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Everything posted by Luke_FfS

  1. Luke_FfS

    April 3rd Gamethread: Cavs @ Magic

    quote: Originally posted by Aron-Ingi:no working links? I've alrady post it but it get caught on the end of the last page... http://www.ustream.tv/videoplayerpopup/channel/612050 quote: Originally posted by Cuchillero:Thanks for the link Luke it is working nicely. You're welcome.
  2. Luke_FfS

    April 3rd Gamethread: Cavs @ Magic

    quote: Originally posted by Cuchillero:Any other links?....I can't access ESPN360 b/c of my service provider. http://www.ustream.tv/videoplayerpopup/channel/612050
  3. Bad news for us... Iverson out for the season. Detroit is really better without him... http://www.nba.com/2009/news/0...season.ap/index.html
  4. Luke_FfS

    Join HEDO club.

    quote: Originally posted by barnettej:Listen, I have been seeing alot of threads suggesting to have some other type of fan club, like Lee and Gortat.... so forth. But your missing the main point, the fan club in itself is a joke.... Sort of like Turk's ratio of shooting 3's verse driving... which is 99% to 1% Turk doesnt really deserve a fan club... He deserves a kick in the @$$ and a w_t_f look.. He can play better, he can play smarter, he can play like the Most Imporved Player.... But he doesnt, instead he jacks up shots, runs to the rim like a Offensive Tackle, and then flares like a little girl, if there is any kind of contact.... We make fun of Turk, because we are frustrated with his play... or lack of... We all love the guy, but we are much like parents when we know there is more potential than what he is showing For anyone that still didn't get the sense of this club, please read the post above. I really believe that no-one on this forum hate Hedo, not even DoM.... he's a great guy, and I'm sure he's a great locker room presence that fits perfectly in this team. The problem is: he's showed us what kind of player is capable to be when he's playing at his best, so now, everytime he's lacking concentration or willingness to make the right play (or jacking up a stupid fade-away contested jumper), every member of this Club will be disappointed @ him. /Story
  5. Luke_FfS

    Magic vs Raptors Game Thread 4/1/09

    Floptors < 100 points = We ein.
  6. Luke_FfS

    Magic vs Raptors Game Thread 4/1/09

    I still can't understand this lineup that comes every time at the start of the quarter. At least, it would be good having JJ in and using Battie and Gortat for screens purpose.... at least!!!
  7. quote: Originally posted by Drunk on Mystery:There aren't really any teams I outright hate. I only really hate people who don't try on defense, people who are ball stoppers on offense, people who think they are better than they actually are, people who have ugly pornstar facial hair, and people from Turkey. And if you are actually offended by the preceding paragraph, kill yourself, or failing that, look up the word "sarcasm". Sorry DoM but I didn't get it.... wrong thread maybe? And Kberto, I'm one of the crazies that wouldn't matter to play the Pistons on the first round. I'm not even considering the other teams results on a nightly basis, IMO a team with a record like ours didn't have to even think @ the first round opponent.
  8. quote: A knee injury will keep Celtics forward Kevin Garnett out until three games remain in the regular season. "After watching him move today, we're just going to shut him down," Rivers said. "It probably won't be for the year. He'll probably play by the end, last couple of games or last three games. It's just not progressing the way we anticipated it would progress." The Celtics will be without Garnett for at least the next four games; if he does return with three games left, it would be for an April 12 road game at Eastern Conference-leading Cleveland. Boston (56-19) is currently percentage points behind the Orlando Magic for the second seed in the East. Garnett has missed a total of 14 games so far this season with a strained right knee he injured Feb. 19 at Utah. Glen Davis will continue to start in Garnett's absence.
  9. Luke_FfS

    Magic vs Raptors Game Thread 4/1/09

    Great thread, and LOL @ the South Park reference... Do we break the game in the first quarter or play three terrible ones waiting for the 4th to play little defense?
  10. Luke_FfS

    Magic-Heat Quotes

    quote: Originally posted by cunningstunt:Hedo On the keys to victory against Miami... "They are a good team. They play great at home. So we I will try to jump them early and try to get the game in my control and into our my hands. If you let them me do what they I want to do then it
  11. quote: And file away this one positive for Charlotte: Their season-ending road game in Orlando may not mean much for the Magic, turning a fairly certain defeat into a probable win. I'm wondering if he's thinking that we'll have lock the 2nd spot or that we'll have it already out of reach...
  12. Luke_FfS

    Bacon, Recipes, and other food discussion.

    Spaghetti with bacon recipe (original name: Spaghetti Carbonara) For 2 persons: - 0,5 lbs of italian spaghetti. - 0,15 lbs of bacon - 2 eggs - 3 spoons of grated italian Parmesan - Salt - Pepper - Extra virgin olive oil Put the spaghetti in boiling water (with salt) for the time written in the box (usually 10/11 mins) Fry the bacon in the oil until golden. Whip the eggs with salt and pepper, then mix it with the Parmesan. When the spaghetti are ready, put them in the frypan with the bacon, then add the mix and move it for about two minutes, until the eggs are not liquid anymore. Eat it until is hot.
  13. Luke_FfS

    Celtics @ Magic Wed. Mar 25, 8 PM ESPN

    quote: Originally posted by stanvandamme:Before justin.tv and all that, I was always listening to the games via audio league pass on nba.com, and I miss those guys. I like how he'd refer to hands as paws and talk about driving it down broadway or crap like that. Me too, and in a lot of nights I still try to see if the video streaming and the radio feed coincide, mixing them, altough it happens almost never... KITNO, I remember you reserving it two months ago, so why you didn't post your GT inside this one? It's a shame to have something you've worked on and couldn't use it. A big game against the C's it's worth a double GT, and I don't think that Drain-O or the mods would be pi**ed, considering the situation.
  14. Luke_FfS

    Join HEDO club.

    quote: Originally posted by barnettej: quote: Originally posted by SmackDaddy:If this is "The Hedo never plays defense fan club", count me in. This is the Club for it.... But you need to follow the rules Smack, starting from the sig and the avatar. :=)
  15. Luke_FfS

    Magic @ Knicks Game Thread, Mon 3/23 7:30pm

    Knicks are helping us to stay on the game... so why didn't put a minimal effort to take it? a W is a W, didn't matter how it smell...
  16. Luke_FfS

    Magic @ Knicks Game Thread, Mon 3/23 7:30pm

    One of the few things I didn't like in Stan is that he didn't even even even bench a starter when they're playing bad. Shard and Turk both deserves to be benched tonight, so at least one of them must be sitting right now.
  17. Luke_FfS

    Magic @ Knicks Game Thread, Mon 3/23 7:30pm

    Dwight is ballin on offense, but on defense his effort is very poor. He's "only" 7 boards too (while Lee has 10). He needs to lead by example on both sides of the court.
  18. Luke_FfS

    Magic @ Knicks Game Thread, Mon 3/23 7:30pm

    This one is with NY announcers, but is probably the best stream I've ever seen. http://www.justin.tv/go2_raptorsnation_dot_net
  19. Luke_FfS

    Stock Meeting: Week Twenty-One.

    quote: Originally posted by cunningstunt:no, i'm wondering what the missing crater is that kberto is talking about? Maybe something not Magic-related coming from the chat? Great read-up as always Sky. And I agree with Kberto that maybe a SU for Shard is too much, but anyway he's (hopefully) exiting from this slump.
  20. quote: Originally posted by Natmayo:I dont think the question is "does Hedo have talent." We all know hes a talented basketball player. I think most on here wish he was a bit more consistant with his game and sometimes make better decisions with the ball. Even your quote has it at THREE games. He has improved from the start of the season no doubt, but he still can come on like a bull in a one or two game stretch, and then turn around and go 2-14 or 3-15 the next game. I would like more consistancy than he shows, and I believe if he wouldnt try to take on so much in the offense and limit some of the jack up type of shots, Hedo would be truly great. And to me this isnt about Rashard against Hedo, to me its just about Hedo. If he wants the contract that many in here thinks he deserves, hes got to take what the game gives him instead of trying to force things. Id love to keep him here in Orlando, provided he became more consistant with his game. And IMO his game right now isnt worth 10 mil a year. And before someone yells "Lewis isnt worth his contract either", your right, we paid too much. But it doesnt mean that we have to make another mistake by overpaying another player. + ?
  21. Luke_FfS

    Will Magic Lose Gortat?(Bill Ingram interview)

    Resign him. I think that this is one of the few matters in which almost all the members of the forum agree. Another interesting quote from the article, coming from a guy that had lost playing time in spite of Marcin: quote: "Marcin's playing extremely well," says Magic big man Tony Battie. "He's done a great job of raising his level of play, especially from last year to this year. He's playing some big time minutes now and the sky's the limit for him. He's learning from one of the best centers in the league, that being Dwight, and he's soaking everything up like a sponge."
  22. quote: Originally posted by Skywise316: Yes he did have a good passing game, especially in the first quarter. However that dried up in the 4th quarter. My point was he dribbled the shot clock down too much and took bad shots. However no one (except DOM, myself, and all the members of a certain Club foundated a few weeks ago, apparently) are gonna be upset at him for that because the shots went in. But this is also how he's had 2 outta 15 shooting nights, too. It's my job to keep in mind how good every Magic player can be, and how bad every Magic player can be. Corrected.
  23. Luke_FfS

    Rashard has been playing hurt

    quote: Originally posted by Lawyers,Guns.and Money:He is the only Magic player who has played every game so far. Gotta give him credit for that. AJ too to be fair. Anyway, I agree with the everyone in giving him a little rest, maybe in matches that we could probably win even without him, while giving Marcin a little more PT to have him ready coming playoffs.
  24. Really nice AddiFB, love it! Altough the D'Antoni pic with a Tracer Milano jersey is something that put back bad memories in my mind... but this is another story...
  25. Luke_FfS

    Magic-Suns Quotes

    Don't know, I tend to believe to JJ's words, he seems sincere, altough it's quite simple to write it in a blog without giving the ref the possibility to explain his point of view. Fact is, all this story seems so unreal that sounds like false, like something more MUST have happened... quote: Originally posted by echo4papa:Thanks Luke, I had forgotten all about that. You're welcome