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Activating Jameer "COST" the Magic this series

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Originally posted by NBAMagic47:

If it's not broken, don't fix it!!! I know Jameer help the Magic be where they were when he went down. But it was Alston and Anthony that got them to the playoffs, got them past the Celtics, past the Lebrons and into the finals. Tonight We were playing fantastic until Jameer took the floor, we were matching them basket for basket. Nothing against Jameer, he's all heart but he hasn't played in 4 months, I don't care how good he looks in practice.


No one thought of the disruption in the chemistry the Magic had going coming into this series, and that chemistry was with Jameer on the bench in a suit where he belonged.


I think that SVG gave up game #1 "on purpose". Let me explain. SVG knows that our best opportunity to get home court advantage is game #2, after having seeing the Lakers' strategy in first game. For SVG the first game was an exploration game, where the Magic played the way the Lakers expected, without making any major changes, except playing Jameer instead of AJ. At the same time SVG was studying the Lakers strategy he gave Jameer plenty of time to get back into playing form, preparing both a strategy and a better back up PG for the most important games that the Magic will face ahead.


I'm not too worried, we still have six more games to go! The chemistry will be fine!


Lets go Magic!

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This was one game. I for one saw nothing that the Lakers did that made us shoot 29%. That is what we call an anamolay (hope I spelled it right) We will never see this team shoot that percentage again. If we play our game and hit our shots, which we will, then we will back in this series by Sunday night. I have full confidence in this team. I just don't think we did anything right on Thursday. Jameer was ok and he did not cost us the game. BTW can someone take Lewis into the weight room so he can one day finish at the rim instead of going in there like a pansy whenever someone comes to contest a shot. Also the guy has to be the laziest player I have ever seen. Has anyone ever seen him leave his feet for a ball. That's who we should be blaming for our first game woes. With that said I still believe in Magic. Do you?

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Of course Jameer's play didn't cost you the game.


But, I do think that throwing him in for almost half the game affected the teams chemistry and flow on offense.


It's hard to explain other than the team had become used to the way Rafer and AJ played, how to move and spots to get to when they had they ball.

I know it's a small detail that might not have mattered much, but why fix something that isn't broke? I understand giving him minutes, but 22 seems like a lot for someone making their first game back in 4 months, and for it to be a finals game 1.

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Originally posted by NBAMagic47:


They shouldn't have to make these kinds of adjustments in the Finals........They should be worrying about making adjustments for the Lakers, not themselves.....


OK, Robespierre, explain to me what you where thinking when you penned this masterpiece of critical thinking.


Seems to me any adjustment the Magic make would be "for the Lakers".


By the way, Chemistry is a classroom subject matter. The Magic lost because the Lakers played better basketball, not because they had better chemistry.

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I haven't bothered to read the seven pages of this topic, because, well...I REALLY DON'T CARE!!! But that being said, I agree with the OP, putting JN into this series after so long a layoff (ESPECIALLY at such a critical position) is just SUICIDE!!!

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Originally posted by EnFuego:

Originally posted by NBAMagic47:


They shouldn't have to make these kinds of adjustments in the Finals........They should be worrying about making adjustments for the Lakers, not themselves.....


OK, Robespierre, explain to me what you where thinking when you penned this masterpiece of critical thinking.


Seems to me any adjustment the Magic make would be "for the Lakers".


By the way, Chemistry is a classroom subject matter. The Magic lost because the Lakers played better basketball, not because they had better chemistry.


If I remember correctly, didn't the Cavs have the so-called BEST chemistry in the NBA? And yet, they lost to a better TEAM?


It's about basketball, and we got outplayed in Game 1.


This ruined chemistry bull-crap is annoying. Having Jameer, even HALF a Jameer, is better than AJ... any day of the freaking week. Period.

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Originally posted by Marechal:

Originally posted by NBAMagic47:

If it's not broken, don't fix it!!! I know Jameer help the Magic be where they were when he went down. But it was Alston and Anthony that got them to the playoffs, got them past the Celtics, past the Lebrons and into the finals. Tonight We were playing fantastic until Jameer took the floor, we were matching them basket for basket. Nothing against Jameer, he's all heart but he hasn't played in 4 months, I don't care how good he looks in practice.


No one thought of the disruption in the chemistry the Magic had going coming into this series, and that chemistry was with Jameer on the bench in a suit where he belonged.


I think that SVG gave up game #1 "on purpose". Let me explain. SVG knows that our best opportunity to get home court advantage is game #2, after having seeing the Lakers' strategy in first game. For SVG the first game was an exploration game, where the Magic played the way the Lakers expected, without making any major changes, except playing Jameer instead of AJ. At the same time SVG was studying the Lakers strategy he gave Jameer plenty of time to get back into playing form, preparing both a strategy and a better back up PG for the most important games that the Magic will face ahead.


I'm not too worried, we still have six more games to go! The chemistry will be fine!


Lets go Magic!



I sure hope Stan didn't do that. It's not the first round of a boxing fight. Giving away a game is too dangerous and a coach can't do that, he has to come up with something. I still think we didn't have answers, and while we shot 30% we probably should have shot less jump shots.


On Jameer, I still cannot feel comfortable with him, playing cold and putting ice on his shoulder after the game. He did great right after entering the game, but he should have probably being pulled out earlier.

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Originally posted by Guardian:

BTW can someone take Lewis into the weight room so he can one day finish at the rim instead of going in there like a pansy whenever someone comes to contest a shot. Also the guy has to be the laziest player I have ever seen. Has anyone ever seen him leave his feet for a ball. That's who we should be blaming for our first game woes. With that said I still believe in Magic. Do you?


I've been thinking about this. Rashard just goes and goes around, even missing layups. What's your mismatch for Shard?


I think it has something to do with his dribbling. He probably picks up his dribble too early to avoid getting stripped because he's not that good at that. He has to start the steps too early and cannot finish at the rim like he should. That or he's too soft.


I agree he needs to hustle more. This series is a real challenge to Rashard, more than the Celtics and the Cavs. He needs to step up.

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Originally posted by Freex:

Originally posted by Guardian:

BTW can someone take Lewis into the weight room so he can one day finish at the rim instead of going in there like a pansy whenever someone comes to contest a shot. Also the guy has to be the laziest player I have ever seen. Has anyone ever seen him leave his feet for a ball. That's who we should be blaming for our first game woes. With that said I still believe in Magic. Do you?


I've been thinking about this. Rashard just goes and goes around, even missing layups. What's your mismatch for Shard?


I think it has something to do with his dribbling. He probably picks up his dribble too early to avoid getting stripped because he's not that good at that. He has to start the steps too early and cannot finish at the rim like he should. That or he's too soft.


I agree he needs to hustle more. This series is a real challenge to Rashard, more than the Celtics and the Cavs. He needs to step up.



Nahh you can't blame Shard's offensive game, he has been playing great throughout the whole playoffs, he just missed a few easy shots like the rest of the team did.


My biggest concern is the rebounding for both Shard and Hedo. I mean, these guys are both 6'10 and are certainly capable of getting double digit rebounds each game even with Dwight down there. I think both players have had double digit rebounds this post season. Our forwards definitely need to man up, get more physical, box out, and go after the ball. I would like to see our whole front court go after the same rebound, and stop deferring to dwight and assuming he is going to get every board.

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You know I am sure SVG knew he was in a no win situation. If we lose game 1 and Jameer does not play everyone will ask why if Jameer was ready. If we lose game 1 and Jameer plays everyone will point the finger at the change. Just plain stupid. Jameer did not cause Dwight, Hedo and Rashard to shoot so terrible. Those shots they took were all good shots not forced. I expected them to come out much stronger than that. I guess we will see how the come back in game #2.


I was thinking before the series started if give the choice of winning game 1 or 2 I would choose #2 for several reasons but here are the main ones.


#1 The Magic are a much better team playing from behind than being the front runner.


#2 I would love to hang a loss on the 43-0 Jackson record.

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Originally posted by NBAMagic47:

Originally posted by Knappy:

Originally posted by NBAMagic47:

Originally posted by KillingInTheNameOf:

I guess it's too late in the post season for more fire SVG, let Hedo walk, & trade Lewis or Pietrus threads???


Probably, but it is definitely the time for a:


"Bury Jameer at the end of the Bench" Thread.


"Jameer should be our third option PG" Thread.


"Jameer should just be used in garbage time" Thread


Get the point?


No, you are deluded ... I'll wait while you get the dictionary. All I can say is that you don't have a clue.


It's great to see that I can still push your buttons Knappy!! LOL!!!!


What are you going to say if we have a competitive game 2. What if Rafer, Hedo, Rashard and Howard have big games in game 2 - will you give credit to Jameer playing 14 minutes, the reason they shot well if they shoot well?


I think we have a better shot at stealing game 2 because of the blowout. I think the Lakers are likely to win game 2, but I think it will be highly contested and I do think the Magic have a chance to take game 2 - more so because they were embarrassed - they are better than that.


The loss in game 1 was a loss in game 1 - no one played well and Jameer didn't add or subtract.


When you have an all star point guard, you try him. I think Stan has courage in doing it and I think it was the right decision.


The Magic, I think have a better chance of beating LA with Jameer than without.


NBA47, is it at all possible that the Magic could lose to LA without Jameer playing? Are you saying that if Jameer didn't play game 1 that the Magic would have won game 1 and all the starters who shot 25% from the field would have shot over 50% if only Jameer didn't play? Is that what you are saying?


Could the Magic have lost against LA without Jameer playing or was the loss all because Jameer played? Even you would have to admit that the Lakers could win game 1 at home with or without Jameer playing - they are a good team. Is the only reason the Lakers won, because Jameer Nelson played?


It is pretty big to think that Jameer could affect the shooting of Rafer, Hedo, Courtney, Howard, Lewis, Pietrus, Battie and others so much - that is a lot of power that Jameer could make them shoot around 25% combined - wow, I didn't know he was that powerful. Why couldn't Jameer's mere presence on the bench cause the Magic to shoot 35%? If Jameer playing in a game can get the starters to shoot 25% from the floor, he should be able to at least get the starters down to 35% by being in the building. Maybe Nelson should fly back to Orlando tonight so that the Magic can make shots - it may not be good if he is in the same state as he obviously has an impact on whether any of our players can hit an open jump shot.


I think if you asked Rafer, Hedo, Courtney, Howard, Lewis, Pietrus and Battie if their shot was affected because Jameer was playing - I think they would all have the same answer. If you don't know what that answer is then I will pray for you, as you need the help - LOL.


People can we please let a stupid thread like this die and stop responding - it is a knee jerk reaction - looking for a scape goat when it was just a poorly played game by the Magic.


All NBA teams loose games and some nights they get blown out. Too bad some fans don't understand that - no one likes the team they root for to get blown out, but it happens. The thing is the Magic need to respond now.


Brilliant post Knappy, if I do say so myself ...........just brilliant.


All we need now is to start talking about Carlos - if we only had Carlos we would have already won the championship and we wouldn't even have to play the rest of the games.



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Originally posted by MrHopper:

Its a no win situation-If we loose and Nelson plays then its cause of chemistry. If we were to loose the series and find out Nelson could of played, then we should of played him. Either way, it was a no win situation. I thought he played just fine with his time in. He myabe had a few to many minutes but nothing went well tonight so oh well. Only thing i can say by watching him though, is it looks like he is holding his shoulder in an awkward position. It doenst look like he has full range of motion yet.



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