michael Vick faces 18 months in jail for 6 years of dog fighting. I will never understand that.


And I like your threads Jareth. You're one of my favorite newer posters.

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