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Hang tight with this team and trust the process

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I dont think we should trade anyone on this team.

Our team hasnt played fully healthy. Let's ride with the guys we have and let them improve their shooting and team chemistry.

Paolo had a terrible game today and single handily lost us the game, but he is that guy and I know he will bounce back and be great. In the playoffs last year, he was the reason we went to 7 and it was Franz game 7 that didnt show up. Now Franz is that dude too!

Goga being back is huge. Missing Moe is terrible for us, but I think we should ride with all our guys and let them improve. 

There isnt a way this season we could trade our way into championship contenders, so dont force anything. If our team improves and gets healthy and gets better at shooting, that is our only way.

I believe in our team even though it's been a rough 2 months.

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