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Jason Funderburker

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Jason Funderburker last won the day on June 21

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117 Excellent

About Jason Funderburker

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  1. Jason Funderburker

    2024 NBA Summer League Thread

    Of course follows this up with two fouls for using his size the wrong way
  2. Jason Funderburker

    2024 NBA Summer League Thread

    Huff vs Missi is an interesting matchup. Missi is the much higher thought of prospect but Huff just looks so much bigger and knows how to use that size against him. Not likely to pull off the same athletic feats tho
  3. Jason Funderburker

    2024 NBA Summer League Thread

    Don't like seeing Black give us a record scratch when he was open for a 3. Need him to be more confident taking more shots
  4. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I've been a Jett hater but I was pleasantly surprised how he took the opportunity to assert his shooting and actually looked like he second best player out there
  5. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Da Silva I think plays the 4 spot
  6. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Ingles is the most hilariously perfect replacement for Kyle Anderson in Minnesota
  7. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    So I know moves can still be made and trades are possible, but By the end of Paolo’s rookie year we knew we had a guy who could potentially be different and lead the team to the top. Since then we have had 2 free agency periods, 2 drafts, and 1 trade deadline. Can anyone honestly say Weltman has done anything in that time to raise the ceiling of the team (much less address the defects that were apparent this year)? I can admit that my timeline is probably not the one the front office is working on, but it is frustrating to see other teams with young stars make moves to improve those teams while our team sits in their hands and banks on just internal improvement
  8. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Can’t see the team trading Carter without bringing in another starting big
  9. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I’m annoyed. All this cap space and nothing to show for it
  10. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Reports that Utah willing to listen for Lauri. Would probably take 5 firsts so hard to say it would be worth it but I would for sure explore that
  11. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I wonder if we do seriously go after PG and sign him if there would be another big move. I think if you sign him you are really going in to try and open a contention window early as Paolo and the rest continue developing, but I don’t think just PG really does that so they might as well go all in and trade for someone
  12. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I suppose there could be a logic in trading Trae to try and get assets to recover their own picks like Brooklyn did. I think his passing would go to waste a bit without shooters here but I would take him
  13. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Love to see other teams making moves we should do
  14. Jason Funderburker

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Franz better step his game up to deserve the contract he is about to get
  15. Jason Funderburker

    2024 NBA Draft Thread

    It’s not this one pick that is annoying, it us the continued kicking the can down the road with 2nds