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LeBron refuses to talk to the media or travel back with the Team

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Originally posted by HoopsCzar:

Originally posted by KillingInTheNameOf:

Originally posted by bigpimpatl:

Originally posted by KillingInTheNameOf:

Originally posted by bigpimpatl:

well the good thing is Big Z, Varejao, Joe Smith, and Szczerbiak all become free agents. That in itself solves half the problem...


Not really, Z & Varajeo have player options, & even if both opted out, Cleveland would only be like 7m under the cap. Which is essentially the same as they would have available with the MLE.


According to HOOPSWORLD (idk if this site is legit) the Cavs will shed about 20 mil in salary: 13 mil from Wally, and another 7 mil from Eric snow? HAHA. Big Z has an early termination option, but i'm not sure which way he has exercised that option (prolly for the 11 mil next season). Vareajao can be an unrestricted FA if he chooses, and I think he will to put the pressure on Cavs to resign him for more money.


The cavs have some room to work here. They could trade Ben wallace (14mil) before the trade deadline. Big Z could also be shown the door. It's up to the cavs management to actually do something...




Clev is so far over the cap, even if they shed Z's contract, which they won't, they are still only in MLE range under the cap.


Problem with moving Wallace's & Pavlovic's contract next year is that there's no way they could be move for the same value Cleveland could attract in the summer of 2010 IF LeBron chooses to stay. As HoopsCzar pointed out, Cleveland's optimal line was selling out this year & next to keep LeBron.


Hey Kill,..


I know that teams structure intimately. Which that GM and coach has misfired and cost that franchise value and opportunity from the first season they arrived.


I guarantee you the only way LeBron stays in Cleveland. Is an outside chance that mass firings of both GM and coach and even a possibly an ownership change takes place.


The fans of Cleveland were so Homer-istically stupid. I tried to tell them what was going on for years and the absolute ignorance on the board proclaimed I was impatient and off the mark,..I'd never been wrong in the 4 years I'd tried to tutor them.


It didn't upset me because I understand that they're so far distanced from a winner or knowing how to be taught how to win. That they don't even know what one looks or sounds like,..let em fast forward to NOW !!!


I agree, I think move #1 in the keeping LeBron happy should have occured last offseason in firing Brown and hiring D'antoni.


I don't think Brown is a bad coach, but his style is not ideal for a team with the premier open court player in the league, possibly in the history of the game. This we know for sure, LeBron doesn't like it.


I don't think D'Antoni is the best coach either, but this we do know, LeBron gushes about him every chance he gets.


By not firing Brown last year, Cleveland is in the exact same position Toronto was last year. They don't have the balls to fire a coach who exceeded expectations...but he's a horrible fit for the style they want to play & his days are numbered. Or perhaps maybe just Clevelands days are numbered???

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I can care less if a player skips their press conference, but you ALWAYS congratulate the team that beat you.


I excpect the media to grill Lebron. He only made his press conference worse.

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Originally posted by O-dub:



Cavs fans are panicking.


See I hate that,..


It's nice to compete to chide one another rooting on your team against fans of an opposing team,..it's what makes sports grand.


But I'm of the universal support and accord that no fan. Should ever have to fear losing a favorite player because ownership allowed some mucking it up Klutz clowns serving as incompetent GM and coach ruin it for them.


It'd be different if the player never wanted to be there or was just so greedy and selfish they chased Vaults.


But LeBron loves home, he's not selfish nor greedy and he just wants to win. This all comes down to he's been so patient that he's given that Owners chosen GM and coach 5 years to get on his level,..and it's clear they're not even close.


So who pay's,..the Fan.


It's a travesty and the only way they get their point across is season ticket holders let ownership know who the real boss is,..and that signal is loose the bums and keep that player or loose my interest and support.


It comes down to if you support such horrid management. Then as an accomplice you're only facilitating your continuance to be presented failures on your return,..and this is an instance that clearly somebodies got to go and I don't think the fans want it to be the player.


They want him and he's shown he wants or wanted to stay or losing wouldn't have bothered him so much,..if he was sold on leaving it'd only make him that much more convinced leaving was the best decision and he'd have false faced for the media but he couldn't because it's not who he is.


The constant failure is clearly now forcing him to make a decision. One that if he were better supported managerially this impasse would have never manifested,..but THAT'S exactly whats going on and unquestionably where they are NOW.

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Originally posted by bigtripp71:

Originally posted by O-dub:



Cavs fans are panicking.


i read all 11 pages of that thread




Here's the thing,..


It's not your fault and you had nothing to do with the anguish those fellow fans are enduring. But I'm sure you didn't like when Shaq left,..at certain times fans have to become a unified body of support.


So try to have some compassion for some fans that's facing very possibly on the verge of losing the best player in the league and best player they've ever seen or had,...it's terrible.


Now's the time for fans to show co-mutual support and call it straight and hope they can avert. The absolute worst thing that could happen to their entertainment and representation venue in a lifetime,..as fans we're sincerely more one and the same than we are literal adversaries.


I'll support them and any other fan base that would ever be facing such a inexcusable situation,..I love the game and I respect fellow fans just that much.


That's why when it comes down to matters like this I call it straight. They may not be able to see it before it happens. May disagree with taking it on nor initially understand or like to hear the real before the bottom falls out.


But rest assure they care, it matters and now they need serious help,..and all fans can count on me if they're ever in such a situation.

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lebron has no class he hasnt from day one and to cry like the ***** that he is shows how much disrespect he has not only for a league that gave him superstar status from day 1 but also to a great team that wiped his off the floor.


he needs to remember we were 1 second off a sweep we were the better team from minute one and deserve our place in the finals

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Originally posted by HoopsCzar:

Originally posted by bigtripp71:

Originally posted by O-dub:



Cavs fans are panicking.


i read all 11 pages of that thread




Here's the thing,..


It's not your fault and you had nothing to do with the anguish those fellow fans are enduring. But I'm sure you didn't like when Shaq left,..at certain times fans have to become a unified body of support.


So try to have some compassion for some fans that's facing very possibly on the verge of losing the best player in the league and best player they've ever seen or had,...it's terrible.


Now's the time for fans to show co-mutual support and call it straight and hope they can avert. The absolute worst thing that could happen to their entertainment and representation venue in a lifetime,..as fans we're sincerely more one and the same than we are literal adversaries.


I'll support them and any other fan base that would ever be facing such a inexcusable situation,..I love the game and I respect fellow fans just that much.


That's why when it comes down to matters like this I call it straight. They may not be able to see it before it happens. May disagree with taking it on nor initially understand or like to hear the real before the bottom falls out.


But rest assure they care, it matters and now they need serious help,..and all fans can count on me if they're ever in such a situation.


Most of what i found funny in that thread had nothing to do with bron leaving, it was more there opinion of our team and dwight. Some of the posters on realcavs actually realize we were better ( its these cavs fans that i hope get to keep lebron ), but most dont.


One of them said it best "the eastern confrence is one big rock, paper, scissors. Celtics with KG beats Magic, Cavs Beat Celtics with KG, Magic beat Cavs.


I think the difference between Shaq leaving and Lebron possible leaving is it wasnt speculated for almost 2 years that shaq would go, we just woke up one day and it had happened.

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Originally posted by ma:

Sore loser syndrome? He is 24 and a multimillionaire with a big ego, I am not surprised.


Where is the professionalism?


I too am wondering this.

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Originally posted by ma:

Sore loser syndrome? He is 24 and a multimillionaire with a big ego, I am not surprised.


Where is the professionalism?


It's more to it than that,..


Sure it's evident he hated to loose and by all means it'd been great if he would have been able to manage to exchange congratulations on the court to the Magic as victorious opponents as well as given a brief appearance at the press conference.


But like we all have our limitations on what we can handle. The young man merely showed he does have a limitation and it came in the form of not wanting to be quoted on anything he may have said after expending such effort and still losing,..again.


See not only again but in that fashion and after being so patient and with nothing else that he could have possibly done to avoid it.


See not only would he spoken out of rage which tends to present a liability of wishing he hadn't. But he could have forever damaged or even ruined his perceptive identity and image if speaking out of such raw emotion. Because whatever he said and about what and or who would have forever been recorded as history and dissected as a perpetually ran Ah-HA reel,..he avoided that.


See if you can entrench yourself into the shoes of an individual who's given so much energy and for so long trying to deliver the ultimate success to a throng of fans in the venue in which he performs in then you'd understand it a bit differently.


Unlike Florida that's had wins with the Marlins, a recent championship with the Heat and a former dynasty with the Dolphins. Along with success with the Jaguars, an array of college teams and the home to Tiger no woods. Now your managerial brain trust of the Magic has assembled a team that's nothing short of having delivered more success,..no player has as much pressure on them in carrying the hopes of a state and trying to deliver them something to hang their regional pride upon.


See he's not only worked so diligently and for so long but he's also a thus far lifelong local and he's trying his heart out to carry one and all to have something to celebrate about other than proverbial moral victories,..it's both tough and deep to say the least.


Sadly he knows he's their only hope and along with being so competitive and wanting it for the fans. He also wants it for himself and he like those championship forsaken fans deserve a winner after enduring and supporting failure for so long,..try wearing those shoes.


Not only the effort he gave to contribute in the securing / re-capturing Olympic basketball gold for the country. He then sprung into laboring to produce the record breaking numbers he's put up in both the 82 game and in this series. When he managed to hit that last second shot if you can review the absolute unselfish elation he displayed,..he beamed with not only triumph but he was so appreciative and humble he never tried to rub it in on Orlando players nor fans.


Now try imagining the direct opposite in emotion of that being dropped down on an individual that's both waited for help and tried everything humanly possible to do it all himself for so many people,..at times words can't explain or accurately reflect that emotion tactfully. Thus he avoided what sound bites and visuals where such overwhelming raw emotion of what he's endured and had to deal at that moment to be part of his identity.


Had he went on a finger pointing tirade or dropped a few F bomb's. No matter how accurate his statements been it'd not been good for all so if he could find nothing nice to say about one and all he said nothing,..and as such a high visibility personality sometimes saying nothing is the best thing.


Not an excuse but having been in similar positions there are situations I've been in that I'd wished I'd opted to have said nothing than to been misunderstood, misquoted and misinterpreted for what and or how I said it,..the only things that could have came from what he said would have been negative and it wouldn't have changed the loss's and failure that he's battled so incredibly trying to change and or avert.

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Originally posted by KillingInTheNameOf:

I noticed he walked off the floor as soon as the game was over as well. Reminds me of Shaq's last game in Orlando...Next season could be a long one for Cleveland.


Danny Ferry should be fired for not moving Wally for RJ, VC, or even Shaq at the deadline. The idea a team can win a title w/Mo Williams as your second best player was, is, & will always be absurd.


But the chemitry Kitno. That's the important part...

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Originally posted by HoopsCzar:

Originally posted by wowski:

if he want to win a championship, take a paycut.


A Wha?


He's already playing on a super bargain contract and without him they don't have a team,..PERIOD !!!


HE doesn't need to take a paycut. The Cavaliers needed a ball knowledge GM and coach like 4 years ago.


He's the leagues best player they're the leagues 2nd highest payroll and over the cap. Even with LeBron not even getting anywhere close to KG, AI, Shaq or Kobe money,..he's already the #1 player and his NBA salary is tied for somewhere like the 31st.


Buddy, if you think you get a LeBron for less than that don't let anybody break your video game memory card,..he's the kind of player that teams will sell their cities to land.


He is poking fun at the possibility of Lebron coming to Orlando

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