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The Magics KG

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About The Magics KG

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  1. Lets put a ban on shards contract threads, since ive joined this board i havent been one for posting alot, however i read these boards daily and the guys that have been on here for years have probably discussed this subject to the brink. It aint changing, its a heck of a contract but so what, whats done is done, move on.
  2. The Magics KG

    Video: Otis Smith on Heat, LeBron

    This is the most animated ive seen Otis in an interview. He's smiling alot making remarks about how laughable the situation is, as much as i think he's the king of cool, he is showing the signs of someone who is extremely pissed off and trying to hide it. I hope he does make the right moves this off-season, i'd hate for us to lose him as a GM, he must know that despite "liking" this team, he's gonna have to sort out our weaknesses and pretty fast.
  3. The Magics KG

    Magic going in for Chris Paul

    quote: Originally posted by Magicman28:What a coward. Whats this sports world coming to where guys are given names like "The King" and "The Chosen One" and 1 hour specials to announce they found a new place of employment and they haven't even won jack yet? F that. I don't care how many rings he wins, IF he even does. Hes a coward. He gave up on his team in the playoffs and let the world know how much of a coward and self promoting ***** he really is. And why are you Magic fans acting so doom and gloom for? On paper it looks bad but in reality we'll be facing a team with 1 star and 1 coward, and 1 lapdog. Otis isn't gonna just sit around now and let Riley just take over the East like that. BTW the games aren't played on paper. You still gotta play the game on the court. When they come to our court we give them our proper attention with a big middle finger, boos and an butt whooping. [FLASH_VIDEO]<object codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="640" height="385" > value="transparent" > value="never" > /> /> value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5-yKhDd64s&hl=en_US&fs=1" /> /> /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="never" src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5-yKhDd64s&hl=en_US&fs=1" width="640" height="385" />[/FLASH_VIDEO] Your right, im gonna inject pure adrenaline into gortat as he sleeps, my polish contacts will gain me access to his crypt, he'll come out with shoulders wider than howards, a stare deadlier than bass and an aggression like matt barnes on crack. Then we'll see how special the big three is
  4. We are now the Clippers of the east coast
  5. The Magics KG

    Magic going in for Chris Paul

    We are done, we aint getting paul, we aint getting nobody, dwight will leave at the end of his contract. This was the worst news i have ever woken up to. **** miami.
  6. The Magics KG

    Magic going in for Chris Paul

    quote: Originally posted by Luke_FfS: quote: Originally posted by Skywise316: quote: Originally posted by Jareth Cutestory:TRUTH http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/ne...lebrondecision070710 Great link, too. It encompasses everything that real basketball fans are feeling. This. Thank God there is someone writing honestly about how much LeBron isnt a king but infact a queen, a major drama queen.
  7. The Magics KG

    Magic going in for Chris Paul

    Can Miami afford all three? and if they can scrape it what sorta money would they have left to sign the rest of the squad? I dont see that happening, all three wouldnt go to the one team, bosh doesnt like being outshined
  8. The Magics KG

    Orlando Summer League???

    quote: Originally posted by Lewis4thewin: quote: Originally posted by Maestro: quote: Originally posted by Lewis4thewin: quote: Originally posted by The Magics KG:Summer league may have just started but you guys see anyone who you think will get picked up who hasn't yet? in the dante-galante chat, dan savage said the magic are looking hard at randle. I like Randle, but do we really need another short PG? for third point guard it doesn't matter what type they are. He'll be cheap also, will prob never get minutes
  9. The Magics KG

    Orlando Summer League???

    Summer league may have just started but you guys see anyone who you think will get picked up who hasn't yet?
  10. The Magics KG

    Orlando Summer League???

    quote: Originally posted by Darrell_Armstrong: quote: Originally posted by The Magics KG:Just started watching, any surprises? No surprises really. Orton fouling a lot and setting bad picks. Ewing looks good but has chucked too many ill advised shots again. Randle had a nice little streak in the 2nd quarter. Never a good sign that our future Dwight back-up is fouling easily.
  11. The Magics KG

    Orlando Summer League???

    Just started watching, any suprises?
  12. The Magics KG

    Chris Duhon to join Magic

    quote: Originally posted by echo4papa:The same way you lay it out to place an image in a post. With the image tags. IMG and /IMG with the [] brackets around both and the image link between them. like this: (IMG)http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg150/echo4papa/3729404496_830ab9e71e.jpg(/IMG) but change these () to these [] Thanks bud!!!
  13. The Magics KG

    Chris Duhon to join Magic

    Guys this is off-topic just a quick question, how do you lay out the code in order to get an image in your signature?