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2016 Off-Season Thread

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1 game generally defines a 26 year old player. DD's strengths & weaknesses are well stated. He's a good player but not a superstar by any stretch.



He's talent which we already might have. With the age gap, he's talent who might not even be better than what we have.

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I would rather have bazemore. Better shooter from 3. And younger. Just as athletic.


I wouldn't give bazemore more than a 4/32 type contract. Maybe 4/40 with those normal 5% increases

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I never said just sign players because we have money. Did you take the FCAT as a kid? Please work on reading comprehension. I said nothing absurd. I just said I think it is funny how people on here think all these guys just want to come play for the Magic.


My point is I don't think we will be in a position to turn a bunch of players down. I get the hesitation with DD (though I completely disagree we have to get rid of Dipo if we sign him), but the other guys (Horford, Whiteside, Conley, Batum, Durant) all fit and make us better. I don't see us turning any of those guys down if they want to player here.


I would never spend money just to spend it. I'm not an idiot, nor do I think Rob is one. But I do think there are plenty of free agents who make since on multiple levels for us to go after this off-season, my only hope is that they would be willing to come player here.


Well, let’s take a look at the comment I was referring to again, clarifying my comprehension of the comments specifically:


I don't think the Magic will (sic) be in a position where will (sic) be able to turn players like DD down if they want to come here.

This is what started me thinking that you were condoning signing any good player as long as that player wants to be here. You mentioned a good player who many have doubts would fit in our current roster, saying that the Magic would not be in a position to turn down said type of player. Not being in a position to turn someone down means that Orlando would have to sign him if he wants to be here, regardless of fit, personality, or the quality of the contract.


If we can get ANY (my emphasis) 2 relative big names, say Horford & Batum, I would be really impressed.

This begins to clarify that you are not simply referring to DeRozen, or players very similar to him, but any single player with name recognition (which, by the inclusion of Batum, apparently means anyone in the NBA who is a legitimate starter on a not terrible team).


"There are players I would like more than others(,) but at the end of the day ANY (again, my emphasis) of these guys are going to improve our team.

This further clarifies that you are referring to any player who improves the team.


That's why saying ‘I wouldn't want Derozan’ or ‘I wouldn't want Whiteside’ is just funny to me. Like those guys are just counting down the days till they can get on a plane and come to Orlando.

You finish up by ridiculing the notion that someone might not want a player who is a questionable fit and has been horrifically inefficient in the playoffs for consecutive seasons, as well as a guy with a questionable NBA history and who even his own team seems to consider to have a fragile psyche, on the basis that they probably have little interest in Orlando. This would seem to indicate that if they had any interest, not wanting that player might then be a valid consideration. But, considering that such an interpretation contradicts the comments directly above this statement, and that in this statement you specifically reference the previously made statements, an alternative meaning is properly sought out. And the easiest alternative meaning is that this statement is simply reiterating your previous points: that if these players have any interest in coming to Orlando, then Orlando would be foolish not to immediately sign them.


I don’t mind you disagreeing with me at all, and if I didn’t understand what you meant in the post I was referring to, that’s unfortunate; but as I’m apparently not the only one who seemed to draw the same conclusions about what you meant in your post, and since after reviewing the post again with a considerable amount of literary criticism, I still come away with the same understanding of the post, then perhaps it is not my reading comprehension that is faulty here, but your own writing. It’s the first thing I learned in becoming a writer: never blame the reader without first questioning whether you may have failed in the writing.

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