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Dan Savage

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Everything posted by Dan Savage

  1. Dan Savage

    Media Day Questions

    If you have any questions that you would like to be answered by any player on the roster, post it here along with your first name, city and state. Questions will selected from our social networking platforms and asked to each player on Magic TV.
  2. Behind-the-scenes photos from my trip to the 2009-10 Orlando Magic Dancers photo shoot this past weekend: http://www.nba.com/magic/photo...ers_200910bts_1.html Video: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...oot.magic/index.html
  3. Dan Savage

    Magic Dancers Photo Shoot + Video Added

    Here's a video from the day: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...oot.magic/index.html
  4. Dan Savage

    Magic Dancers Photo Shoot + Video Added

    It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it. Maybe next year, I'll have a contest of some sort, winner gets to be my assistant for the Orlando Magic Dancers shoot day.
  5. Dan Savage

    Magic Dancers Photo Shoot + Video Added

    Behind-the-scenes photos from my trip to the 2009-10 Orlando Magic Dancers photo shoot this past weekend: http://www.nba.com/magic/photo...ers_200910bts_1.html Video: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...oot.magic/index.html
  6. Dan Savage

    BWB: Dwight Howard

    Dwight Howard took part in the African edition of the NBA
  7. Dan Savage

    BWB: Dwight Howard

    Dwight Howard took part in the African edition of the NBA
  8. Dan Savage

    Magic Officially Re-Sign Foyle (Update Pg. 4)

    Magic just re-signed Foyle: http://www.nba.com/magic/news/...gn_foyle_082709.html
  9. Dan Savage

    2009-10 Orlando Magic Dancers

    Megan was crowned Miss Florida USA and will be fulfilling obligations for that. Deanna's pregnant and her and her husband are in the process of building a family. Just as a side note, all the veterans that opted to audition made the roster.
  10. Dan Savage

    2009-10 Orlando Magic Dancers

    She decided to pursue other interests and not audition this time around. She could make a comeback when we head into the new arena though.
  11. Dan Savage

    2009-10 Orlando Magic Dancers

    The Orlando Magic announced the 2009-10 Orlando Magic Dancers on Friday. Here's video of their final auditions: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...009.magic/index.html And here's photos of the squad: http://www.nba.com/magic/photo...c_dancers0910_1.html
  12. He says what could ... not a curse word.
  13. Dan Savage

    select a seat?

    I'm not a big ticket sales guy, so there could be more advantages than I'm pointing out here, but from talking to people around the office, here's what I know. 1) They probably would have had a player or two there, but it just happened to fall on the same week as Jameer Nelson's team unity trip. 2) The big advantage of going today is you get to select your package before others. With the extremely limited amount of tickets left, it's a much bigger advantage than in years past. You also get an in-person view of the seat, which is more accurate than any program can provide. Edit: By the way, all the info can be found here: http://www.nba.com/magic/news/...t_a_seat_081809.html
  14. Complete video of Jason Williams press conference. Very nice guy, some funny moments in there: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...009.magic/index.html
  15. Here's the video of Stan Van Gundy's press conference: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...m4v.magic/index.html And here's the complete audio from Jason Williams and Stan Van Gundy's press conferences plus an audio feature on JW: http://www.nba.com/magic/multimedia/podcasts.html
  16. Dan Savage

    Magic officially sign Jason Williams

    Orlando Magic release: http://www.nba.com/magic/news/...williams_081909.html
  17. Dan Savage

    Be Magic

    "BE Magic" explained further: http://www.nba.com/magic/news/bemagic_081809.html
  18. Dan Savage


    I thought that one and this one would do well during Cavs games.
  19. Dan Savage


    Hey, I have a little bit of time today and am using it to do some message board updates. Step 1. Add smilies. I've foud a few and will be adding them throughout the day, but if there are any you really want, please post the links to them in this thread. Thanks, Dan
  20. Dan Savage

    Magic Captains Give Back

    Orlando Magic All-Stars Dwight Howard and Jameer Nelson have both been busy this summer. Howard recently hosted over 400 youth at his basketball camps at UCF, while Nelson took part in The Ramsay Basketball Center dedication ceremony at his alma mater, Saint Joseph's University. Full Article: http://www.nba.com/magic/news/...ive_back_081309.html Photos: http://www.nba.com/magic/photo...1309_giveback_1.html
  21. The seventh and final episode has now been posted: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...ep7.magic/index.html
  22. Check out the first episode of our seven-part series that details the 2008-09 campaign of the Orlando Magic Dancers. Follow the ride from their first auditions, all the way to their run to The Finals: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...ep1.magic/index.html Second episode: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...ep2.magic/index.html Third episode: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...ep3.magic/index.html Fourth episode: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...909.magic/index.html Fifth episode: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...ep5.magic/index.html Sixth episode: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...009.magic/index.html Seventh episode: http://www.nba.com/magic/video...ep7.magic/index.html
  23. Dan Savage

    Magic Captains Give Back

    Orlando Magic All-Stars Dwight Howard and Jameer Nelson have both been busy this summer. Howard recently hosted over 400 youth at his basketball camps at UCF, while Nelson took part in The Ramsay Basketball Center dedication ceremony at his alma mater, Saint Joseph's University. Full Article: http://www.nba.com/magic/news/...ive_back_081309.html Photos: http://www.nba.com/magic/photo...1309_giveback_1.html