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The Official Democratic Bloodbath Thread

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If this is a response to my post, I was merely comparing their influence to that of the Christian Coalition in the 90's.


It wasn't directed at you, just a general statement.

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If Obama remains an ideologue and doesn't reach out to compromise or take this as a mandate against his agenda (basically if he does the opposite of what Clinton did), then the Dems are going to get SLAUGHTERED in 2012.


There are 21 Democratic Senate seats open in states that aren't very liberal. Only 10 Republican seats. Believe me, those Democrats saw what happened to their brothers and sisters who toed the Obama line. You really think they are going to stand with the President in the next two years facing a 2012 election where discontent will be at a fever pitch?


Also, Californians are dumb as hell. They re-elect arguably their worst mayor of the last century outside of Gray Davis, they re-elect do-nothing, "call me Senator" Boxer, they provided the Speaker with the worst approval rating in history in Pelosi, and now they don't even pass Prop 14? What the hell?


They constantly elect the most liberal idiots yet refuse to pass two good things on the liberal agenda: Gay Marriage and Weed. F*** those left-coast morons.


This. As a resident of California I agree that the majority here are, in fact, nothing but left-coast idiots.

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are you kidding me? were you in a coma from 2001-2009? bushy and the gop ran rough shot over liberals and this country, doing whatever they wanted, shredding the constitution where was the copromise? w couldnt spell compromise let alone make it happen

who are the republibaggers going to run against obama? palin? christie? jeb?

the only way you republibaggers get obama out of the whitehouse is if you trump up some charges and impeach him but you dont have the votes to convict

Lol. Please talk more. Although you do make a point, especially regarding the "Patriot" act, your asinine whining is hilarious and uplifting to read.

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That is actually the Neo Conservative playbook written by men like Paul Wolfowitz and Vice President Cheney in the early 80's after watching what happened to Nixon in the 70's. There is a great Frontline you should watch. Netflix has it.


My point was not a history lesson but to say that its odd that the philosophy of the tea partiers as stated by you is exactly the same as the neo cons that ran the country into the ground through deregulation not 2 and a half years ago. Alan greenspan has admitted that the starving the system approach and complete deregulation does not work and trying to do it was the biggest mistake of his carreer, and not one person on this board is smarter or has more knowledge on the subject then him.


I think a spade is a spade and whether you call them tea baggers or neo cons they are all coming from the same place and breathing the same air. They are all far right politically. So we shouldn't act like there is a new team on the field all of a sudden.


The philosophy of Republicans has, is, & will likely always be limited government. The legitimate criticism of the TPers is that Republicans have been just as guilty of expanding the government as Democrats. Their desire to hold them accountable to their stated philosophy doesn't need to be a fresh idea to be legitimate imo. When you see a Republicans like Christ & Spector so willing to switch parties, it certainly appears to support their criticism regardless of your political views. Nothing we see from either side is original, which makes their belief in it all the harder to understand.


Deregulation debate aside, deregulation has served as a very convenient scapegoat for the collapse because it was largely responsible for the collapse the way and when it occured. The housing market was poised to collapse and send shock waves through the economy regardless however, just as it did in the 70's. Having all the interests tied together & all the RE backed securities put fuel on the fire and accelerated the process, but remove those issues from the equation, and there was still a massive fundamental problem that would have "burst" sooner rather than later. I agree the deregulation issue need to be examined and addressed, but it would be equally irresponsible not to address the other issues.

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