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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    He really isn’t an elite facilitator though. I think it’s apparent we need to upgrade that PG spot. I like Black but kid needs a few years. Fultz , we need to move on from. We need someone who can facilitate but also play off ball so Paolo/Franz can facilitate some as well as attempt and hit outside shots consistently.
  2. Jon

    2023-2024 Season Thread

    I don’t care for it. WCJ is the better player but Goga might be a better fit.
  3. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    Goga does things that don’t show up in the box score. He’s a much better fit than WCJ in the lineup.
  4. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    We need to reinsert Goga back into the starting lineup and find a PG who can hit three’s and relieve some pressure off of Paolo/Franz.
  5. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    That’s not even 500 basketball. What’s our record atm? We’re better with him despite this being our best season and we’re doing it without him?
  6. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    You can check last season and see that to be the case as well. This isn’t just 4 games.
  7. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    There’s a lot but here’s some telling ones Fultz 4.9 time of possession, 5.05 average seconds per touch, 4.88 dribbles per touch Paolo WITH Fultz 3.4 time of possession, 3.19 average seconds per touch, 2.34 dribbles per touch Paolo WITHOUT Fultz 4.6 time of possession, 4.02 average seconds per touch, 3.17 dribbles per touch Franz WITH Fultz 2.9 time of possession, 3.10 average seconds per touch, 2.32 dribbles per touch Franz WITHOUT Fultz 3.2 time of possession, 3.36 average seconds per touch, 2.74 dribbles per touch Suggs WITH Fultz 1.7 time of possession, 2.65 average seconds per touch, 2.11 dribbles per touch Suggs WITHOUT Fultz 2.6 time of possession, 3.22 average seconds per touch, 2.69 dribbles per touch Black 1.7 time of possession, 3.38 average seconds per touch, 2.63 dribbles per touch In the first 4 games (when Fultz was healthy/playing) Time Per Possession: Fultz: 4.9 <—- Paolo: 2.6 Franz: 2.9 _______________________________________ The last 12 games (Fultz played 1 game in the middle of this): Time Per Possession: Paolo: 4.8 <—- Franz: 3.2 ______________________________ Paolo's stats in those time frames. 1st 4 games: 12/5/4 on 44 TS% Last 12 games: 22/7/4 on 60 TS% Now one might say “ok then let Paiolo/Franz/Suggs continue on and just allow Fultz play more off ball.” Well issue is he has no game that’s meant for off ball. In 4 games this season he took 3 3pt attempts. Anthony Black, not the best shooter, took 9 in 4 games hitting. at a decent percentage. He has since tallied off but he’s still attempting them. Fultz style is also an issue. Fultz gets his assets mainly by slashing and kick outs whicch means ball has to be in his hands. Where as Black can receive a pass without the ball initially in his hands and make an extra one. He doesn’t have to have the ball in his hands, isolate dribble, break down defenses, just to make an great play. Black’s height and IQ here shines and doesn’t always translates to the box score. His pass might not equate to an assist but helps offensive execution.
  8. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    Unfortunately it doesn’t. It’s a big minus overall. I looked at it at all angles and all the stats show that Fultz game diminishes Paolo and Franz a great deal. Same stats show that when those two are playing well, we win more. AB has a lot of growth to obtain but he does things that Fultz doesn’t. His one our better defenders. A better pick and roll player and at least attempts outside shots and at times hits them. We are better when Paolo/Franz are making plays which with Fultz, doesn’t happen because Fultz needs the ball to even be a presence. Without the ball he’s not a factor whatsoever. His defense isn’t enough to say “well ok but at least he defends at a high level” Unlike AB who’s defense has been key for our winning streak. Fultz is also not an elite passer. He’s great at kick outs but lacks versatility in his vision. Isn’t much of a pick and roll passer. AB has been better even though the general stats show low assist numbers. He makes the right play at the right time in a variety of situations. I do agree that a different guard wouldn’t be a bad idea but the narrative that Fultz should come back, step into the starting lineup after the way we have played and been winning, has no data whatsoever to be a good idea. All data right now show that to be a complete mistake.
  9. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    It’s not an opinion. The stats are overwhelmingly proving that Fultz’s way of playing negatively affects Paolo/Franz.
  10. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    I don’t think some people look deep and see how Fultz’s way of playing negatively hurts Paolo and Franz It’s night and day.
  11. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    I disagree. I think we need to move on from Fultz.
  12. Jon

    2023 Off-Season Thread

    I thought it was a story about Black. I can’t view the rest of the tweet for some reason so I mistakenly thought you were talking about AB. My bad What else did the tweet say?
  13. Jon

    2023 Off-Season Thread

    I was talking about Black.
  14. Jon

    2023 Off-Season Thread

    He’s not a 2 way if he can only play 1 way.
  15. Jon

    2023 NBA Summer League Watch Thread

    Ok this was actually funny lmao. yeah idk about this guy. I wasn’t thrilled with drafting him. Only thing that stood out to me in college was defense. He wasn’t some crazy behind the back no look passer like JKidd. He makes good reads and passes but to be that kind of a passer you also have to the ball on a string when dribbling and he doesn’t quite have that. I’m hoping the SL coaching is so bad that when he gets with Mosley and crew it will be night and day. That’s the most concerning thing I have. We all knew his shooting would be work but if he isn’t an elite facilitator/passer, it’s a bad pick.
  16. Jon

    2023 NBA Summer League Watch Thread

    AB is a true PG. I hope he gets minutes. His **** needs a lot of work though. Don’t understand not playing Kai. Stupid decision if you ask me.
  17. Jon

    2023 Off-Season Thread

    If so that’d be great. You don’t want to make him immovable. Another concern is getting AB minutes.
  18. Jon

    2023 NBA Summer League Watch Thread

    Yeah. That’s the kind of sh** I like.
  19. Jon

    2023 Off-Season Thread

    Fear is he gets extended with an enormous amount. You have Franz contract coming up followed by Paolo.
  20. Jon

    2023 NBA Summer League Watch Thread

    AB played liked someone who’s been in the league for a couple of seasons (despite the TO’s). Added value to all aspects of the game. If that shot becomes consistent and he doesn’t shy away from it, he’s going to be real good.
  21. Jon

    2023 Off-Season Thread

    I wouldn’t even begin those discussions until after the season is over with. There’s no need. We have a log jam at the guard spot filled with young guys who are developing. One of them we just drafted. We should see what’s redundant and who gives us what we need to move forward. At the same time, we should be watching the trade market and strike when something opens up. Fultz has more value right now than after he signs. He very well might be a candidate to be traded because of the expiring and might be the best candidate because there is data outside of the w’s that shows he might not be the best option for the direction we want to go.
  22. Jon

    2023 Off-Season Thread

    I wouldn’t offer him an extension any time soon.
  23. Jon

    2023 NBA Free Agency Thread

    That would be financial suicide. I like his story. I always root for the underdog but until he shows he can be a viable, consistent, outside shooter to spread the floor, run PNR’s, play off the ball, all which would help Paolo/Franz to be better, you can’t even keep him as your starting PG let alone extend him.
  24. Jon

    2023 NBA Free Agency Thread

    Since 89...The beginning...Why? Because I’m from Orlando and was a player back in the day. I still follow Orlando but I’ve been having a hard time holding on due to the BS that seems to come with this team. Was real happy we got Paolo and Franz though. They are a positive but that can go south quick if FO doesn’t start getting a little more proactive and start thinking outside of their box. I use to post here quite often under the name Magicman btw. Waaay back in the day. My issue is I see a trend with this FO. It’s a very passive one where they spend a year evaluating, praying for a good pick, resign current guys, and some cheap vets who are on the wrong side of 30 and repeat. Right now you have a roster that’s incredibly unbalanced. You drafted two rookies with high picks, one that mimics your starting PG such as lack of a credible outside shot, attacks the rim and plays d and another who was a reach. You got other guys at the same positions you need to make decisions with that are blocking rooks PT which could very likely result in a disaster next off season.