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JJZFL last won the day on July 18

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653 Excellent


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  1. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Time to go into hibernation for about three months, at least from a basketball perspective.
  2. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    From my standpoint we don’t have a real point guard, so I’ll take anything we can get
  3. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Thank you!
  4. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Who is GTJ?
  5. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

  6. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    So are there any more highlights where interesting things might happen during this offseason, or is it basically doldrums between now and October?
  7. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    He is way better than Ennis and Bacon. Whether that should qualify him for a max is a different conversation, but I hope he plays well enough in future years to justify it. We are definitely locked in and depending on him at this point.
  8. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Kind of locks Suggs in at PG. It didn’t work well last year. Hopefully it will work better in the future but hope is not really a plan.
  9. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Yes, it can work both ways. And it kind of worked last season, at least during the regular season, although our offense was pretty stagnant even then (look at our offensive numbers). Our scoring difficulties became more noticeable in the playoffs.
  10. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    It depends on whether they can put the ball in the basket or not. Rebounds often allow the other team to get out on offense before the defense can get set, which would substantially negate our advantage defensively.
  11. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I might substitute the word “a” for your word “another” above but otherwise totally agree. Out of likes but +1 from me.
  12. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Thank you!
  13. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Please help clarify for me. Does this mean that no further free agent signings or trades take place after July 6th?
  14. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    You are certainly welcome to disagree. I don’t agree with everything you write either. His injury history speaks for itself. Lots of soft calf and hamstring injuries.
  15. JJZFL

    2024 Off-season Thread

    The knock against him has always been that he seems to relish finding reasons to be out with small injuries. That was the case in Denver and it has certainly been the case here. He is one of the few players who I think prefers being in street clothes to being in the lineup.