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About charlesdarkley

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  1. Jareth mate, doesn't really matter aye. Gene, nah mate. It's like saying you're a top bloke. Like, you got me with your question. There's no way I'd know. Good call.
  2. Yeah nah fair call you blokes. Not you gene, you're a snuff. To lose a season, or part of, wouldn't be beneficial on any measurable scale. But if it's what has to happen for the game to go forward on the whole, I guess we've just got to bare it. It does suck though. A necessary evil I suppose. Don't worry though, you guys can get behind the NBL this year...
  3. Jareth, you'd prefer to play the upcoming season and the league go bust in ten years then? Instead of the league being sustainable forever and stalling the upcoming season? Silly.
  4. Kornheiser's no Wilbaun...
  5. False. If you want it badly enough you will make it happen. See Drazen Petrovic as a good example.
  6. I'd rather watch re-runs of the Golden Girls than trade for Darko...