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Everything posted by JJZFL

  1. The Knicks game was historically bad. Our expectations have to be for our second unit to beat the other second unit, not just get outscored less than in the Knick game.
  2. Yep whole second unit is minus.
  3. Bench out scored 21-8 first half.
  4. Agree with everyone’s comments about the quality of this win. Still cannot believe that no call on Fournier at the end. They did everything but kick him in the privates. They were actually trying to get the foul call. Wonder if it was the same ref who blew it in the nfl championship game?
  5. Looks like you will set the record for wrong posts in one thread by a huge margin. I doubt your record will ever be broken.
  6. Was wondering the same thing. For Fournier??
  7. Had concerns about taking Briscoe out. DJ hurts us a lot on defense.
  8. Jeff Turner exceptionally idiotic tonight, even for him.
  9. I don’t know about “exactly”. I’d much rather be in the place where we beat the Bulls and Knicks.
  10. Agree with both posts. As disappointed as I’d be if we don’t make the playoffs this season, especially when you consider some of the ways we’ve lost as MagicBlue alludes to, I’m a bit more optimistic about next season because I think the front office fixes a couple of things over the summer. That should make us at least a solid shot for the playoffs next season.
  11. We actually have to win some games to make the playoffs. It doesn't matter if in theory we have the "easiest path". The games aren't played on paper. We were up 12 points going into the 4th against the woeful Knicks and still managed to find a way to lose. We may well wilt under the pressure. None of these guys are used to playing meaningful games late in the season.
  12. JJZFL

    2018-19 Official Season Discussion Thread

    If we could only get rid of Turner.....I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve yelled at the TV while Turner is blathering on about some irrelevant idiocy while in the meantime important things are happening in the game.
  13. We’re not saved yet. Could easily lose this game.
  14. When Ross is off, like he has been so far tonight, our second unit is often in trouble. Grant not showing much either.
  15. JJZFL

    2018-19 Official Season Discussion Thread

    Complacency kills playoff runs. We’re not anywhere yet.
  16. They were 13-3 without him though. Now 13-4
  17. I can’t pull it off like he does....obviously.
  18. Don’t think JI was in with the second unit.
  19. We’ve seen these leads melt faster than an ice cream cone under Kim Kardashian’s...... wait a minute, mixing my metaphors there. But you get the idea.
  20. Thing is, a lot of times he tries to force an attack when it isn’t there and dribbles into a double or triple team. That’s no good either.
  21. Fournier two turnovers and a missed wide open three while the Raptors made their run. Just redeemed himself a little, but I don’t think they make their run without the way he was playing.