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Everything posted by HoopsCzar

  1. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  2. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  3. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  4. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  5. HoopsCzar

    I am very disappointed

    quote: Originally posted by jecMagicMan:There has been no effort put in place to expand the chat rooms or completely overhaul them. It is blatantly obvious that 20 spots are not enough, and about 12 of the current spots, I am willing to wager, are occupied by people who are not even actively participating in the chat. I implore the mods or admins to seriously look in to a new system. I am not saying this as an insult, and I don't even necessarily want to go to the chat (what with the likelihood of Cutestory being there), I just think that the chat room has been inadequate for years, and that now more than ever it is showing. Hide this in the website suggestions forum, fine, but I seriously hope that someone does something to change the current format. Best regards, jec Maybe I should apologize Jec,.. See it's evident the stimulated spike in fan base that's been drawn in member and viewership. That they're not used too, hadn't planned, orchestrated, drawn nor were they expecting. From such a long period of obscurity in existence is to attribute to this,..they never had this issue before that. It'll take them some time to adjust so give em time to try to figure it out. I'd only came to bring them volume and having did that,..Yet via Mod conflict throughout this series with the Celtic's I'm out. Which should give them considerably less volume to deal with and revert and resume as they were.
  6. quote: Originally posted by IronMaiden: quote: Originally posted by HoopsCzar: Really,..LMAO !!! In ensuring I do what I can to make a difference. I donate a considerable amount of time, goods and services to an array of organizations and that includes hospitals and clinics. Where I've developed the mantra of help all those that nature or injury has introduced a need for assistance. But never associate such a worthy individual with a mental or physical impairment. With those that debilitates themselves and tries to fault others for their self infliction,..they're torqued by demand and insistent choice. All right then. I'll pretend you said something about Big Baby's mid-range jumper and move on. You're a good good fan { I like that },...LOL !!! Now are you watching exactly what I laid out here being played out on the floor?,..
  7. quote: Originally posted by IronMaiden: quote: Originally posted by HoopsCzar: quote: Originally posted by UBBALLER8: No offense to him, but I can't even read his posts because they're written like that. Something about the contrast that makes it impossible to read more than a paragraph or two of his posts without getting irritated. No offense taken nor intended,.. But the question now looms if you can read at all. See because it was impossible for one that knows how to read to not know I authored this thread,..and you stated nothing about the game, any player or the series. It tells me you hunted for a complainer like yourself to allege what you alleged,..and that's Smart? or genuine? Why do they still give psyche wards internet access? Really,..LMAO !!! In ensuring I do what I can to make a difference. I donate a considerable amount of time, goods and services to an array of organizations and that includes hospitals and clinics. Where I've developed the mantra of help all those that nature or injury has introduced a need for assistance. But never associate such a worthy individual with a mental or physical impairment. With those that debilitates themselves and tries to fault others for their self infliction,..they're torqued by demand and insistent choice.
  8. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  9. quote: Originally posted by UBBALLER8: No offense to him, but I can't even read his posts because they're written like that. Something about the contrast that makes it impossible to read more than a paragraph or two of his posts without getting irritated. No offense taken nor intended,.. But the question now looms if you can read at all. See because it was impossible for one that knows how to read to not know I authored this thread,..and you stated nothing about the game, any player or the series. It tells me you hunted for a complainer like yourself to allege what you alleged,..and that's Smart? or genuine?
  10. quote: Originally posted by John Tropic:this is ridiculous It's a circulate LIE and it was started by a Knicks fan that wanted to wedge a form of distrust between the player and the team. Solely in effort to enhance his odds on leaving. It's tasteless slander that goes so far beyond the spirit of sports and decency that only a gutless pig could revel in such mud. Like or want a player, coach, owner, team or whatever. The lowest one can go is to slander them in lying manner or embrace libel against their loved ones. A lot of teams owner's, fans and players want the guy but lies like that crosses the line of any moral compass or self worth.
  11. HoopsCzar

    Hello and All the Best to Magic Fans from Boston

    quote: Originally posted by AddiFB:What you say is true and I have brought this up for other mods to evaluate. This speaks VOLUMES,.. That guy got identified as a Troll in detail and you sanction it,..and in your own words and actions.
  12. HoopsCzar

    Hello and All the Best to Magic Fans from Boston

    quote: Originally posted by crisby pancakes:Sigh, all you do is troll and try and cause arguments and thats when people can actually decipher what you write. Just so you are aware, you may think you're being clever using words with more than a couple of syllables but you seem to have no idea what they mean. This results in a number of sentences that have no structure or meaning. Please do yourself a favour and start contributing to this board. Posting with the sole aim of antagonising people is neither mature nor clever. Until you do Hoopczar, you're one more troll that goes on my ignore list. Mods please can you have a polite word with this person? His posts have the sole intention of antagonising people and by definition, that's a troll. I'm not trying to police these boards and I understand that you guys are extremely busy at this time during the playoffs and you do a great job here (way better than what I could ever do.)I'm just really getting fed up with this person Apologies if I have over stepped my boundaries. Oh Brother,..ROTFFLMAO !!! Bla, bla bla,.. in short aside from asking is " Bob " your name or just what you do,..you can't even SPELL antagonize and dare try to assert it. See sense we're sharing opinions be it known this is a sport's forum and I'd not only not EVER said a thing to you. I actually never even knew you existed. Yet " somehow " you're so bent , twisted, mixed up, spindled, freaked out and all that jazz. That where I was comfortable not ever noticing you or caring what your thoughts or personal problems with yourself are,..THAT bothered you. So sensible only those that share your orbital space in your Looney tune's from the freaking moon collaboration. Could or would even try reasoning with you,..it's clear that YOU are your own problem. See having said nothing to you and made no reference to, nor even cared or gave thought to if you even existed or anything,..THAT doesn't work for you. See with that being the case it's perfectly clear what you're REALLY trying to say amidst your telegraphing your absolute self induced rendition of -- " See by my assumption if " him " weren't here maybe " me " thinks I'd get noticed and I'll cry and contort thing anyway me can to get my way ",..now wanna blubber about my RETURN opinion and literal cliff note come back? See if you want dialogue and refuse to ever talk Basketball. I have a few questions for those like you that I'm all but certain you can't and or won't answer as you'd sense it'd incriminate you and solidify my accuracy. But just the same questions are,.. 1. - Just what on earth makes you think anyone came here to play your silly little " I'm king of the library " game?,..get real. 2. - Who cares what style of writing you like or level of diction they use that you can't comprehend?,..try making a post yourself and see who's on the kick you're on. 3. - How long have you harbored what amounts to being a drama queen. Which is one that tries to contend a friction or conflicting indifference. With someone else that has never said anything to you or knew or even cared that you exist?,..are you THAT much of a problem to yourself? Or for that fact what makes you think anyone that's not said a thing to you. Are supposed to understand, accept or bear any blame or association with or for your cunning position of crying and complaining and they've shown you you're absolutely of no interest, concern or even relevant to them,.. seriously,.. prove me wrong. Here's the difference between a Troll and a Troll tamer,... See here you are trying to fling the " Troll " term around at me with Troll written all over you,..lets compare. ME - Where I'm engaging topic and combo handling halfwits like you're posturing as that deliberately begs me to show a notice or recognition of you as a mere laugh. Mind you one that's intentionally railing for me to notice, accept and or favor honoring their invitation / demand / opportunity. To be more sensible transform the exchange of your transgressions. Into a form of fan fun that we can all enjoy and get a laugh out of,..see you didn't PM that snit because you WANTED me to address you,.. AND I AM. See responding is what fun loving contributors do and ignoring your unquestionably dire request to be responded to in kind. Would be partial, prejudice, and blowning a direct request / opportunity to make a difference if they had the time to do it.[/b] YOU - One who's interjecting yourself into exchanges among others. That nobody asked nor cares what you think. And you even do it in a topic thread where you offered nothing at all in sharing a perspective that's relevant to the posters effort to solicit views,..See THAT'S a Troll and it means and proves that you're the unquestionable epitome of a Troll and you're showing it and don't even know it. That's just the facts and it doesn't get anymore rational, verifiable or clearer that that,..since we're exchanging candid non profanity, nor threat, racial, gender nor sexual orientation opinions and insight,..Got that?
  13. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  14. quote: Originally posted by AddiFB:What people need to know is... if we lose and get eliminated, it's just basketball. Kid "Basketball... it's just a game" Kobe "But sometimes, it's more than that" *freaky smirk* But I still feel good about our chances Oh wow what Wisdom?,..ROTFFLMAO !!!
  15. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  16. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  17. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  18. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  19. HoopsCzar contribution's are no longer available on this website due to Mod jealousy,..LMAO !!! But it was a blast getting you from the low 3200's to 4129 member within a year Magic fans. I'm constructing my own Home court and you can stay in touch on twitter until then,.. http://twitter.com/HoopsCzar
  20. HoopsCzar

    Hello and All the Best to Magic Fans from Boston

    quote: Originally posted by O-dub:Guys..does anyone have any pills? BTW, I left my suicide note on the kitchen counter. Hold that thought O-dub I'm going to provide you a game surgeons read. That will remedy your angst in a way of placing the game in your lap. Which I assure it's effectiveness in cure and it comes with an exclusive HoopsCzar guarantee,..just what the Doctor ordered.
  21. HoopsCzar

    Hello and All the Best to Magic Fans from Boston

    quote: Originally posted by emory889: quote: Originally posted by SlipperySam:I didn't intend to start any infighting concerning my age. I make no bones about the fact that I'll be 73 in a few days. Take care, Sam You didn't start anything Sam. You are more than welcome here. Hoopsczar is a jack*** that is incapable of reading. You got one thing right,.. That being Classy Sam sure didn't start anything adverse. But you're being duly informed that you tried and boy are you getting it now,..LMAO !!! See now Sam, Magic fans and the entire global community are now getting a hearty laugh. By watching me do exactly to you what you " thought " you were trying to get away with trying it on Sam. But now as a result for your foolish plan. You're whining and crying because all it got you was a well deserved serving of HoopsCzar styled,..Blam - Blam - BLAM !!!
  22. HoopsCzar

    Hello and All the Best to Magic Fans from Boston

    quote: Originally posted by emory889: quote: Originally posted by HoopsCzar: Troll? Where he's a classy fan. It's you that could have taken the mystery out of that visual and posted your picture to validate it. However, we've all developed a rough sketch in composite to what you look like,..we all have commodes you know. That said and with your being such a consummate crevice and a backside blow hard that leaves you such a sphincter postured phenomenon. Allow me to share your mugshot that I've found circulating on the net,..stay puckered you tasteless Schmucker. Did you mother deliberately drop you on your head on several occasions or was she just extremely clumsy? Obviously the man is not a troll. He's quite nice and I'm sure he will contribute nicely to this forum for the duration of this series. I was making a joke because I seriously doubt that a 65 year old internet troll actually exists. Of course, I don't expect you to catch the subtility of that joke when basic reading comprehension still eludes you. Naw you filthy fraud { subtle this },..LMAO !!! You just came all wrong on a quality fan you misguided misfit. Now you just don't like and even trying to allege you didn't deserve the backdoor slam it got you in return,..LMAO !!! So now finding yourself the target of your own treachery. You contend it was a joke that your misrepresented yourself by. But in your blame game it's somehow alleged to be all my fault. Which is the textbook buffoonery of your insidious manner of slithering you Simpleton of dubious shame,..Boo Hoo to you. It's actually hilarious how you're resorting to whining about how I allegedly missed the look. By merely taking flight and clowning you out by thunderously crashing your rusty little bent rim on the two hand jam. That's reduced you to floor sweep from how I threw down that reverse slam that left you a more plausible punchline,..no fair huh. See Sam didn't have to serve you up you hack packaging of Hindquarters. See just like the quality folk within the Magic fans community didn't appreciate how you came off. I took you to task and you got shook and took from how I cooked your silly little Ash,..now you're just clean up needed beneath the rim. I just gave you a lesson in how yoking on you is easy as childs play. So here's looking at you, you combo cone headed clown and disingenuous drop shot Dummy,..ROTFFLMAO !!!
  23. HoopsCzar

    Hello and All the Best to Magic Fans from Boston

    quote: Originally posted by GoingForTheShip: quote: Originally posted by HoopsCzar: I think KG is looking really healthy and Rondo is just making a statement, that if his team mates fill the lanes and hit their shots. He can create loads of opportunities for them to cash in,..as a guard assessing a guard he's even more floor intelligent than he is athletic. That said I've been impressed with the Magic's GM and the players he's assembled that can down right beat anybody. Dwight Howard is the anchor but he's certainly not ever left on an island by himself. His team mates play off him extremely well and they don't force him to win it alone,..that makes them all dangerous. The odd thing about series like this that pit equally talented and skilled teams against one another. Is where the talent indicates it should be a 7 game affair. There's so many potent players on both teams that if one or two of them gets hot they can turn this series one way in a flash point second. Which leaves no doubt that bench play and timely subs in rotation will loom large. So the coaching emphasis has to be placed on avoiding letting any opponent heat up. So they'll have to be watching with a keen eye and not fearing but respecting. That just like they have such players on their team their opponent in this series does too,..the only coaching question mark in this battle to me is will Stan Van Gundy panic off a Celtic's push. But by structure both of these teams were built to be here in this position and there's no question they're the two best in the conference. Which they're both so good that it's my belief that the winner of this series takes it all and that's with no disrespect to L.A. or Phoenix. But these two teams can beat you so fast and attack in so many ways. That barring injury and knowing one will beat the other but nobody else beats the winner,..not this year. Great knowledge trumps good luck in series play and hoping the best of health for all involved,..so here's to 20/20 vision and the deep range game. After Jameers play as of late and Stan's coaching. I thought that you would surely crawl back into the hole you came out of. Since you were wrong on just about anything basketball that spewed from your mouth. But, your back with your terrible use of the english language. Please join another fan base already. No one reads your posts! Oh you poor constipated colon,..LMAO !!! Funny how you portend to speak as if you own or contribute anything. To include foisting how " nobody reads my posts " amidst your date of joining which signifies somebody that had joined said something to get you to register when you finally did you recalcitrant recluse,..don't fondle the Jock you joke. See nobody said Jameer wasn't playing well. Nor that Stan Van Gundy had blew a game yet you know nothing Nincompoop. I stated that Doc Rivers has almost immaculate in his coaching moves so far in the playoffs. As well as Rajon Rondo has been working the attack to perfection blistering the Heat and crushing the Cavaliers coming into this series you sagacious sap. It's bestowing rational respect you you self induced train wreck, Which is something you're so incompetently incapable of delivering you gaffe laden Goon. See if you even thought you knew ANYTHING about basketball or anything else. You'd have contributed and duly been noticed as opposed to how unknown and irrelevant that you are,..and had you remained quiet your stupidity would have went undetected. Yet since you know nothing and acting on a hilarious hunch of what only you'd perceive as infinite " whizz-dumb " in your idiocy incubator that serves as a hat rack. In your hardwood hankering you were compelled to beg for a board beat down and you chose me to be your choice to deliver it,..I'm flattered you wanted me to flatten you. So see in that food for thought you got hammered trying to go Hotdog. Which I just flash point cooked and even doused with mustard and relish even toasting your half baked hot crossed Buns leaving you unfit to be served to a treat seeking dog you dysfunctional Dunce,..I think you're gonna need therapy now. Which having told you the deal and given you your time on the grille. It's now fitting to lament like they say at a fun for all cookout, If you can't cook and have nothing to offer. Have a seat, shut the yell up,..AND EAT A WIENER. See NOW you've finally made the news for being associated with a court,..ROTFLMAO !!!
  24. HoopsCzar

    Hubie Brown on The Rude Awakening

    quote: Originally posted by O-dub: Great...... your back... Yep,.. It's that time of the season and being determined to see this Magic team win this championship. As a ball scholar and mismatch for the misfits to dare try to handle,..a few air headed imbeciles needed to be bottled up so I' just corking em in pregame warmup's.
  25. HoopsCzar

    Hello and All the Best to Magic Fans from Boston

    quote: Originally posted by emory889:It's a shame that he is so nice. I always wanted to see what a 60+ year old internet troll looks like. Troll? Where he's a classy fan. It's you that could have taken the mystery out of that visual and posted your picture to validate it. However, we've all developed a rough sketch in composite to what you look like,..we all have commodes you know. That said and with your being such a consummate crevice and a backside blow hard that leaves you such a sphincter postured phenomenon. Allow me to share your mugshot that I've found circulating on the net,..stay puckered you tasteless Schmucker.