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ball junkie

Bianchi is the 1st "local" beat writer to trash Otis's moves(Sentinel)

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Although a critic of Otis moves since last year, I have to hope he has some good cards facing down or I will be more depressed than Knappy when Brian was in charge. This intolerable noise that his silence generates around the league is really unbearable for it generates infinite criticism for our team and organization. All we need is another biggie old timer or young role player that gives us some defense at the post for Howard to get 10-12 minutes rest and we can be competitive. The rest is that each one of our players have to be motivated to do the role Stan wants of him. If by a miracle Fran can come fine and dandy. I will reafirm Otis power will wane this year if he doesnt do the right move this off season and by next year he probably could be gone.

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Guys, stop letting the media dictate how we think. I know all of us are impatient and feel Otis has us in the Dark with whats going on with this team. I do like to read Bianchi stuff, for entertainment purposes and fuel to the fire. The guy is a pessimist and close minded. He always brings in a lot of negativity. If I were a magic player I would read his articles just for added MOTIVATION to prove his *** wrong. But this also goes for the whole media. Hopefully, SVG can motivate our players like Riley does and prove all these so called who never played basketball critics who think they know it all WRONG!


We need to stand behind our team. If we all think Otis is a crap GM or if we want him to stay. We need to be a voice and stand together and make some noise and show to him the fans are what matter the most and we have some of the most intelligent fans anywhere. We are beginning to be a basketball town who knows what we are talking about...

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Originally posted by ibonedteribell:

I will reafirm Otis power will wane this year if he doesnt do the right move this off season and by next year he probably could be gone.


SVG will be communicating with the fan base after the start of pre season and we will have a good feel for how he views Otis' performance. SVG's support for Otis is important. We shall see.

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Originally posted by nbr34205:

I hope Otis plan works.


We both seem to have similar views on this issue, but on the statement pointed out, I'm asking myself, what is this plan?


I mean Darko was priority no.1 and we know how and why that happened, but I have no idea whats going on lately.



I was just showering up and thinking about Otis and our current roster. You guys know I think we need another big body. Then I started thinking about a conversation I had with NBR yesterday morning. I remembered him questioning Otis's plans and seemingly saying he had no clue what Otis was up to or, and I'm not trying to put words in NBR's mouth here, Otis needs to finish the job with this roster.


When a guy like this starts questioning Otis, you know there's a problem!


First off, I have a lot of respect for the guy. Secondly, NBR has 5,499 posts. Far and away the most of anybody on this board.


Third and last point, I would say in at least half of his 5,499 posts he has steadfastly supported Otis and continually backed him in his (NBR's) belief that Otis has a plan and to trust him. If you don't believe me you can start reasearching all of his posts.(lol)


For NBR to publically question, "what is Otis plan" and "I have no idea what is going on lately" speaks volumnes to me.

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junkie, my answer to your post is in your location but without your optimism!


i think otis is finished with his transactions. i don't think he has other intentions of making more moves. he may think that there is no need for more.. i haven't been around for a while, but have there been serious talks with other players/teams?


...'trust?' strong word there...

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I was just showering up and thinking about Otis and our current roster...

You guys know I think we need another big body ...


You need to spend some more time with your old lady, big man... lol

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The national media who don't take the Magic seriously are only seeing that Grant Hill and Darko are gone and Rashard Lewis was added. None of them take into consideration that JJ Redick, Trevor Ariza will be canidates for most improved player and Dwight Howard will also be much improved. Also the Magic have a new coach who will know how to use his roster effectively.

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I don't think there's any room for panic, you just have to have faith. Otis isn't a moron that thinks our roster is set especially after Boston landed KG. I'm sure the Magic will end up somewhere 5-8 seed in the playoffs.

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the national media may not have considered the likely improvement of dwight, nor the development of trevor - another real talent.


but this is a little beside the point of the general critique....yes, the magic will be better if only for svg alone. but the critique and even derision is about the squandering of resources unnecessarily and mortgaging the future. here, in my opinion, they are right with responsibility squarely with otis.


paying too much for rashard and letting darko go will hamstring the magic for years

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