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Dan Savage

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Everything posted by Dan Savage

  1. Dan Savage

    Any word on VC?

    I'm not saying that I know it will translate into on-the-court success, but I do know that he's working out extremely hard this summer. Which at this point in the year is all you can ask for.
  2. Dan Savage

    Any word on VC?

    He's been working extremely hard this offseason in the Magic's training program. When I spoke to him last, he explained that this was one of the toughest offseason programs he's had in his entire career.
  3. Vote in this latest article by OrlandoMagic.com's Josh Cohen: http://www.nba.com/magic/news/cohen_feature_081710.html
  4. Dan Savage


    Did this a few weeks ago, surprised they posted that now. Anyway, here's his bio: Nice guy.
  5. http://www.nba.com/magic/news/predict_resultsoctnovdec_081110.html What's your estimated record for the Magic through this period of time?
  6. Hey everyone, We have transferred the message boards to a new server and new company. There are some added features like improved chat room size, etc. However, one of the downfalls is that everyone's password must be reset due to security issues. If your account is currently updated with your proper email account, you can hit reset (FORGOT MY PASSWORD) password and do it yourself. If you don't have access to the email account your username is currently assigned to, you will have some problems. However email help@truebluenation.com and we will get you access back into your message board account asap. No PMs, no post count, etc. were lost -- minus a few posts from the last 24 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please PM or email help@truebluenation.com with any concerns and I will help address them. PS: If you click forgot your password or reset your password and an email does not come to you, check your spam folder. It may have ended up there.
  7. Dan Savage

    Steve Kyler Rant

    Minus Dan Savage, Josh Cohen and John Denton of course. I hear they're all pretty good. ^_^
  8. I'll work on getting the font size bigger over the next few hours.
  9. Dan Savage

    This is funkadelic.

    If you email help@truebluenation ... I can help you get your old one back.
  10. This should be fixed. For some reasons MODS by default were prevented from viewing blogs.
  11. Thanks. The chat will eventually hold 250 people at a time (currently set at 50 and there's a server-response time problem that I'm working out. Both should be fixed in the next 24 hours). Also the gallery is currently not letting me upload photos like it was in preview. But that should be resolved soon as well. If you see any other bugs, let me know here. It makes it easier for me to solve them.
  12. Hey everyone, We have transferred the message boards to a new server and new company. There are some added features like improved chat room size, etc. However, one of the downfalls is that everyone's password must be reset due to security issues. If your account is currently updated with your proper email account, you can hit reset (FORGOT MY PASSWORD) password and do it yourself. If you don't have access to the email account your username is currently assigned to, you will have some problems. However email help@truebluenation.com and we will get you access back into your message board account asap. No PMs, no post count, etc. were lost -- minus a few posts from the last 24 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please PM or email help@truebluenation.com with any concerns and I will help address them.
  13. Dan Savage

    SVG & Otis contracts extended

    Here's a little late night release: http://www.nba.com/magic/news/...omotions_072810.html
  14. Dan Savage

    Magic Dancers Photos

    Here's a complete portrait photo gallery of your 2010-11 Orlando Magic Dancers. Let me know what you think: http://www.nba.com/magic/photo...dancers071910_1.html
  15. You can watch the entire press conference here: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...v-1376365/index.html
  16. Dan Savage

    Heat Rivalry? Really?

    Or this one:
  17. Dan Savage

    Read Between The Lines

    This was the link he tried to post: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5381188 He put the /URL after the link but not the URL before it. It's about the Hornets withdrawing their offer to Luther Head. And I think he's trying to make the connection that they did that because they will soon be acquiring Vince Carter. However, it reality it's probably related to their change in GMs.
  18. Video: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...v-1372467/index.html Transcript: http://www.nba.com/magic/news/...anscript_071310.html
  19. http://www.nba.com/magic/video...v-1369406/index.html Make sure to watch the 2:30-2:40 mark. Classic Otis. Haha.
  20. You can watch the entire press conference right here: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...v-1368746/index.html
  21. Dan Savage

    Video: Chris Duhon Press Conference

    I like this team.