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HOOPSWORLD preseason power rankings: EAST

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Sweet Predictions!


We are the under dog again, and just like last year we went out and proved that the under dog isnt that far under.


So I am happy to hear that Hoops World is trashing our team.


I hope every single sports outlet does the same and they "air" it every night on ESPN, and the send emails and voice mails to all the Magic players to tell them that teams like Phil and Toronto out rank them.


Let it sink in with our players, because its only going to be that much sweeter when we go out prove them wrong, just like last year.


And when the smoke clears and the dust settles, I hope the whole Magic Team looks into the camera, holding the championship trophy and yell out "Look who is #1 b--ches"

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Originally posted by barnettej:

Sweet Predictions!


We are the under dog again, and just like last year we went out and proved that the under dog isnt that far under.


So I am happy to hear that Hoops World is trashing our team.


I hope every single sports outlet does the same and they "air" it every night on ESPN, and the send emails and voice mails to all the Magic players to tell them that teams like Phil and Toronto out rank them.


Let it sink in with our players, because its only going to be that much sweeter when we go out prove them wrong, just like last year.


And when the smoke clears and the dust settles, I hope the whole Magic Team looks into the camera, holding the championship trophy and yell out "Look who is #1 b--ches"


after my amazing fail picture post, i've let the dust settle in my head and i've realized a few things, i think before every game stan should read what she wrote about the magic, and then have each player on the team memorize it, and recite it while they play, whatever else,. to me an article like that would be the best motivator, i'd want to pity the guy sizing me up on the other team. he'd get a fist full of fury after i read something like that to myself, if was jameer i'd be the hardest dribbling pg to guard and slow down, if i was a magic big i'd want to foul out of every game for dishing out real punishment, and if i was peitrus i'd take it real personal, someone calling me to come off the bench....


ask for kyler, thanks for all the inside info he's given us, and i'm sure we're not going to hear anything good from the guy ever again, and we do like him. but we have a reputation to uphold as annoying magic fans, she threw up some pretty harsh words with nothing really good to say, we're apparently a pack of wild pit bulls and rotwilers that don't mind chewing on each other's heads to begin with, let alone someone that comes along and throws a rock at us, and the threw a big rock and tried to dance away without having all of us come down on her, does she see what we do to each other in here? they should cancel all network televison, and just lock us all in a cage with loudspeakers duct-taped to our mouths, talk about ratings.

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Cavs in the 2 position is not a surprise for me. i see Lebron james all around the world, not howard. Is bussiness, the cavs are weak, but it

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So many things are wrong in that ranking, it's really not funny. That guy most certainly doesn't know anything about our team. I can stomach the 6th ranking, but the justifications for putting our team there are just ridiculous.

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what the heck..our team is rank #6??oh come on..is the writer has a Basketball IQ ?? does he thinks that cavs , raps are better that us?? ..



P.S please tell me the address of that writer and ill kill him..

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which boasts a mediocre point guard in Jameer Nelson




this is the reason i think nelson is the key.why?because he need to change that comment,mediocre.and i insist no dooling or arroyo bup.

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Fans like you don't deserve a winning basketball team. Instead of slamming a writer for posting an opinion piece, maybe you should blame the Magic for deserving that rank. The Magic have so much talent and it is absolutely pitiful how poorly they perform in the postseason. Instead of telling the writer she knows nothing, why don't you ask Dwight Howard why he can't shoot free throws? Can't wait for another season of Rashard Lewis riding the coat tails of a star and still coming up short, just like he did with Ray Allen.


Edit:watch the flaming

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Originally posted by GetaLyfe12:

Fans like you don't deserve a winning basketball team. Instead of slamming a writer for posting an opinion piece, maybe you should blame the Magic for deserving that rank. The Magic have so much talent and it is absolutely pitiful how poorly they perform in the postseason. Instead of telling the writer she knows nothing, why don't you ask Dwight Howard why he can't shoot free throws? Can't wait for another season of Rashard Lewis riding the coat tails of a star and still coming up short, just like he did with Ray Allen.


And Bisayang and Jack Daniel, your words are over the top and pathetic. You should be ashamed.


I'm sure it will get more brutal, but let me start.


You say we don't deserve a winning team but then you say we DESERVE that rank?


Then you blame it on our post season performance but ahead of us in the rankings are one team we beat in the post-season, and one team that didn't even make it?


Then the most infantile of all critizisms, teach Dwight to shoot free-throws?


Let me make sure I can at least lead you out of the darkness on that one. When a player like Dwight or Shaq come into the league with skills that are as rare as they get, you take them and live with the free throws. You help them be better free throw shooters, but you thank them for what they can bring. Quick question, which big man lead had the best free throw percentage in the league last year? If you don't know it's because no one cares. Who lead the league in rebounds last year? I know that answer.


Free throw percentages for quality big men like Dwight is like the batting average for a great pitcher. You don't stress over it, you accept it. And if the only comment you can make about Dwight is his free throw percentage, that tells me more about your basketball IQ than anything else.

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