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About chaney445

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    History, Basketball
  1. chaney445

    Cavs vs Celtics

    This is the only time I find myself rooting for the Celtics.
  2. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    That is called pascals wager. So you believe in god just in case. You would have to assume Christianity is the correct religion out of many.God will award someone who is just looking for a handout, instead of somebody who is honest in their disbelief. You either believe, or you do not.
  3. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    You can be an atheist and not believe in evolution, and there are many Christians who believe in evolution.
  4. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    Is there any peer reviewed papers backing intelligent design?
  5. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    It worries me that so many Americans are willfully ignorant when it comes to science. Science is the the foundation of our society. When you go to the hospital, you are relying on scientific advancements to save your life.
  6. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    Evolution relies on reproduction. We have a very slow rate of reproduction, thus making evolution of humans a very slow and gradual process. We look to less complex organisms with very fast rates of reproduction to witness changes.
  7. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    Should we teach every creation myth in human history. A science class is for teaching science, not religion. Just go take a class on religion.
  8. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    What people need to realize, is that these small changes lead to a large change over a long period of time. We only live for a short time, so we cannot witness large changes
  9. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    Anti-biotic resistant bacteria is observed in the lab. Insects becoming immune to pesticides is also evolution.
  10. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    Proving evolution wrong, doesn't make creationism right by default. You have to prove your point with evidence.
  11. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    Survival of the fittest doesn't necessarily mean the survival of the strongest individual. Being cooperative and working best with others can factor in with survival. I watch your back, and you will watch mine. We are both more likely to survive.
  12. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    Evolution just explains the biodiversity of the planet.
  13. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    Would you consider a Woman's pelvis to be intelligently designed to handle child birth? There are many examples of things that would be considered unintelligently put together in our body.
  14. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    The idea of evolution has been around since the ancient Greeks. Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution by natural selection, which is the model that describes the process, which is constantly redefined. Our understanding changes when we learn more.
  15. chaney445

    I'm not gonna lie

    Fossilization is a very rare event. It depends on many factors for an animal to fossilize. We are actually lucky to have any at all.