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Everything posted by CG

  1. Ya que estamos pendientes a las ultimas noticias/rumores con respecto al futuro de Carlos, voy a hacer una mini encuesta aqui mismo (con el permiso de Matias y Dav!) Si Carlos fuera cambiado a uno de los dos equipos que mas se rumoran, o sea, los Heat o los Knicks, cual username usarian en la pagina del equipo en el que Carlos jugara? 1. Si Carlos se une a los Heat, mi username seria______________________________________. 2. Si Carlos se une a los Knicks, mi username seria______________________________________.
  2. CG

    Magic shows interest in retaining Arroyo

    quote: playing well in utah? didnt him and jerry sloan get into some crazy confrontation, hell of a player having it out with one of the most regarded coaches in basketball..here in the most crucial time of the season, the playoffs, he couldnt get off the bench..speaks volumes... 4yrs, ha, to be a career backup at best..hes garbage.. let all his worshipping fanatics root for him when hes rididng pine elsewhere or balling it up on the and1 mixtape tour.. maybe he'll catch on in europe or the dleague.. hes not an NBA quality starting point.. him not getting off the bench in the playoffs has to be the clincher, im laughing about it right now.. viva la jameer! Are you the dark-side, bad brother of Arroyo's Rumberos???
  3. quote: Dav:quote: Yo no se de viejos....acabo de cumplir 27, aunque se que muchos de ustedes pudieran ser mis abuelos!!!!hahaha..asi que nada de estar muy viejitos.. Si,... claro Dav! Tu podr
  4. Feliz Dia de los Padres Latinoamerica!
  5. quote: quote:Originally posted by CarlosDarwin: RDZ: quote: Originally posted by CG: Nelson should start so that he can be **** once again in the playoffs by the stuckeys of the NBA. RDZ. CG , I change the world violated for ****. I hope you wont mind. Excuse me RDZ, would you mind raped instead of ****? No mind at all, raped is good or he can be the wife of the Stuckeys of the NBA either way is fine with me.lol Maybe it would have sounded more politically correct if I had written, "physically forced to become the abused female lover" of the Stuckeys of the NBA....
  6. quote: quote:Originally posted by emory889: quote: Originally posted by CG: Nelson should start so that he can be violated once again in the playoffs by the Stuckeys of the NBA. Is there any chance we can get you to leave before Arroyo actually signs with another team? I'll even agree to let you come back in the off chance he resigns with the Magic. I think its better for all parties this way. Why the Carlos fans can't be in this forum without someone ask them to leave? The four Ps: Patience, persistance, perseverance, Puertorro....
  7. Nelson should start so that he can be violated once again in the playoffs by the Stuckeys of the NBA.
  8. quote: quote:Originally posted by ball junkie: quote: Originally posted by echo4papa: quote: Originally posted by CG: ... and then everyone praises and keeps hoping that Nelson will become the star PG of the "future" (how many more years will he get to prove he has become that super-PG?), based on his performance during the Raptors' series. The fact is that during the Raptors' series, Nelson had some good games SCORINGWISE, NOT PLAYMAKINGWISE, evidencing that Nelson is what everyone knows he is, an undersized SG! How about looking at 06-07 compared to 07-08... Took fewer shots (11.4 to 8.7) made higher percentage (43% to 46.9%) 3p fg percentage increased (33.5% to 41.6%) Pts decreased (13 to 10.9) Turnovers decreased (2.4 to 2.0) Ast increased (4.3 to 5.6) Going from a coach who forced the team to run set plays initiated by the PG, to a coach who let the team play a little more freely, shoot the ball without worrying about being yanked from the game, and initiated offense through Hedo for a good portion of the time, I think his improvements across the board are a good sign. Am I convinced he is the PG of our future? No, not yet, but I am optimistic about his future improvements. We don't need a 'Super' PG as you put it... we need a solid PG who can manage the game, lead the team, and pick up the scoring slack when needed. You don't need an 'all-star' caliber player at every position. Good post, Echo. I wasn't aware of his stats improvement until seeing here in comparison with last season. Man, 42% from the arc? Impressive! Let's see if he can improve in his playmaking ability next year. I doubt his FG% will increase, but I would love to see a similar improvement in Ast and TO's next season. That would be around 6.9 Ast per game and only 1.6 TO's (ratio of 4.3) Just as a point of reference, he was at 2.72 this season, and Carlos was at 2.84 4.3 would have been 5 best in the league, and would be a lofty goal, but mid 3's should be well within reason I think (hope). Although I was talking/writing about Nelson's "offensive heroics" against the Raptors and NOT about his season #s, your statistics support my point that Nelson is a very good scorer (undersized GS) but a so-&-so (backup) PG at best, considering that he was/has been/will be given ALL the playtime, motivation ($$$), and opportunities to "try-miss-try" again that Carlos was/will not be given by the Magic! With a monster like Howard at center, and ALL the chances given to Nelson by the coaching staff and management, he should have been the leading assist man in the NBA last season, period!
  9. ... and then everyone praises and keeps hoping that Nelson will become the star PG of the "future" (how many more years will he get to prove he has become that super-PG?), based on his performance during the Raptors' series. The fact is that during the Raptors' series, Nelson had some good games SCORINGWISE, NOT PLAYMAKINGWISE, evidencing that Nelson is what everyone knows he is, an undersized SG!
  10. quote: I honestly think we will have new backup PG's next year. It sure would be nice to have a guy taht can actually challenge Nelson for the spot. Dav, everyone knows that Carlos ACTUALLY did, but to no avail, "thanks" to SVG and Otis' beautiful minds....
  11. Los 10 Jugadores Mas Tecatos en la Historia del BSN de PR: 1. Wes Correa 2. Josean Baez 3. Cesar Fantauzzi 4. Cachorro Santiago 5. Grimaldi Vidot 6. Angelo Cruz 7. Bobby Rios 8. Hector Blondet 9. Edgar y Papiro Leon 10. Edwin Pellot
  12. Cuento corto sobre la drogadiccion de Wes Correa. Para los 80's cuando Wes jugaba brutal para Morovis, una noche cuatro mis panas y yo fuimos tarde al Baskin Robbins de Arecibo a mitigar los muchies... Anyways, cuando entramos estaba adentro Wes con ojos que parecian dos cherries y tratando de comunicar o pedir en balbuceos el helado que queria. Como nosotros estabamos un poco menos mal que Wes, nos reimos de su nota y el tipo se dio cuenta. Inmediatamente, dentro de Baskin Robbins, el Wes empezo a decirnos improperios en CocaSpangish y luego a amenazarnos con rompernos la cara. Aun cuando eramos cinco contra uno, nosotros como cinco buenos mamalones, fuimos poco a poco saliendo de la heladeria y nos montamos en el carro. Sin embargo, el Wes nos siguio hasta el carro y empezo a darle pun~os al carro y a los cristales del carro, pero aun asi, nosotros los cinco "valientes", salimos "juyendo" del Baskin Robbins. Siempre recordare lo mamalones que fuimos todos aquella noche y lo superencoca'o que estaba Wes Correa....
  13. Yo vi jugar a Luis Brignoni y a Ruben Rodriguez, a Jose Sosa y al Conejo Rosas, a Frankie Torruellas y a Neftali Rivera y los hermanos Dalmau, a Jimmy Thordsen y Earl Brown, al Mago Blondet y a Danny "el Correcaminos" de Carolina.... me ca...so en na'; que viejo soy!
  14. quote: Muchachos leyeron la noticia que ahora la prioridad de Otis es conseguir un Back up point guard. Aparentemente la estrategia de echar hacia un lado a Carlos y poner todos sus cartas en Dooling le ha salido mal. Dooling ha aumentado de valor mientra Carlos ya no quiere jugar para ellos. Como dice el dicho cria cuervo y te sacaran los ojos. Creo que Otis se equivoco al informar la noticia. El debio haber dicho la prioridad es conseguir un "starting" point guard porque el que le queda no es mas que un escolta con limitaciones de estatura tratando de imitar a un armador o en otras palabras, un armador suplente!
  15. quote: RDZ:quote: quote: Originally posted by ibonedteribell: Parece que el bobble head de Carlos fue una gran estrategia publicitaria para la asistencia de los juegos. Ya estoy empezandome a sentir fuera de este equipo. RDZ: Claro que fue una estrategia de mercadeo,Veremos que habran de hacer para atraer nuevamente las promociones comerciales y a los fans que iban a los juegos para ver al nuestro jugar. Veremos la promo para el "Hispanic Night" con Otis vestido de "j
  16. quote: lean este articulo muchachosCarlos Arroyo & knicks Esta comiquito el ultimo comentario que hace un miembro de ese foro con relacion a la noticia y cito: "Memo to Carlos: RUN!!! You do NOT want to be part of that circus better known as the Knicks!"
  17. quote: a bit of info regarding Carlos http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/8155660/Cavs-can-imp...but-it-won't-be-easy Might be a bit old news Gracias JJ por tu excelente contribucion! Esta parte del articulo esta muy interesante (o desinformada?) y cito: "Arroyo is more of a scorer than passer, but he is still a solid player." Curiosa percepcion o hecho absoluto? Discutan....
  18. quote: CG:quote: Oye Carlos, una pregunta; el nick Carlos Darwin es solo un nick o te interesan los estudios de Darwin en las Galapagos? Es un nick, pero Darwin fue un gran pensador e investigador al que admiro mucho y estoy convencido de la validez de su teor
  19. quote: Amigos no hagan caso de las provocaciones, est
  20. Creo que lo mas politicamente correcto para no ofender a nadie seria comunicarse en un ingles a lo Macho Camacho: "Yow creyendou que la Carlos es mu buena jugadoura de la armadora sou el debieria buscando una equpeichon que le haga jugaba muchas minutas coumo Miamaichon, Neuyoreichon, las Clipeichons ou Neujerseichon". Ven como todo se resuelve dipolmaticaichon!
  21. CG

    GET RID OF ...

    oh, oh, oh... and it is Elian not "elion".
  22. quote: Sobre el discrimen, quiero decir que yo consideraria mas posible un discrimen inconsciente que uno consciente, en cuanto a Carlos en la NBA. Hay cosas que afectan en mi opinion, como las diferencias en las actitudes que presentan los puertorrique
  23. quote: Amigos, si ocurre la movida de carlos, manteniendo este post vivo podriamos informarlo a los miembros puertorros y latinos para mudarnos en masa y tomar el nuevo forum como un blietzrick aleman.LOL Achtung, Herr Ibone... Achtung!!!
  24. quote: Hey CD,CG et al, tengo par de boletos de VIP para la serie de Santurce en el coliseo. Si memandan un PM con sus telefonos yo les doy el mio pos si acaso no pudo ir a alguno. Poe ejemplo hoy no fui. El proximo es el domingo y depende de cuan estropeao llegue de la isla. Gracias mil por la oferta, Ibone, pero yo soy bien vago para tirarme para el area metro, aun cuando lo que se ofrece es free! De cualquier modo, si Carlos de repente acaba de dar un giro de 180 grados y dice que si jugara en todos esos torneos, sera, porque como ya aqui han comentado los panas de "Jameer la fuente de 5'8", Carlos tiene algo seguro "por debajo de la mesa"?? Hmmm... esto se pone cada dia mas interesante, Faelo!
  25. quote: quote:Originally posted by KLR: Ugh para mi seria horrible que acabara en Miami, ahi hago como hice en Utah, le deseo lo mejor a CA y lo peor al equipo. Igual poe ac