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Magic going in for Chris Paul

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Originally posted by Jareth Cutestory:

Originally posted by TreyTime:

Originally posted by Kberto:

Originally posted by jecMagicMan:

I was eating some pretzels just now and I'm kind of nearing the end of the bag. Well, to keep a short story even shorter, some of the partial pretzels kind of fell into place and spelled out what could easily have been mistaken for something quite possibly resembling "CP3". I'm not familiar with my source's track record, so take this with a grain of salt.





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Originally posted by TreyTime:

Originally posted by Jareth Cutestory:

Originally posted by TreyTime:

Originally posted by Kberto:

Originally posted by jecMagicMan:

I was eating some pretzels just now and I'm kind of nearing the end of the bag. Well, to keep a short story even shorter, some of the partial pretzels kind of fell into place and spelled out what could easily have been mistaken for something quite possibly resembling "CP3". I'm not familiar with my source's track record, so take this with a grain of salt.





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Originally posted by Bucktown:

Watch this while imagining Dwight as Chandler.



Jameer Smellson only dreams he could do lobs like that. Man, the more I think about it, the more I see that Jameer is really the one holding Dwight back. If Chris Paul can make Tyson Chandler look that good, imagine what Dwight would look like with a real pg.

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Originally posted by Jackie Treehorn:

Originally posted by Bucktown:

Watch this while imagining Dwight as Chandler.



Jameer Smellson only dreams he could do lobs like that. Man, the more I think about it, the more I see that Jameer is really the one holding Dwight back. If Chris Paul can make Tyson Chandler look that good, imagine what Dwight would look like with a real pg.



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Originally posted by magicfan83:

Originally posted by ThisIsTheYear:

Originally posted by magicfan83:


Glad I missed it, although I almost have to see it again just to remember how bad it was. Oddly enough, an extra credit question on my exam last week was "What was the worst movie you have ever seen?". I answered Spiderman 3. Someone answered Shark Attack 3, and my response was, atleast Shark Attack 3 wasn't trying to be good.


Tobey McGuire's cry at the end was painful to watch. It was reminiscent of Keanu Reeves' "sneeze". If you don't remember it, check it out.


I'm kind of surprised that you've only mustered 528 posts on this forum. You need to contribute more actively.


It's so rare that there is a discussion worth contributing to. Ever since the Boston series started, its been a cesspool of overreaction and speculation without logic. I can't get excited about the draft because, well even if it is deep, no one available at 29 is going to put us over the hump.


But Chris Paul...HOLY ****. I probably would have been better off not hearing about it. Now, when nothing happens, and we don't resign Barnes and our big offseason move is matching the offer on JJ, I'll want to cry.


Man, you guys are never gonna let this Spiderman 3 thing go, are you? We'll be here in our 40's still talking about Emo Spidey.


The part I bolded just above is my absolute greatest fear. This isn't talking about whether we land Rashard Lewis or Vince Carter.. this is serious. This is Chris Paul, da**it!


Also, sorry, I'm just not concerned with what numbnuts like Alex Kennedy say. He doesn't know a thing yesterday, now suddenly he has a precise short story of a timeline today? I'm not really buying it.


Meanwhile you've got the Hornets GM not denying anything and basically REFUSING to call Chris Paul "untouchable" or "untradable." Now you've got the near unthinkable just a year ago, Paul open to a trade if New Orleans isn't commited to winning... which is basically much like Dwayne Wade if you read between the lines: "Get me more help to win a title, or get me out of here."


It's only circumstantial evidence, but it's beginning to mount. A struggle in ownership change thanks to the bad contracts they have. A great backup to Paul that can soften the blow of him not being there. GM won't deny it. Paul's actually open to it...


Before yesterday I would never think there could be an environment where such a loyal player like CP3 could leave New Orleans after what happened with Katrina, but if he was ever going to leave in any other way than free agency.. this might be it.


At first I thought my wildest dream had like a 3% chance of happening. No chance. But a day and a half later, I think it's up to 10-20%, somewhere in there.

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So it looks like this Chris Paul thing is probably going to work out, but just in case it doesn't who would we go after? It's pretty clear now that Nelson is the main problem with the team, what other points guards can we get?


The Bucks are trading a bunch of people, is there any chance of getting Brandon Jennings? It might take a bit more than Carter and Nelson to pry him away, but he'd be a nice consolation prize if the Paul deal falls through.

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Originally posted by Skywise316:


Before yesterday I would never think there could be an environment where such a loyal player like CP3 could leave New Orleans after what happened with Katrina, but if he was ever going to leave in any other way than free agency.. this might be it.


Orlando gets hurricanes, too. It's not that much of a stretch.

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Originally posted by StayBrutal:

I was thinking about this the other day....the fackers don't have a true pg and look how far they've come.Is pg the issue that needs to be fixed?


Yeah, but you seriously can't compare Jameer to Derek Fisher. That dude has multiple rings. He's a proven winner. Jammer hasn't won anything, and you can't make excuses for being a point guard who doesn't pass if you're not even winning anything. He has to go.

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