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Everything posted by ibonedteribell

  1. ibonedteribell

    Hablemos del presente y futuro de los Magic

    Lo interesante del segundo juego es que el equipo domino sin el esfuerzo de Jameer o Turk con una gran labor de compartir la bola y asitencias de AJ. Esto disminuye la necesidad de usar a Jameer como una pieza ofensiva en el esquema de juego forzandolo a vover a emfatizar su rol de facilitador que a el no le encaja. Me parece que su actuacion sera muy parecida al pasado torneo en donde respondia cuando Stan lo presionaba o sus back up lo hacian. En cuanto a Turk,percibo que ya ha estado haciendo relegado y seri amejor opcion tenrlo como el sexto hombre en donde seira la parimera opcion ofensiva junto con Reddick y Lee. Me es inevitable tener que vaticinar que la retencion de Carlos hubiera sido una buena opcion para este equipo ya que el rol defensivo adicional ha sido llenado por los nuvos jugadores. Aunque Carlos, no creo que quiera volver a la NBA a ser cola de Leon cuando es la primera opcion ofensiva en Israel con un mejor sueldo.
  2. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    Parece que van permitirnos participar en ingles en su foro. Bragao, man
  3. ibonedteribell

    Hablemos del presente y futuro de los Magic

    Por favor vayan al site exilado en Around the globe, donde les tengo informacion ce Carlos y el site que le haran para us fanaticos.
  4. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    Esta fue la contestacion que recibimos edel encargado del site de los fanaticos de Maccabee. Hi Ivan We are working on an English forum for Carlos fans over USA and Puerto Rico. I believe it will take couple of days. The address is the official fans website of maccabi
  5. ibonedteribell

    Hablemos del presente y futuro de los Magic

    quote: Ridiculo!!! No es racismo. Es escoger mejor jugador. Su comentario es racista, no importa el color, importa el record. Carlos se fue, tu tambien? Ya veo que resucito nuestra pagina cuando usted se digna en visitarnos. A quien le queda para poner en su firma cuando Reddick se vaya? Irme yo? Nooooo, se
  6. ibonedteribell

    Hablemos del presente y futuro de los Magic

    quote: Please Wait. Your request is being processed...[x] Siteorlandomagiczone.com Servleteve2da015 Version1.2.22 build 9062 ModuleForums 4.0.3 Stylesheet"New OrlandoMagicZone.com" Wordlet Set"Default Wordlet Set" Logout: orlandomagiczone.com Update Groupee Account Reply Chat Rooms orlandomagiczone.com Magic Message Boards Magic Message Boards Orlando Magic Forum Hablemos del presente y futuro de los Magic Contact Us | Chat Rooms | Privacy Statement | Terms of Service Copyright 2008 NBA Media Ventures, LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of NBA.com may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form. By accessing any information beyond this page, you agree to abide by the NBA.com Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Advertise on NBA.com | Career Opportunities quote: hay por favor, me vas a decir que crees que Otis esta poco a poco sacando a todos los que no sean negros del equipo? Wow..Y que hay de Gortat, es Polaco(blanco europeo) Y si es asi ya mismo tambien elimina al coach y pone a un coach negro... Hermano, dale tiempo al tiempo. Tu defensa de Otis y tu firma, aun ante las metidas de pata mas grande que ha hecho, me sugiere alna falta de objetividad de tu parte. Mis comentarios son muy "off the cuff", como dicen los anglosajones.
  7. ibonedteribell

    Hablemos del presente y futuro de los Magic

    quote: Originally posted by serviviente: quote: Originally posted by ibonedteribell:Este es el a
  8. ibonedteribell

    The Year of Jameer - The Pressure is on

    I will reply with a quote from myself in another message. "Jameer, has two standards to achieve, those that the fans and the organization expect of him and those that he expects of himself. I think the problem is the latter which may end up leaving him frustrated at the end. Now, the pressure placed upon him by two experienced quality backups is gone but if Stan has to resort to use the Turk and Lee for strategic purposes, he is not going to be happy about this. Will he become a consitent good PG instead of a Yo-Yo one with excellent days alternated with mediocre ones? Let the season tell us."
  9. ibonedteribell

    Ticket Pre-Sale

    quote: The fans of any one player are most definitely expendable. I understand your intention but does this include those of Howard and Jameer too? I think the fact that a certain players leave affects the attendance is a problem of the organization and not of the fans.
  10. ibonedteribell

    Ticket Pre-Sale

    The Orlando and San Juan area travel agencies are already making a ton, announcing a double wammmy to visit the Holy Land and see their saviour St. Carlos the Redeemer lead the Macabees against the unbelievers.LOL By the way Arroyo was the MVP of the preseason, his jersey is again one of the hottest sales and the games played as local have been sold out.
  11. ibonedteribell

    what you guys thing about Jameer Nelson goals?

    Jameer, has two standards to achieve, those that the fans and the organization expect of him and those that he expects of himself. I think the problem is the latter which may end up leaving him frustrated at the end. Now, the pressure placed upon him by two experienced quality backups is gone but if Stan has to resort to use the Turk and Lee for strategic purposes, he is not going to be happy about this. Will he become a consitent good PG instead of a Yo-Yo one with excellent days alternated with mediocre ones? Let the season tell us.
  12. ibonedteribell

    Hablemos del presente y futuro de los Magic

    Seria bueno saber de parte de Dav, si sera un nuevo policy no permitir discusiones en castellano sobre los Magic o simplemnente es un problema del tama
  13. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    Quiero compartir lo mas reciente sobre la enfermedades tropicales de PR. "PUERTO RICAN MEDICAL DISORDERS Mo
  14. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    quote: Originally posted by HamsterNelson:has carlos' team won a game yet? ive seen the links where theyve lost. i thought the prodigal son was just what the team needed? guess otis and the rest of the league were onto something letting him walk my friend you should also look at stats, 18+ppg, 8 assist/game, team MVP of recent tournament. NOt even Howard can win by himself.
  15. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    En esta misma pagina hay un area para contactar por correo electronico y le solicite que teniamos interes de establecer contacto con sus fanticos en el idioma ingles si asi fuera posible. Inundemos su pagina con miles de solicitudes quizs posteando deste mensaje en el around the globe news del board. Podriamos comprar muchos articulos deportivos muy originales que tienen incluyendo los de Arroyo. Mi avatar es carlos en su nuevo uniforme.
  16. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    Cambiaron el site official de Maccabi y miren quien esta en primera palna. Cuanto daria por postear el mismo en el foro. Como se les ocurre que podemos hacerlo? http://www.maccabi.co.il/News.asp?id=1615&language=english
  17. ibonedteribell

    what you guys thing about Jameer Nelson goals?

    Howard is not going to help him get this one,LOl Yet, I would love to see him guide the game play against Arroyo in international play.After all all eyes are upon him.LOL
  18. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    quote: Originally posted by CarlosDarwin:Maccabi p[perdi
  19. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    Howard is not going to help him get this one,LOl Yet, I would love to see him guide the game play against Arroyo in international play.After all all eyes are upon him.LOL
  20. ibonedteribell

    LOL! Now Denton wants to play GM...RE: Turk(link)

    quote: Originally posted by Soul Bro:Wow. Dent is going out on a limb. Good for him. I love Odom's game, and he is a bad fit in the triangle offense of LA. Would I do it? Tempting, especially because it would clear a lot of cap space for next summer. Would we be better NOW with Odom at the 4 and Lew at the 3? Hmmm.... I actually believe so b/c it would balance us out. (Remember: Odom can facilitate like a madman, too). 15/9/4.5 are nasty numbers and would only improve next to Dwight. Denton never goes out out on a limb. He has has the best insider connection to Otis for the last year. I can only specualte this is a floater to test the magic fan waters or a mesage to Turk in negotiations.
  21. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    quote: Originally posted by echo4papa:What you guys need is a common enemy to focus all that anger and spite! Stop turning on each other! Yes, thats why we have you.LOL "Para eso te tenemos, Eco de tu Papa"
  22. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    quote: Originally posted by davcivic:Y si yo te digo que mis abuelos vinieron de Espa
  23. ibonedteribell

    Discutamos sobre Carlos Arroyo en espa

    quote: Originally posted by Ag
  24. ibonedteribell

    Jameer - Will He or Won't He

    quote: Originally posted by Rob:Nelson is the type of player no matter how hard he tries he will never be appreciated here. Otis just might need to move him if he can. I just cant see how a 10.9ppg 5.6apg 2tpg 3.5rpg in 28mpg that shoots real good and would put up more points if needed to doesnt get the appreciation he deserves. Howard is NOT an offensive stud yet. Struggles passing out of double teams and doesnt have a variety of ways to score if he recieves the ball nowhere near the paint. If under basket, all dunks, thats cool but if nowhere near, hes stuck. Thats a problem. Why feed a guy like that alot. But the blame goes back on Nelson feeding him cause hes too short right. I think the question should be can Howard take this team to a championship with his limited ways to score. Nelson is a solid pg. Otis please trade Nelson if you can, the fans here dont appreciate him here. Get them a tall pg or just move Turk to pg and have Nelson back him up in a 6th man role. With Nelson out of the lineup lets see if Turk can run the offense by himself. Turk Pietrus Lewis Battie Howard Lets just see what happens. Nelson is good but people on here believes that Turk is the better pg so lets see. You cant blame the Arroyo followers on this discussion! There must be some sort of objectivity to these comments. I think fans are worried that Jameer doesnt have as good back up as last year.