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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Oh. Well an older better version of him. Even better lmao
  2. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    No. It’s because we signed a better younger version of him in KCP and we really needed and still need playmaking, shot making and PnR abilities.
  3. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Because KCP doesn’t fill the weaknesses we’ve consistently had for the lasr year or two and in the playoffs. He’s a role player that plays like our other role players.
  4. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    We improved? How? KCP? I mean we basically just retained what we already had. How did we improve?
  5. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    It’s just the same thing every season for quite some time. Weaknesses not being addressed, opportunities being squandered. Just gets frustrating. We won’t have this kind of salary cap room for quite some time. We won’t have a lotto pick for quite some time. So what do we do? We sign a solid guy but essentially a younger slightly better version of Harris, then resign Harris which is funny as hell in a sad way, and then we retain Goga. Then every trade deadline we sit on our hands. It’s not that it isn’t flashy, it’s lazy as hell.
  6. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Lmao, they aren’t trading for anyone. They don’t have the balls to take that risk.
  7. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I did t care for the FA personally for that reason. I just want this FO to make a trade that makes us better.
  8. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Denver also has Murray who’s a phenomenal lead guard. Celtics…They’re not only bigger but really good. Either one could go to another team and be first or second options. WePark needs to do better if we’re trying to improve on last years performance. It’s still early so verdict is still out but they can’t play this like every other off season.
  9. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Yeah copying another teams style never works. Denver has a legit 1 and 2 option playmakers as well as Boston.
  10. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I don’t see it that way. I see our clear number 1 with Paolo then it goes to a bunch of 3rd options. This was evident in many games and especially noticeable in playoffs. We need that 2nd option preferably at PG. It’s still early so maybe they have a plan.
  11. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    I’m not negative nor positive. Just factual. We desperately need playmaking. That hasn’t been addressed.
  12. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Yeah it’s turning into another disappointing off season. KCP is fine. He replaces Harris. Cool. Still haven’t addressed our weaknesses…Kicking can down the road again.
  13. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Same way I feel about KCP. It’s not terrible but if that’s it…Man…
  14. Jon

    2024 Off-season Thread

    Probably both leverage and interested. He’d be closer to getting a ring here than LA. If we don’t sign him, I hope we do everything to land Trae Young. Walking away this off season with KCP and or Hartenstein would be a failure imo.
  15. Jon


    Anyone got this game? No much a gamer. Haven’t played 2k since Dwight in Orlando days. Don't care for that Myplayer stuff. Just curious about the season being a general manager and the gameplay.
  16. Jon


    Yeah I think that’s the same. I never cared for anything else. Just make trades and play each seasons etc. That MYplayer wasn’t for me. How’s the on court gameplay? That’s my other biggest buying point. Played I think 2020 version and it was crap to me.
  17. Jon


    Start today? Is my NBA mode where you play as a General manager every season?
  18. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    They need to get back to playing Goga and Black again. I don’t know why they went away from it.
  19. Jon

    2023-2024 Season Thread

    Wonder what the issue is with Bouknight?
  20. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    lol this is nuts. I’ve never seen such a thing as a fan in my existence. Well scratch that, maybe Travis Diener comes close. Look, his name could be Bill, Mike, whatever. He’s attempted 5…FIVE… threes since October. Our offense has been at times dead last for more than one season and he’s one of the culprits as to why. Love the guy’s ethic. Was thrilled we traded Simmons for him so he can have a chance. I would even be good with him as a backup on a cheap deal.The fact remains, we need more from that PG spot than 5 three’s in a 4 month span ON TOP of missing 10-20 games a season. Period. If we want to build around Paolo, who’s my choice over Kelle every day of the week twice on Sunday’s, and Franz and Suggs, we simply need more. End of story. It’s not personal. It’s facts.
  21. Jon

    2024 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Maybe Kelle as a backup.
  22. Jon

    2024 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Yeah but they’re not going to want Joe Ingles.
  23. Jon

    2024 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Issue is he’s failed to address the glaring issues over the course of his tenure. He constantly wastes good opportunities to cash in at the right time with assets. Instead either resigning them after their value tanks or just letting them walk or trade them for cash. Only thing I hope, and it’s the very last thing I’m holding onto, is that by talking to ATL, he got a sense they will trade Trae Young and told them, let’s see how this season plays out and I’ll ttyl in the off season. However without those expirings, a deal is a lot harder to make. Which proves my point in paragraph above.
  24. Jon

    2023-2024 General Game Thread

    Yeah thats a legit positive thing. Problem Is when things tighten up and guys can’t hit shots or don’t even attempt them, that chemistry goes south real quick.
  25. Jon

    2024 NBA Trade Deadline Thread

    Nah. I’ve been here for a long time my friend. You’re very optimistic but at times blindly optimistic in an enabling negative kind of way.