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Everything posted by hootie249

  1. hootie249

    Fire Weltman!! Now!!!

    Yeah i'm with you. And i am pretty sure AB was drafted once they missed out on a Thompson. Hey AB is a long tall wing like them so why not! I also believe they wanted Wallace and when OKC traded up they panicked and licked Jett.
  2. hootie249

    2024/25 NBA Regular Season Thread

    I love how we do this to ourselves. There is not a chance we waive someone so a buy out candidate comes to Orlando. In other news the Kings keep losing. Something to watch this season. Let's see how the Kings and Spurs do because it will be relevant to the Magic. Some players just don't contribute to winning but have great stats like DeRozan and Lavine. Some players are just in the wrong system like Fox. I don't think it's that simple but something to watch. You need a proper combination of defense and offense and nobody on the Kings plays defense. Meanwhile i hate the say it but the Lakers are going to be my number one to watch the rest of the season, Lebron,Luka and Williams is just going to be fun to watch. Also on the radio this morning Mark Daniels was hinting at players that could hit free agency after next season, i guess offering a little hope for us. This is so ridiculous! No players make it to free agency anymore! What have we seen to ever make him think that! Paul George is like the only recent example and the worst kind of example! This team will start winning again, probably on our upcoming 8 game home stand. Probably best to stop thinking about who the Magic could add until after the season ends.
  3. hootie249

    Fire Weltman!! Now!!!

    You already know my opinion. The Vooch trade was more about how bad the Bulls run things then how we took advantage of them. The Paolo thing was just what he should have done and Franz seems more like luck. Almost all his draft picks seem highly suspect in context and how they turned out. Guy is old school and it's time to pass the torch.
  4. hootie249

    2024/2025 General Game Thread

    Hey guys! i was at the Game at Ball Arena tonight. AMA! Actually don't. it was as bad as you can imagine! The only thing i want to say is Paolo is playing as bad as you guys are seeing on TV. I just saw it in person tonight. Also AG is Good but it's all about the gravity that Jokic creates and the shooting when Denver gets hot. He is the definitive role player. Your going to see the box score and see that MPJ was the hero this game, and he was! He is a sniper in a huge body. He actually looks bigger then Paolo in person. He is a huge offensive mismatch. One thing i noticed about his game tonight. All his shots his feet were planted firmly. Our 3's some were open some weren't. But every time the Magic took a 3 i sensed a hesitation and non planted feet! That's all i got. Enjoyed the fist half then left in the third. goodnight!
  5. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    I think i am now scared they make the wrong move. We shall see.
  6. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Honestly i would personally just want Vooch back somehow. Just to see him in a Magic uniform again.
  7. hootie249

    2024/2025 General Game Thread

    Well they finally used size to bully the other team a bit, but it's all about the shots dropping. We have all said it a few open looks, shots fall we destroy teams. I guess it's still true.
  8. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Great win, everybody played,nobody is going anywhere! GO MAGIC!
  9. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Just having Anderson with his defense would be enough, Wiggins will turn into a beast with Miami"culture"
  10. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Oprah talking to Magic fans...."You get nothing, you get nothing, YOU GET NOTHING......you get nothing!"
  11. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    That's my take as well but i'm afraid they can't afford to trade him and still be competitive. They need a trade like the Kings Jonas trade. Reeves is too important to just fielding a starting 5.
  12. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Huerter cost 16 million and 17 next year what are you smoking?
  13. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Those guys are our guys that we don't want. In other words they were signed in the hope one day they could be used in a trade. That's it especially Collins. Huerter is the poster boy for useless if his shot isn't falling and Tre is just too small. I feel bad for the Bulls. I look at that roster, they have no hope. They are next years Wizards.
  14. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Yeah that team would win a G League title and have a first round exit in the NBA To elaborate that's one player past his peak, 2 players who have not reached their peak and one player i'm pretty sure i know what his peak is, Franz. I'm not saying Franz has peaked he is 2 or 3 years from his prime. I just think we can truly see what he is going to be. Paolo should be a super star and Suggs an all-nba defensive 3 and d guy but they are much more up in the air i think.
  15. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    I was thinking the same thing.
  16. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Um how much more draft compensation can they absorb? They gonna make a new rule just for OKC.
  17. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Welcome to the Magic!
  18. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    LOL good one Luke! just what we all expected. As always i wonder wtf this does for either team but some blogger will tell us.
  19. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Here is a sneaky trade. The rockets are the two seed right now and a few defensive moves might help them out. They are hurting defensively since Tari Eason and Jabari Smith went down. They also have extensions kicking in and have some tough decisions to make. I believe it's a great buy low situation for Jabari and Reed Shepard. It's no secret most Houston fans think Tari and Whitmore are better and cheaper, much cheaper. Houston would have to make an extension decision soon on Jabari and i see them letting him get to restrictive free agency. Reed is super young an expensive for a team trying to compete. He is currently in the G league. Why the rockets do this. Simple, we give them a couple firsts so they can save face and kick the can down the road a bit. They do not have to make a decision with Jabari and get a cost controlled Isaac. Also Reed is way too expensive at 10 million for a player that might not crack the rotation for a few years. Why the Magic do this. Well number one the Isaac situation is over for me it's worth taking a flyer on Jabari. And two we can afford taking a swing on a young Kentucky guard.
  20. hootie249

    2025 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    I'll bite. First of all, i'm sure 90% of us don't want him here, including me. That said The Suns would do something with us if it offered a chance for them to reset the all-in mistakes they have made these last few years. I would assume they would want one of our young forwards. So you can build a trade around either but it would be easier with Franz, since his salary would be an average of his extension. You could also send his brother as salary if you send Franz assuming they were punting this year for the next few years. That being said, if you want to keep our stars there is a path trading Suggs,Isaac,KCP for Durant and Grayson Allen but it would take another team. The Suns have to end up below the second apron to allow multiple players traded. It makes the trade machine a mess. Anyhow this was just for fun. This is my favorite trade machine. https://fanspo.com/nba/trade-machine
  21. hootie249

    2024/2025 General Game Thread

    Oh yeah this one is really bad too, just overshadowed by the Luka trade. Spurs got Fox for basically nothing, even getting the bulls to take on terrible players! SMDH. Also trade compensation is subjective. So Bulls literally made two trades with the same teams this past year and only got back their original draft pick. But they got rid of two players taking them nowhere. Lavine should have gotten them a first at least, but they have been trying to trade him for 3 whole years! That being said i have no problem with the Magic trading first round picks, even two. If they think Cam Johnson can improve our offense, go ahead and give those picks! If it works i'm down. Is Coby white the answer? I don't know but i don't mind spending a pick to find out. I don't need the team to "win" a trade i just want players who can play.
  22. hootie249

    2024/2025 General Game Thread

    LOL sorry Luke-Ffs. The absolute robbery by the Lakers and Spurs has exonerated all bad trade ideas. No trade can ever be said to be stupid, ever again! Also Mavs just sent Grimes to Philly.
  23. hootie249

    2024/25 NBA Regular Season Thread

    The theory crafting because of the absolutely insane Donic trade is amazing. In theory you could take the same crazy circumstances that just happened and apply it to a LaMelo to Orlando trade. LaMelo just started his big contract and they are still the second worst record in the eastern conference. They could come out with the same questionable work ethic and defense wins championship things the Mavs GM said. Boom, LaMelo traded to Orlando for Suggs,AB,Isaac,Whatever. The Luka trade makes everything seem possible. This works for Trea Young as well. The big difference is we have the picks for a real trade to happen.
  24. hootie249

    2024/2025 General Game Thread

    I keep telling you he was never good. Look at his picks besides Paolo and Wagner, and i think Wagner was a Michigan thing. Also his loyalty about certain players is crazy. One of the best things a good GM can do is admit mistakes and fix them. As i have pointed out before the Celtics have made at least 20 major moves since 2017. This is with being gifted two very special players thanks to an all time great trade with the Nets. They never stop changing. From taking the big swing with Kyrie then letting him walk, moving on from Smart, getting Horford twice! Trading for gems like White while missing with other role players like Fournier, then just getting rid of him. Having two great back up bigs like Williams and Grant but still moving on from them because they can't stay healthy. Then making more huge swings with Holiday and Porzingus. And honestly it looks like the zinger can't stay healthy so i bet they find a way to get rid of him too. What do we do? Sign freaking Isaacs to a third contract. Please reread this sentence. The Orlando Magic in the year of our lord 2024 signed Jonathan Isaacs to a 3rd contract even though he has missed more games then he has played. Has anyone seen that graphic on sports center about Embiid playing like 5 more games then he has missed? They are making a big deal about Embiid but when he plays he has MVP level skills! We talk ourselves into liking these questionable moves. Oh his contract is not guaranteed! It drops by AVV over 10 million next 3 years! What a great move! Our GM is wise! Meanwhile we lose our two best players for a huge amount of games and he honestly does jack ****. If they don't trade Isaacs in the next 48 hours then you know our Gm is kind of worthless. His contract is super tradeable and for a good amount of tradeable salary(25 million). He plays the same position of our two best players(forward, who cares Small or power). He is not a small ball center nor has he improved his offense in over 5 years and his contract is the largest we have to trade. It's time, he is the one contract i say has the least downside to trading.
  25. hootie249

    2024/2025 General Game Thread

    I'm pretty sure that poster was joking, at least i hope so. Anyway i still feel pretty confident Paolo will play like he did to start the season. Just need some time and this trade deadline is doing some voodoo on the squad. I wish the All-Star break was this week but we got to pull it together. The losing sucks but what's worse we just look awful right now. Go Magic! I