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About Jungle

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  1. I think Brian is a great guy who deserved a second chance here in Orlando after the "Penny Push-Off", however I have serious reservations if the team has any respect for him anymore or even listen to him. I also seem to be questioning his player selections and rotations more and more frequently. An inside source tells me that the players are still clowning around at practice, and the old adage that you play how you practice seems to be ringing true. Also Brian's answer to 23 turnovers against Toronto resulting in 31 points was simply to list the players and how many turnovers each had. What kind of answer is that? Also, why is there not a Captain of this team, and if there is, there never seems to be any mentioning of such. The team is in desparate need of a player who holds the respect of the team and who can pull them together when it matters most, i.e. losing a lead or winning down the stretch. Darryl Armstrong used to be that guy until Doc Rivers let him slip away. We haven't had the "heart and soul" since then and it shows. Fire Brian...I don't know, but someone needs to take these young guys by the horns, and make them hold more responsibility for their actions or lack thereof.